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7/2021 US needs to switch from a military industrial complex to a survival of people complex

Updated: Jan 17

“Someday we shall look back on this dark era of agriculture and shake our heads. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?” Jane Goodall

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

South Central Wisconsin, Iowa County, USA

2020 7/11 _F2A1626aaa

2020-07-11 _F2A1630aaa2


The Rich want Washington to convince us that China is our mortal enemy. China is a threat to the western 1% that controls Washington:

“Countering the “China Threat” – at what price?”

“The Pentagon is upgrading its full-spectrum dominance with China s the primary target.”

“This game-changing metamorphosis of how wars are fought is already underway. It’s called the JADC2 (Joint All-Domain Command & Control), a globally networked, cloud-based command center, overseen the by recently anointed U.S. Space Force. It was for this that the Space Force was created – not as a jokey Trump trifle.

“Each line item is a deadly weapon, which, discretely, already carries terrifying implications. But, take together, as part of the JADC2 – an integrated, multi-dimensional system of machines responsible for pulling the trigger – the whole is far more chilling than the sum of the parts.”

Quote: from post:

"Among the types of missiles on Biden’s wish-list are some whose range exceeds the limits in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty of 1987. But the INF Treaty is no longer in effect, after President Trump withdrew the United States from the agreement in August 2019, just four months before the creation of the Space Force. That means that Biden and Austin are now free to spend taxpayer money on these perilous weapons.

"Policy analyst Michael Klare has observed that this year’s budget subordinates all perceived threats to a single bogeyman-du-jour: China. War with China, specifically, means more nukes, long-range missiles, and unmanned weapons. These weapons are not just to be used by the United States, but are also for export to allies as well—much to the financial gain of weapons industrialists like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.

"For example, a declassified U.S. Department of Defense report from 2018 provides a directive to sell more arms to India, to 'enhance India’s status as a Major Defense Partner,' and to 'support India’s membership in the Nuclear Supplier’s Group.' The essence of the Pentagon’s massive global vision is to construct, from the ground up, a hard and soft infrastructure upon which the newly created Space Force can operate.

Also see:

“Countering the "China Threat" – At What Price?” By Koohan Paik-Mander, Foreign Policy in Focus, Jun. 25, 2021.

“War from Sea and Space: Hiding Empire in the 21st Century.” Bruce Gagnon speaks with Koohan Paik-Mander, GNSpace4Peace, Jun. 2, 2021. [VIDEO: 30:09]


“Is fire now in a climate feedback loop?”

“Super-outbreaks of fire thunderstorms could change Earth's climate, Australian and US experts warn”


“The Jet Stream Cut across the northeast and generated a bunch of tornadoes but it was the flash flooding from above average rainfalls, and the heat, that is proving Deadly.”

“Jet Stream Attacks Philadelphia - Tornado Outbreak - Climate Apocalypse Front Lines July 30 2021”


It remains common practice to cut funding to public schools in America, leaving many schools too hot for students:

“Can you comprehend???? So far 71 dead, 15,000 Homes destroyed, AND 2 MILLION ACRES OF CROPS ON FARMS, and that is just China, just today only! China Got Ravaged by abrupt climate change! again!

Greece is on fire.

Some high school kid died from the heat in the USA

That is just a sample


Oh and I uploaded clips from some really good old movies. Did you know Sam Pekinpah did Convoy (1978) ? Watch my movie clips! Y'know, while you are still able.

Climate Chaos Pakistan Mexico United States China Europe Greece - Floods Fires Heat July 2021”

“Climate Chaos Pakistan, Mexico - United States - China, Europe, Greece - Floods Fires Heat July 2021”


Exxon's rewrite of the Infrastructure Bill to dilute funds for fighting the climate crisis is irresponsible statecraft and a wanton act of Ecocide given today's climate chaos. It is environmental class warfare on steroids:

“Exxon lobbyists bragged about how much influence they had in this deal.

This is what that influence looks like.”

“Infrastructure deal whittles down climate spending”


Biden’s CDC Director saying vaccinated people can’t spread Delta COVID variant is right out of Trump’s playbook of let people die b4 profits. We’ve been dealing with COVID for over a year. We all know it. COVID is spread by being in you and\or being on you.

Biden’s CDC Director making such a statement is unconscionable. Either she is grotesquely, GROTESQUELY UNQUALIFIED or she is acting in service of the principal benefactors to the American Economy – the rich.


The Gulf of Mexico is America’s toilet for industry:

“Fracking Dumped Millions Of Gallons Of Waste Into The Gulf, According To Report”

“Our recent report on offshore fracking pollution in the Gulf of Mexico found that at least 66.3 million gallons of fracking waste leaked into the Gulf from 2010 to 2020.”


"Salmon are facing extinction not just because of warm weather or climate change, but because of Trump-era policies that continue to be carried out by President Joe Biden’s and Governor Gavin Newsom’s administrations."

“Editorial: The California salmon wipeout is even worse than you think”


“Crop markets wake up to evolving drought disaster”


“Global Food Chain Collapse - Extinction Level Event in Progress”


We need to switch from a military industrial congressional complex to a survival of people complex:

“Congress just gave the Pentagon an EXTRA $25 Billion. It will fund things like:

- The catastrophic $1.5 Trillion F-35 jet

- Billions of $$ of upgrades to our already insance nuclear arsenal

- Human rights abuses around the world

- Mass surveillance of innocent people


“How a New Aristocracy Is Profiting from Covid”

“Worldwide, secretive 'family offices' turn individual wealth into dynastic fortunes for everyone from CEOs to ex-prime ministers – and they've made big money from the Covid crisis.”

“Family offices, not to be confused with actual home office work.

“If you’re a member of the ultra-rich, with somewhere north of $100 million (or £75 million) to your name, the most common way to shelter your fortune is by starting a family office. Family offices worldwide hold a total of more than $5 trillion – a few hundred times the cost of vaccinating everyone on the planet against coronavirus and dozens of times what it is estimated to take to end global hunger and poverty for good. In the last decade, as global wealth inequality has skyrocketed, family offices have boomed. Today, there are 10,000 of them worldwide, up from 1,000 a decade ago, according to EY. Outside of the US, the UK has long been the global centre, with an estimated 3,000 such offices in London.””

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