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12/2021 Biden is fascism's not so Trojan "Trojan Horse"

Updated: Jan 13

Climate\Environmental Doomsday?:

I have every confidence Science can devise a plan to maximally ameliorate the environmental death & destruction unfolding on the planet, but I have zero faith in the world’s politicians doing even a meaningful fraction of that much. So, yeah, it’s doomsday.


“Unless You Like Living in This Dystopia, We Need a Revolution

We Need to Rebuild the World For Potential, Not Profit and Power — Or Else We Won’t Have One”


Record 38C\100F recorded in the Arctic:

“U.N. agency confirms 2020 Arctic heat record”


“100 degrees in the Arctic? Climate change is destabilizing the north and south poles.

Rising temperatures prompt World Meteorological Organization to add new category to its climate extreme archives.”

Eastern Tailed-Blue (Cupido comyntas)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-08-23 270aaap

“Climate change has destabilized the Earth’s poles, putting the rest of the planet in peril”




“Headed for a sixth mass extinction? MIT geophysicist warns oceans are on the brink

Daniel Rothman says carbon in the atmosphere may push our seas past a tipping point, triggering a cascading catastrophe for global ecosystems that we do not yet fully understand”

“Shells & skeletons of sea animals are carbon sinks. Acidifying the ocean kills the animals and removes these carbon sinks, further increasing atmospheric CO2. We’ve lost of the whale populations who also used to be an important carbon sink.”


Russia has $6 trillion decarbonization program, China is leading Green energy development not to mention built entire hospitals to help their citizens with COVID,... What is America’s problem?!?


“Cold, heat, fires, hurricanes and tornadoes: The year in U.S. weather disasters”


If our past & present politicians aren’t ultimately guilty of causing Climate Collapse & the Mass Extinction then who?!

And who cares about the cost of disasters when Government doesn’t recognize their obligations to the People and/or you’re a fascist who views catastrophes as a profit opportunity regardless of the deaths and suffering involved:

“Global Weather Disasters Cost $101 Billion in 2021

Hurricane Ida and flooding in Europe topped the list of costliest disasters”


“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

Jiddu Krishnamurti


“Hottest temps ever recorded occurred in 2020 & 2021.

Hottest Arctic 38°C

Hottest Global 54.4°C

Hottest Europe 48.8°C”


1,300 people per day are dying in America from COVID’s Omicron variant: infections are accelerating


“If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there’s no progress. If you pull it all the way out that’s not progress.

Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven’t even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound. They won’t even admit the knife is there.” Malcom X


Isn’t Biden raising the debt limit so the Govt doesn’t go into default like paying your credit card by putting the payment on your credit card?!


“Sign the petition to demand industry-linked delegates be banned from future UN climate summits!

The Fossil Fuel Industry Was More Represented at the UN's Climate Summit Than Any Country. Fossil fuel lobbyists have no place at a convention intended to save our future from the destructive ways of oil, gas, and coal.”



“Everyone knows about Chernobyl disaster, which killed less than 100 people in 196.

Few in the US know about the Bhopal Disaster, when the American Company, Union Carbide corporation killed 16,000 people and nonfatally poisoned 500,000 mor in 1984.


“Climate change is intensifying extremes, even in the oceans”


“Climate Change Worsened Weather Extremes in 2021”


“2021 Arctic Report Card reveals a (human) story of cascading disruptions, extreme events and global connections”


“From killer heatwaves to floods”


“Neoliberalism is an economic ideology that promotes unregulated free-market capitalism while minimizing government safety nets for those harmed by its structural exploitations.

This ideology has dominated our politics and social values over the past forty-five years, and it is one of the major reasons why the United States now finds itself dealing with growing numbers of marginalized people while the privileged members of our society continue to enrich themselves.

We can alleviate the structural harm caused y neoliberalism and by invalidating its moral foundations in our judiciary.”


“Time to end free ride for highly profitable corporate elite

Tuesday’s Economic and Fiscal Update should implement the promised bank tax and take action on fair taxation.”


Theoretically EVERYBODY benefits from a higher minimum wage as to the extent it is used as a base minimum pay index ratcheting up raises all other higher earnings levels

“Who Benefits from a higher minimum wage?


“The elders were wise. They knew that mean’s heart, away from nature, becomes hard; they knew that lack of respect for growing, living things, soon led to lack of respect for humans, too.”

Chief Luther Standing Bear, Sicangu and Oglala Lakota Chief


“Quad-State Tornado May Be Longest-Lasting Ever”


The Political\Economic privileged entrepreneurs create wealth…for themselves.

Whether they create actual value with their paper entities isn’t guaranteed. Despite all the big visible machinations of what they are doing they may be very well burning money in a barrel when it comes to creating value, or hiding it using a shell company (e.g. LLC, etc). In any event, wealth and value are a matter of perspective – the individual or society?

“If the economy is crashing because people can’t work, I don’t understand why the entrepreneurs don’t just create more wealth. I’ve been told for years that they are the wealth creators.

What is the matter? Do they need the workers or something?


Sam Carana:

“Winter is coming: Researchers uncover the surprising cause of the little ice age

Cold era, lasting from early 15th to mid-19th centuries, triggered by unusually warm conditions”

“Little Ice Age abruptly triggered by intrusion of Atlantic waters into the Nordic Seas” - by Francois Lapointe et al.


“The Warming Twelve Days of Christmas”


Not to put too sharp a point on it, but blame Pelosi:

“Major Survey Finds 100 Million Americans See US Healthcare System as 'Expensive' or 'Broken'

One in 20 respondents—representing 12.7 million people—said a friend or family member died over the past year after not receiving treatment because they couldn't afford it.”


“As the mercury rises, the urban heat penalty grows, especially at night”


“Powerful typhoon hits Philippines, nearly 100,000 evacuated”


“Concurrent heatwaves seven times more frequent than 1980s”


“Just imagine if this country scrutinized billionaire tax dodging as closely as we scrutinize financial support for the poor”


“We know they are lying,

They know they are lying,

The know we know they are lying,

We know they know we know they are lying,

But they are still lying.”

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn


I question countering today’s greed driven inflation with raising interest rates. The situation is not really characterized by consumers having a surplus of currency.

In any event, Nationalizing the oil & gas industry would give govt significant control over core inflation. Sadly the private wealth of the few is more important than the general economy


“Naming Elon Musk person of the year is Time’s ‘worst choice ever’, say critics”

“This year, so many people have worked so hard to help our communities get through this pandemic. Doctors. Nurses. Scientists, researchers, everyone who’s gotten vaccines into arms. Educators and staff who’ve gotten kids safely into school. All the people who’ve taken care of loved ones, gone to work day after day, and pitched in to keep our country running.

But you know who’s gracing the cover of Time Magazine as their “Person of the Year”? Elon Musk — a poster child for how our rigged tax code lets billionaires pay hardly any taxes at all. Let’s take a spin through some of his greatest hits:

In 2018, he paid zero dollars in federal income taxes.

From 2014 to 2018, he got $13.9 billion richer but only paid 3.27% of that new wealth in taxes.

During the first year of the pandemic, he got about $143 billion richer while millions of Americans struggled to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.

When someone makes it big in America — millionaire big, billionaire big, Person of the Year big — part of it has to include paying it forward so the next kid can get a chance, too.”


“"Doomsday" glacier's last-remaining ice shelf could collapse within 5 years, and scientists warn it could rapidly raise sea levels”

''Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier, commonly referred to as the "doomsday glacier," is so massive that it has the power to raise sea levels by several feet if it melts. Now, scientists are warning that its only remaining ice shelf — a brace that helps prevent the glacier's total collapse — may only last a few more years.

The glacier is about 74,000-square-miles — roughly the size of Florida — and is one of the largest and fastest-melting glaciers in Antarctica, researchers told reporters at a press conference on Monday. The Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf, the area of concern, makes up one-third of the glacier.

That shelf, researcher Erin Pettit told reporters, is currently "acting like a dam" for the rest of the glacier. But warm water has seeped under the glacier, causing it to melt, and the ice shelf is appearing to "lose its grip" on an underwater seamount that keeps it stable. ''


"See how the Antarctic is signaling major climate disruption

By Henry Fountain

Circling Antarctica, the huge Southern Ocean is out of sight of most of the world. It’s been mostly out of mind, too: It plays a critical role in Earth’s climate, but because conditions are so wild and dangerous, there’s been far less research there compared with other oceans.

That’s now changing, thanks in large part to autonomous water-measuring floats that drift up, down and around the ocean, bobbing to the surface regularly to send data to satellites. With so much new information at hand, oceanographers and climate scientists are now learning more about the Southern Ocean. And what they are learning is worrying. The ocean is changing as the world warms as a result of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

As I wrote in an article this week — one that is accompanied by fascinating visualizations, created by my colleague Jeremy White, of some of the new float data — the changes have huge implications for the future. The Southern Ocean may eventually release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, making it harder for the world to reduce emissions enough to stem global warming. And the ocean may accelerate the melting of Antarctic ice, which over the long term threatens to be by far the biggest contributor to sea level rise.

Key numbers: By some estimates the oceans have taken up about 25 percent of the excess carbon dioxide, and more than 90 percent of the excess heat, that has resulted from burning of fossil fuels and other human activities since the 19th century.

Scientists called climate trends in the Arctic “consistent, alarming and undeniable” in their latest assessment, issued this week."


“Two decades of dynamic change and progressive destabilization on the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf”


“Spain orders 30,000 people to seal themselves indoors as volcano spews toxic gas”



“Medicare for All vs Current US Health Care

Annual Health Care Coverage Cost Comparison*

*Based on NY CD 3 Median Household Income (HI) of $126,191 in 2019

4% of HI - $29,000 (1) vs Lowest Cost Private Platinum Plan (2)

$3,888 vs $26,249 (3)

This family would save a whopping $22,361 with Med4All

(1) 4% Health Tax Based On Bernie Sanders “Options to Finance Medicare for All”

(2) website health insurance calculator – NY Zip Code 11507

(3) The $26,249 private health insurance premium equals an equivalent tax of 20.8% III

4% Health Tax vs Tax-Equivalent 20.8% Private Health Insurance Premium”


“This is beyond horrific.

As a tornado approached, workers at a Kentucky candle factory were reportedly told *they’d be fired* if they left their shifts early.

The factory was leveled. Eight people died.

Corporations will literally let you die to make a buck. Never forget that.”


“Nancy Pelosi doesn’t think that members of Congress should be banned from trading stocks”

Quote: “This is a free market, we are a free market economy, they should be able to participate in that," Pelosi said.


Biden is fascisms Trojan Horse:

“NBC’s Brian Williams Quits With Strange Farewell Message: America Being Burned Down “With Us Inside””


“A German friend said part of the reason for their generous benefits was that the state hoped to protect itself from fascism, which is typically born from desperate economic straits. I think about that a lot.”


“If the richest nation in the world claims it cannot afford Universal Healthcare, then perhaps it is als the cruelest nation in the world.”

“"Health care is a human right, not a job benefit. We cannot continue spending twice as much per capita as any other country, while 92 million are uninsured or under-insured, and 68,000 die unnecessarily each year. Medicare for All is coming sooner or later. Let's make it sooner."

Bernie Sanders @ BernieSanders

"It's been the cruelest since it's foundation. Founded on a desire to murder and invade westward. Progressed on the idea of invading everyone else and breaking its word to everyone including its own people, and now the continued wars."

Istiibn Bellanger

"No fu*king shit it's the cruelest. You pay $100 in taxes and $70 goes to blowing the fu*k out of 3rd world countries, like $0.50 goes to shelter the homeless." #TaxationIsTheft

David Saxon

"No, just the cruelest, most thoughtless, narcissistic, money grabbing government! But we the people are changing that 11/6/18."

Darlene Coffey”


“Total economic impacts of historic tornado outbreak about $18 billion”

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