“Trees aren’t a climate change cure-all – 2 new studies on the life and death of trees in a warming world show why”
“Cross-biome synthesis of source versus sink limits to tree growth” - by Antoine Cabon
“Future climate risks from stress, insects and fire across US forests” - by William Anderegg et al.
“Province Fighting Climate Change by Fertilizing Forests with Urea, by Helicopter
Critics call it greenwashing. Supporters say it’s an investment in public resources”
“The B.C. government has committed $15 million over the next three years through its CleanBC fund to fertilize 25,000 hectares of the province’s temperate rainforests with urea, a nitrogen fertilizer synthesized to mimic animal pee.”
Eastern Tailed-Blue (Cupido comyntas)
Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

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