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Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Updated: Jan 17

American Politicians are pushing for more oil:

“The letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)—who made a backroom deal with Manchin (D-W.Va.) on permitting reform to pass the Inflation Reduction Act—echoed a message that dozens of Democrats sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) last week.”

“'More of This!' Merkley Leads Senate Demand for Separate Vote on Manchin Deal”

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018-08-10 1035aaa

Joe Manchin, Chuck Schumer, SCOTUS, etc are all guilty of Ecocide and must be prosecuted:

“Manchin Unveils Full Text of 'Shameless Handout to the Fossil Fuel Industry'

One campaigner said the "reckless and dangerous" bill "would devastate communities and the climate while making a mockery of Congress and the Biden administration's commitments to environmental justice."”


“What if carbon border taxes applied to all carbon – fossil fuels, too?”


“The Sneaky Ways Big Oil Misleads the Public With Money and Power

Big Oil lied to us for decades about climate change. And they've hid behind scientists, academics, and even "grassroots" groups to do it.”


“Arctic System Collapse? Devastating new research.”

“The arctic region is a key driver of global climate patterns. In the summer of 2022, three peer reviewed research papers were published, all of which showed the systems that have kept the arctic stable for thousands of years are now collapsing far more quickly than previous analysis and modelling had suggested. A fourth paper, published at the same time, shows us what the consequences are likely to be. This video assesses all four.”


“Three Gorges Dam failure: China's record drought in 6 decades reveals reason”


America is a joke. Once again China outperforms the kleptocracy known as the USA.


“China’s $1 Trillin Infrastructure Plan”

“How China Re-Establishing Strategy Continue To Hurt US And Europe | MegaProjects of China”


“Europe and China Cooperation $560 Million Cross Border Bridge”


An underground complex to help the nonrich survive global warming?!?! Is China insane?’ It’s like they are putting value on the lives of non billionaires!! Pelosi will pass ice cream thru her nose if she learns of this!! How unAmerican can China get?!?!

“China's 60,000 people involved in amazing underground project”


Children are still in cages. Biden has increased the number of children in cages by 700%:


Napoleon, Hitler, and now Biden:

“history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes” Theodor Reik


Caitlin Johnstone for public office:

“The US empire uses “freedom and democracy” as a pretext to conquer and kill in exactly the same way European colonialists used the pretext of spreading Christianity and civilization to save the godless savages. And it does so for the exact same reasons.”


FB: “Alliance against Democrat Hypocrisy”

“A lot of progressives think that illuminating Democrat hypocrisy is a futile exercise. We have seen the DNC's true colors. Why would they ever change? Why even try to hold them accountable? These critics are right that the DNC is a monster that has no benevolence to anyone except to its corporate donors. But it is a monster with an Achilles' heel -- the fact that its legitimacy is based on the myth that it is truly democratic. This is the reason they put their commitment to being fair and impartial in their charter -- they need that legitimacy to survive. That's exactly where they are the weakest and where we need to apply maximum pressure. That is the essence of a hostile takeover of the party and it can work because their need for legitimacy ties their hands. All they have is PR and we can counter that PR by constantly pointing out their hypocrisy. That's what this group is dedicated to doing.”

“The ONE thing that many of you need to pause and look at, is that the “Democratic “ party was willing to hand the election to the Republican Party, rather than allow a modern day FDR type candidate (Bernie Sanders), who would have defeated Trump by double digit percentages.

And to do that, they were willing to show themselves, blatantly rig the primaries, and use 700 of their own insiders and lobbyists “Superdelegates,” to override the votes of 7 million of their own party members. That is not at ALL “democratic.”


Middle Ground on Climate Change = Uninhabitable Planet

Middle Ground on Healthcare = 30k+ die each year

Middle Ground on Wall Street = Multi-Trillion Bailouts

Middle Ground on Social Security = Work Until you Drop Dead

Middle Ground on Housing = 553K homeless


“The US is occupying 1/3 of Syria, so invoking the UN charter is awkward. But White House speechwriters are crafty; they got around it by getting Biden to say that countries cannot take “territory” *of their neighbors* by force.”

Reader Comment: “Kris DeWeese – The U.S. has been stealing Syria’s oil for the past few years.”


Ryan Knight:

“A Princeton study revealed the bottom 90% of earners in U.S. – which is the vast majority of the people – have zero impact on policy.

Remember this when neither ruling class party begs for your vote or money. Don’t give it to them. They don’t represent anyone except their rich donors.”



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