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6/2022 Democrats ignored a critical deadline to stop GOP gerrymandering

Updated: Jan 17

Mark Trewick

“The islands of Svalbaad, a stark comparison between May 31st of last year and this year. A record early surface melt.”


Worldview interactive map:

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 6/15 _F2A6164aaa

Maureen Haley:

“Zain Hasan writes

"Here's another important lesson. Despite what you may be told, respect should not have to be earned. It is owed to you as a human being, especially by those who have power over you in some way. Disrespect in an uneven dynamic is bullying." - A teacher at a Kansas school submitting her resignation to the school board.

Which begs the question...How did we ever reach this point where we now expect someone to earn respect rather than it being seen as a given? Surely respect for others should be innate to all of us. Something that should come as natural to us as breathing.

Has arrogance now become so manifest, consequently corrupting our souls with this ludicrous notion that respect for others should be measured in equivalent monetary terms? ie. You want it? You pay/earn it first. How utterly absurd. How did we get here?”


“Apocalypse Food?”

“Edge of Extinction: Securing Water and Food


Unless they filled up the strategic oil reserve using 5 gallon buckets - and they didn’t - it can be drawn down in bulk for immediate relief at the pump. Moral of today’s reserve is: something else is going on and that’s why it’s not available

My guess is the rich want to use it to create wealth via war making


The problem with identity politics is that assholes occur in every walk of life. (That and money is pretty much a universal weakness.)


~ Greedflation is CLASSWARFARE:

“CLASS WARFARE - Gas prices reach $8/gallon as Big Oil accumulates record profits to benefit a stock market where 89% of everything is owned by wealthiest 10%”

~ Each Mass shooting is an opportunity for Democrats & Republicans to shake down the gun lobby for donations in order to maintain the status quo

~ They profited off us while our corpses piled up from COVID18USA. Those that survived - this time - continue to be bled by their greed, while we wait our turn to be cooked alive by our own planet that they killed. This is our 2 party system

~ Biden’s full of shit. The strategic oil tree reserve - custody of JP Morgan Chase - can be used to bring IMMEDIATE relief at the pump to 99%s working to make ends meet

~ Don’t worry about whether America’s next President is going to be a Hitler - he or she IS, thanks to Democrats it’s a done deal. You now need to worry about what Hitler put the German people both during his reign & after he fell

~ It’s “Labor Shortage” at a particular rate of compensation.

We are seeing cheap employers refusing to let go of profits made from labor exploitation,...and if it’s an airline having trouble finding scab pilots FOR CHRIST SAKE DON’T FLY WITH THEM!

~ Nationalize the Oil & Gas industry

~ “Good Morning America” mainstream media has been spending a wildly inordinate amount of time on Johnny Dep\ Amber Herd divorce!? Planet’s dying, eyelash away from deep fascism, nuclear war, Covid lies, food collapse, etc?!?!?!


“(The replacement of vegetation zone toward to high-altitudes. It is about 167m lift in the vertical dimension when the temperature increases 1°C. Accordingly, vegetation redistribution and species migration will take place. Note that the altitudes of the three representative vegetation zones, that is, subtropical forest, temperate forest, and alpine tundra are according to the references (Colwell et al., 2008; Díaz-Varela et al., 2010; Jump et al., 2009; Körner, 2005). Credit: Earth's Future (2022). DOI: 10.1029/2021EF002566)”

“How alpine grasslands respond to climate change and anthropogenic impacts”


All one big party if you are on the inside, if not, you can suck it.

And I doubt tipping bottles of Schlitz is what god pulled over. More like $85 martinis

“Paul Pelosi, husband of House speaker, arrested on DUI charge”


“The enigmatic tropical alpine flora on the African sky islands is young, disturbed, and unsaturated”


“Yesterday I noticed this. CO² emitting at 850hpa over East Africa.

Then today, this Phys.Org paper shows up on my news feed:

(On the tops of the high mountains in the tropics of Africa grow unique communities of highly adapted, often bizarre looking plants. Giant rosette forming senecios and lobelias tower above dwarf shrubs and other plants that have found strategies to resist extreme daily fluctuations between wintery, often sub-zero temperatures at night, followed by high insolation, summer-like conditions during the day—all year round. These "sky islands" poke out of a sea of very different lowland tropical vegetation. They are isolated and unique.

Martha Kandziora, a recent MSCA Widening Fellow at CUNI, is the lead author of a new paper, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. She and colleagues analyzed genome data from an unprecedented sampling across afroalpine plants using novel techniques developed by Kandziora. They revealed a dynamic evolutionary history of this remarkable flora, with frequent colonizations from distant temperate zones at higher latitudes followed by extinctions, most likely caused by climate changes during the ice age cycles.

Extinction and recolonization of the afroalpine flora may have been frequent as measured on an evolutionary timescale—in this case, mostly within the last 5 to 10 million years—but this is nothing compared to the rapid pace of modern human-mediated extinctions. Today, whole ecosystems are affected by human-induced climate change. On top of habitat destruction (particularly through over-grazing), the afroalpine flora will be particularly vulnerable to human-induced climate warming as it reduces the alpine habitat into successively smaller areas at higher elevations.

The work is the latest in a series of papers presented by Kandziora and international collaborators shedding light on the origins of plant groups found in tropical alpine zones—not only of Africa, but also of the much greater extent of Páramo in the high Andes of South America. Ongoing research using cutting edge genomic data and bioinformatic tools will search for general processes underlying plant diversifications in these fascinating habitats.)”

“The enigmatic tropical alpine flora on the African sky islands is young, disturbed, and unsaturated”


Unraveling the web of life:

“As the oceans and lakes heat up, fish are responding by moving to greater depths to try to survive. Birds who would normally feed on them can't dive deep enough any longer and countless numbers are washing ashore dead or starving.


“Republicans Are Poised to Gerrymander Their Way Into Long-Term Power”

“Democrats missed a critical deadline to stop GOP gerrymandering. Now it will be full steam ahead on the Right’s undemocratic agenda.”


“Joan Moore writes

Big Bill Haywood was a socialist as were all his brothers and sisters in the IWW. They were persecuted by the bosses and the government and many were killed...some tortured.

But they had the secret to success and that is why they had to be eliminated or neutralized.

The secret is not so secret but forgotten, it seems.

It is that Capital and Labor are enemies.

The mission of Labor is to raise the value of the working classes. Not the cost of the work, which is what capitalists see it as, but the quality and value of the lives of those who produce the wealth.

Capitalism seeks to exploit labor, and resources and distribute goods and services at the highest possible price.

The US labor movement forgot that fact and it kicked out its socialists and anti-capitalists from its ranks in the last century and it has failed as a result.

I didn't understand that myself until later in life.

I believe we would surely have made a difference and made life better for the American working families everywhere if more of my brothers and sisters and comrades in the movement had done.

No doubt we wouldn't have more billionaires than any other country in the world either.

That would be ok with me. I don't think that there should be any at all.“


May 29, 2022

“UN Warns of Global Wheat Stockpile Crisis”

“The world has about 10 weeks of wheat stocks in storage as some of the grain's major growing regions go through a dry season.”


$40+ billion for what?!:

“Ukraine is now trying to bomb dams and hydroelectric facilities. As Ukraine retreats.”

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