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6/2022 “Trees are Facing Unprecedented Die-Offs”

Updated: Jan 17

OMNICIDE\GENOCIDE: They know they’re continuing to kill the planet, and they know they are killing the 99% along with it but don’t care because they think we are inferior. Another example of their class warfare rife with social murder being GENOCIDE


Sadly sorely needed by many as the rich kill off the planet:

“Overcoming Our Fear of Death”

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 8/7 _F2A5718aaa

It is a different world and future now, and your priorities should change accordingly:

“The Urgent Over the Important”


Biden’s FDA caused the baby formula shortage by screwing-the-pooch in its dealings with Abbott


KKK Grand Dragon fighting traffic in Madison, Wisconsin?:

Live from Madison Wisconsin (yep, it’s what you think it is. And no, that yellow “K” ain’t shorthand for Kentucky Fried Chicken). And get a load of the license plates.

So how about a big round of applause for our “two” political parties for crafting a society that SHOULD LAND ALL THE MUTHER FLUNKERS IN PRISON


The alleged differences in opinion between politicians who call themselves Dems & Reps is theater. Its main purpose is a single party informing nonrich voters of ideological nuances that will keep them from unifying

No term limits contributes to putting party before the 99%’s economy


“Before the pandemic, middle-class families received an average market income of $52,200. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $2,600 less than in 2000. Explore more data on middle-class wealth in the US.”


“Coming to terms with our grief for the world... “

“This is the decade we were supposed to be undertaking a vast transformation in infrastructures to bring climate-twisting pollution down by at least half.

To leave our kids with a world they can cope with.

A Green New Deal, with World War II scale of investment.

Instead we seem to be setting up for World War III, with nations amping up their arms spending, while the fossil fuel industry gains the clout to reverse drilling bans.”


“Sri Lanka hit by worst economic crisis since its independence”



Explode like magnified gunfire in the exquisitely sensitive ears of all creatures.

Bees: become so disoriented they don’t go back to their hives

Birds: have panic attacks at night, causing mass deaths.

Wild Animals: raising babies abandon their dens in fear.

Fish & other animals perish after ingesting firework debris.

Companion Animals: have anxiety & panic attacks.

Humans: have PTSD”


Cartoon: “NRA plan for school security…”


“I think the word I'd use to describe the Arctic sea ice is "tenuous".

Gif from Kris Van Steenbergen.”


Biden’s Infrastructure melee by Jacobin magazine


“The Managerial Class Will Never Give Us Socialism”

“Today's capitalism may have increased the power of managers relative to owners of capital. But this shift doesn't mean a friendlier ruling class — if we want a better world, it’s still up to the working class to make it.”


“Larvae reared on tropical milkweed become adults with the wrong metabolism for migration”


Peter Kalmus:

“I’ve met activists who freak when they hear that 80% of global heating is due to fossil fuels. Some believe “the” solution is to end animal agriculture, some that it’s soil and carbon farming. Both groups are in science denial and/or can’t accept clear need to end fossil fuels.”


“Global temperatures from 250,000 years to the present.”


“The real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the Statehouses, the city halls.

The spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want.

But I’ll tell you what they don’t want.

They don’t wan a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want a well-informed, well—educated people capable of critical thing.

George Carlin.”


“2022 Myth:

If we cancel student debt, we will encourage laziness.

2022 Fact:

If we cancel student debt, we will create the greatest economy boom in U.S. history.” That when coupled with a Green New Deal and Medicare For All will make America a leader internationally. The problem is our bribery based government does not make decisions that benefit the country’s economy only the wealth of a select few because that’s how politicians get rich and secure their careers.



“Trees are Facing Unprecedented Die-Offs”

“It is one thing tp speak directly about the global Temperature rise but has anyone thought about what will happen when the Summers get so hot that the trees die off due to drought and wildfires?

Without the prime CO2 absorber, how fast will our Global Average Temperatures rise?

Sam Carana, Kevin Hester, Paul Beckwith”


“Researchers have discovered that unusually warm pockets of Pacific water are migrating into the Arctic Ocean and accelerating sea ice melt.”



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