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02/2022 “Catastrophic Arctic Atmospheric Methane Global Extinction in 2 to 8 Years.”

Updated: Jan 17

As the rich & their politicians\justices wage a successful$$$ revolutionary war, they have the rest of us fighting a losing civil war while the planet collapses


“Catastrophic Arctic Atmospheric Methane Global Extinction in 2 to 8 Years.”

“Wake1: This figure displays the exact link between the pattern of Fossil Fuel generated Extreme Atmospheric Pollution in North America, the overheating of, and increased heat transport of the Gulf Stream via the Svalbard Current to the Arctic Ocean (now 30% greater than 100 years ago, University of Bergen; Smedsrud et al., 2022; Carter2022). In the Arctic Ocean, the overheated Gulf Stream waters are destabilizing the Arctic Ocean shelf methane hydrates at an exponentially increasing rate and releasing methane into the Arctic Atmospheric Methane Global Warming Veil which will cause Catastrophic Extinction to begin within 2 years and a Terminal Arctic Atmospheric Global Extinction Even within 8 years (2030).

Humanity has to declare a ‘Death Sentence’ on Fossil Fuel Extraction in North America using the United States, Aquifer Destroying ‘Gas Fracking’ Program, the Canadian ‘Oil Sands’ Recovery System, leaking North American gas pipelines and the Extreme Fossil Fuel Powered North American Corporate Capitalist Commercial Activity. This ‘Death Sentence’ must be declared in 2 years (before the North Summer of 2023) if we hope to Save the Planet from Catastrophic Methane Global Extinction within 8 years.”


“Edge of Extinction: Why "They" Will Not Fix Anything”

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

D:\Data From 500gb OS Drive\Users\Pictures\PHOTOS\2011 four a only IMG_3353aaaa

“The Fall of Civilizations: Famine & Climate Change”


“Chris Hedges - The Seduction of War”

“War: a false sense of power when we are afraid; a sense of comradery for otherwise empty lives”


“In One Part of Europe, Soil Is Rapidly Degrading. It's a Warning to Us All”

“Dept. of Uh-Oh: In the Mediterranean, the soil is degrading, and land is turning to desert faster than anywhere else in the European Union, according to a new analysis. Experts warn that the combined effects of unsustainable land practices and climate change have depleted a finite resource to a critical point.”


“Global warming and Biodiversity - There's no going back”


“Charles Koch Is Trying to Gut the EPA’s Power to Limit Carbon Emissions”

“Dark money groups funded by the fossil fuel billionaire Charles Koch are lobbying Supreme Court justices to block the Environmental Protection Agency from limiting greenhouse gas emissions.”


“Gas-Backed Front Group Spreads Misinformation About Costs of Electrification”

“Just Biz as Usual: A group of natural gas companies and utilities in Colorado formed a front group to oppose the state’s push towards electrifying homes and businesses, spreading misinformation about the cost of electric heating while also promoting false solutions to lock in the ongoing use of natural gas.”


“Why Corruption is Always the End Result of a Competitive and Unequal Society”

The rich are rich because of government. For reasons that include not prosecuting them because they are rich:

“People game the system when it’s too difficult to get ahead using honest means. Corrupting and gaming the system are the outcomes of an unhappy and unequal society. When corruption is the only means of achievement, then that's what people will choose.”


“'Battlefield mode': Hong Kong hospitals buckle under Omicron wave”

“Huddled under blankets and thermal shields, dozens of elderly patients shivered on gurneys outside a hospital serving one of Hong Kong's poorest communities -- a grim tableau for the city as its health system buckles under an Omicron-fuelled coronavirus wave.”


“How to Deny the Climate Crisis like a Pro (and Get Away With It)

A case study on Randall Carlson, Jordan Peterson, and Joe Rogan”


“To fight inflation, fight monopolies

Cartels raise prices using supply chain and “generous” benefits as cover for price-gouging”

Raising interest rates to combat today’s inflation will serve only to raise the price of money along with everything else

“The majority of the public blames inflation on price-gouging. That’s not surprising, because the CEOs of monopolistic companies keep boasting about their record profits even as they raise prices.”


Peter Carter:

“OCEAN HEAT WORST-CASE SCENARIO With another big record high for 2021 (Cheng 2022) ocean heat is tracking the worst-case scenario, see gold colored plot in IPCC AR6 WG1”

“Another Record: Ocean Warming Continues through 2021 despite La Niña Conditions”


No forest, then no forest fires!?:

“The $50 billion plan to fight wildfires could be a surprise boon to the building industry

One side effect may be a huge infusion of ecologically harvested wood into the supply chain for building materials.”

“U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Forest Service recently announced a $50 billion plan to fight wildfires.”


Never Forget:

“March 21st , 2016 CNN Poll: If Bernie Sanders is nominated his 20 pt victory over trump will be the largest landslide in recent U.S. History”

Instead, we are on track for the next couple of elections delivering us firmly into the hands of deep fascism complete with a rewritten U.S. Constitution.


“Jean-Luc Brunel: Jeffrey Epstein-linked fashion agent found dead in cell

Detained associate of late billionaire faced charge of underage rape”

“Will Menta writes

For those who haven't been following this for years: yes these are bad people, who did bad things. We aren't sad they're dead, we are sad they mysteriously were found dead in their cells before they could testify and turn in all their equally bad, rich clients. They keep mysteriously dying, while in government custody, before they have a chance to testify and turn in their rich clients. THAT is the problem here.”


Democrats and Republicans are the enemies of all mankind:

“The US Postal Service is buying over 145,000 gas-guzzling vehicles instead of electric vehicles. Tell the Postmaster General that it's time to electrify the USPS's mail carrier fleet!”

“Tell Postmaster General Louis DeJoy To Modernize The USPS's Fleet.”

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