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6/2022 George W Bush’s grandfather also funded Hitler and the Nazi party

Updated: Jan 13

“It's not a joke any more, it's reality today. Anybody who doesn't get it - the joke's on them. Pelosi, Clyburn, and Hoyer kill every Progressives chances. "The Democratic leaders in Congress say they’re committed to supporting abortion rights and some semblance of gun control. So why did the top three Democrats in the House of Representatives -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Majority Whip Jim Clyburn -- go all out to support the only anti-choice Democrat in the House who also is a pal of the NRA?

Last month, when it was clear that incumbent Henry Cuellar was in danger of losing the primary in his South Texas district to a young progressive, the Pelosi-Hoyer-Clyburn trio pulled out all the stops on behalf of perhaps the most conservative Democrat in the House. That happened even after Cuellar’s house and campaign headquarters had been raided by the FBI in a corruption probe and after the Supreme Court’s leaked anti-abortion-rights opinion.

As it turned out, the blitz by Democratic Party leaders made the difference in the May 22nd primary that Cuellar apparently won by less than 200 votes over progressive challenger Jessica Cisneros.

“On the day of a mass shooting and weeks after news of Roe, Democratic Party leadership rallied for a pro-NRA, anti-choice incumbent under investigation in a close primary,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted as the votes were coming in. “Robocalls, fundraisers, all of it. Accountability isn’t partisan. This was an utter failure of leadership.””

Jules Suzdaltsev:

Old Joke: If a genie gave Democrats three wishes, they’d negotiate down to one, and then wish for something they think Republicans might like.”

Eastern Tailed-Blue (Cupido comyntas)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 8/7 _F2A6276aaa

“Brad Schrunk

Hillary helped move four million USA manufacturing jobs to other countries. The Executives get rich while we starve. Now that we know from official records of her time as First Lady that Clinton was the featured speaker at a closed-door session where 120 women opinion leaders were hectored to pressure their congressional representatives to approve NAFTA; now that we know from ABC News reporting on the session that "her remarks were totally pro-NAFTA" and that "there was no equivocation for her support for NAFTA at the time;" now that we have these details confirmed, what should we make of Clinton's campaign claim that she was never comfortable with the militant free-trade agenda that has cost the United States hundreds of thousands of union jobs, that has idled entire industries, that has saddled this country with record trade deficits, undermined the security of working families in the US and abroad, and has forced Mexican farmers off their land into an economic refugee status that ultimately forces them to cross the Rio Grande River in search of work?”

“Hillary's NAFTA Lie”


“The Chris Hedges Report: How to defeat the billionaire class”


“California just hit 95% renewable energy. Will other states come along for the ride?”





“(To understand the existential danger of #WetBulb temps at 90F/32C and above please read here:…

“The Psychrometrics of Existential Heat”

…This is no joke. It is our future.)

William C. Atkinson


Born 1925. #Engineer


BME 1950 #Mountaineer



Cambridge, MAatkinsopht.wordpress.comJoined August 2012.



“Hey Candy Giants: Stop destroying rainforests for cheap palm oil! Tell Mars, Ferrero, and Mondelēz to remove Conflict Palm Oil from their products now.”


“Gonna tell my kids this was one of the most blood thirsty terrorist groups in the world.”


No wonder!, Nazi influence in American government isn’t limited to just fred koch and Pelosi\Azov, etc:

George W Bush’s grandfather also funded Hitler and the Nazi party:

“Prescott Bush: American Nazi Banker”


“Prescott Bush is the father of former president George Herbert Walker Bush and the grandfather of former president George W. Bush. The family connection to the Nazi regime started in the 1930’s with the banking and finance dealings with Fritz Thyssen, an industrialist in Germany who funded the early Nazi Party and helped push it’s ascendancy onto German politics.

While this alone would not be so scandalous, it is the continued support for Thyssen after the American entry into the war that strikes as evidence that the Bush Dynasty benefited from fascism.”


Maureen Haley:

“Parties count the votes and flip them at will.

Parties keep voter rolls and purge them at will.

Parties gerrymander.

Parties keep Electronic Voting Machines and Digital Compilation Programs so they can hack democracy.

Parties store ballots for Recounts and Deny Recounts.

Parties like all of this and are not willing to let us change any of it.

See you in the Streets, NonViolently!”


“Arctic Sea Ice Extent (Area of ocean with at least 15% sea ice)


~ The fascists know that once the party in power has a government sanctioned ban on abortion (and ideally a bible based constitution), a sizable number of Americans will stand by them regardless of what they do - even if it means death, destruction, or breaking up the country - as as to do other wise would be synonymous with heresy

~ WAKE UP! If you’re on planet Earth and want to live, then American Democratic and Republican politicians must NOT be allowed to participate in government including ANY further “elections”


“Toxic disaster of PFAS contamination a nightmare for Maine farmers

It's a crisis happening in real time that is threatening the livelihoods of dozens of Maine farms.”


Get Ready for Trump 2.0 after Biden:

“A New GOP Climate Plan Is Long on Fossil Fuels, Short on Specifics

House Republicans unveiled the initiative in New Mexico’s Permian Basin, with one backer referring to “the awesomeness and the goodness” of the oil and gas industry. An environmentalist called it greenhouse gaslighting.”


“EU must go beyond weak global rules in its regulation of shipping emissions”

“A proposed EU marine fuel standard would promote sales of LNG, a fossil fuel supplied by Russia, instead of the zero-emission solutions needed under the Paris Agreement”


“Sanders Says Stop Busting People for Marijuana and Start 'Prosecuting Crooks on Wall Street'

"Now is the time for Congress and the federal government to end the war on drugs and legalize marijuana nationwide," said the Vermont senator.”


“Floods Trigger Deadly Landslides in Brazil

More than 100 people are confirmed dead, and many are still missing.”


“Southern California Lawns Must Go Dry as Water Restrictions Kick In

These previously announced restrictions on lawn watering might just be the tip of the spear for the state trying to combat its worst drought in over a century.”

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