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10/2022 There are at least 8 ways Democrats could remove Supreme Court Judges but they choose not to

Updated: Jan 17

Strategies for their removal of “life-time appointments” to the judiciary made by a treasonous anti-American President may or may not include:

1. defunding their salaries;

2. forcing their retirement;

3. buying them out of their appointment;

4. illegally firing them and allowing them to seek restitution against the U.S. Government in the courts;

5. pass a law targeting a judges’ circumstances making it illegal for them to be a judge;

6. fire them legally for just cause;

7. impeachment, and

8. use any of the above in tandem with the bully pulpit.

Trump “counseled” Anthony Kennedy to retire. The only reason a judicial appointment is “life-time” is because the dominant political party lacks the will to end it. Beyond which the Supreme Court has a history of “Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted.” Recruiting assistance internationally to purge the justices may also help.

[Ref. Making it all Permanent, 5/2020]

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

South Central Wisconsin, Dane County, USA

2018-09-22 _F2A8210aaa

Human Reform Politics on FB \ From Douglas Dunn

December 2, 2021

All of the six Republican-appointed ”justices” are illegitimate. All were either appointed by an illegitimate “president” who did not win the popular vote and only “won” the electoral college by massive cheating and voter suppression, OR lied under oath about sexual violence during their confirmation hearings, OR only got their nominations or confirmations because of illegitimate manipulation of the confirmation process in ways never envisioned by the Founders.

1. Clarence Thomas — committed perjury during confirmation hearings lying about sexual assaults.

2. John Roberts — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating and voter suppression in Florida.

3. Samuel Alito — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression.

4. Neil Gorsuch — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and vote suppression in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Also occupies a seat that should have been filled by Obama who was obstructed by racist Mitch McConnell.

5. Brett Kavanaugh — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and voter suppression AND committed perjury during confirmation hearings and sexual assaults, including rape.

6. Amy Coney Barrett — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression AND whose appointment was illegally rushed through in an unprecedented violation of the Senate’s own rules after voting in a presidential election was already under way.

Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh both lied under oath about sexual harassment of women, who they seem to think are their personal playthings. They are hardly the right people to be making judgments about women’s rights.

The nonconforming and surreptitious nature with which they cancelled the Clean Air Act qualifies them from removal from the bench


1971 Supreme Court Justice Powell Memo laid out plan for American Government to kill its own Democracy:

And both DEMOCRATIC and REPUBLICAN politicians have followed it religiously ever since.


The plan to destroy America as been in place since 1971 with the Powell Memo.

Chief Justice Powell wanted corporations to run America not the people.

1. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail.

2.. Legalized Media Propaganda When The Fairness Doctrine Was Abolished by Reagan in 1987.

3. Consolidate "news" to brainwash the people. Bill Clinton The Telecommunications Act of 1996.

4. Take way our rights as stated in the Patriot Act and the NDAA.

5. Permanent Detention Without Charge Clearly Stated In The NDAA.

6. Break labor unions

7. Completely Reverse The New Deal

Their plan has succeeded. It is now too late to avoid it. Working together for major corporations the Democrats and Republicans have the American people by the balls with the next few elections locked in favor of deep christofascism - we lost and our Democracy is on its way out.

Democrats will not do what it takes to stop it.

“The Powell Memo (AKA the Powell Manifesto)

The Powell Memo was first published August 23, 1971”


America’s Judiciary is an abject joke:


“Leonard Leo’s network is trying to reshape the world into the Kingdom of God.”

“For Christ’s Sake”


The collector of stolen children – the hyper superstitious SCOTUS “judge” Amy Coney Barrett is dirty. And thanks to Democrats the Supreme Court is still owned by Charles Koch who apparently is ok with depraved behavior:

“‘People of Praise leaders failed me’: Christian group tied to Justice Amy Coney Barrett faces reckoning over sexual misconduct”

Religion is often a cover for sexual deviants and crimes. When I worked for foster care oversight, I was shocked at the higher rates in evangelical regions. As a therapist, I know that wife swapping and sexual preoccupation was rampant in our local mega-church.

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