US SCOTUS & Judiciary are playing a pivotal role in overthrowing American Democracy in favor of Christofascism:
Now that State House governments are dominated by the Republican wing of our 2 party travesty and gerrymandering has been approved by the US Supreme Court the same court need only approve in favor of letting State Houses override election results with they impending Independent State Legislature theory case and the overtly deep fascist can appoint what ever Republican candidate they want to the White House. That means Ron DeSantis or even Trump.
It is not clear at this writing if that includes people that don’t even campaign like a member of the Proud Boy’s or Oath Keepers that would make an excellent complement to the US SCOTUS.
Couple the culmination of these efforts may also be the rewriting the US Constitution (relying on the bible to help sell it):
“How Wisconsin Became the GOP’s Laboratory for Dismantling Democracy
Republicans are trying to make state politics voter-proof. If they prevail, the next coup attempt may well succeed.”
“Ari Berman on “How Wisconsin Became the GOP’s Laboratory for Dismantling Democracy””
Eastern Tailed-Blue (Cupido comyntas)
Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018 -09-10 _F2A7697aaaVsn2
The most depraved always do the best in American Politics:
“DeSantis Condemned For Using “Election Police” to Intimidate Florida Voters with Felony Convictions”