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12/2022 There are wildfires inside the Arctic circle

Updated: Jan 17

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

South Central Wisconsin, Dane County, USA

2015-09-10 120aaaaa

Wants the Media to Focus on Climate Change”


“Strong quake awakens 2 volcanoes in Russia, scientists warn of ‘major eruptions'”

“Towering clouds of ash and glowing lava are spewing from two volcanoes on Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula and scientists say major eruptions could be on the way.”


“Climate Endgame: Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios”


“Alaska Native corporations take fight over carbon credits revenue to court

A new lawsuit pits three of the state's huge regional corporations against three others, in a battle that could jeopardize a four-decade-old pact that's guided distribution of more than $2 billion.”


Capitalism Versus Climate Justice – thoughts on my first and last experience of climate COP”


“Climate Honesty - Ending Climate Brightsiding - Talk by Ye Tao on the MEER fremework, hosted by Jem Bendell, at COP27”


Unprecedented fire activity above the Arctic Circle linked to rising temperatures” - by Adrià Descals et al.


“Our leaders had a final chance to halt climate breakdown. They failed each and every one of us

“It’s a miracle that any one of us is alive today. Those with the power to grant that miracle to future generations chose not to - by George Monbiot”


“With up to three billion people expected to be displaced by the effects of global warming by the end of the century, should it lead to a shift in the way we think about national borders, asks Gaia Vince”

“Is the world ready for mass migration due to climate change?”


Kevin Hester:

“My prediction is that the Snow crab season will never reopen. There is no reason to believe this ecosystem will recover. It's a microcosm of the collapse of the Arctic marine food web.”

“Alaska Snow Crab Crisis”


“Details not yet agreed...hmmm.”

“UN Adopts Historic Pact on Payments for Climate Damages

New fund acknowledges developing world’s climate costs

Details on how it will work and money going in still uncertain”


“Maybe the world would be better off with Neanderthals?” [oh, I’m pretty sure we still have more than a few “neanderthals” prevailing]

“8 billion people: How different the world would look if Neanderthals had prevailed”


The Climate Book, created by Greta Thunberg review – an angry call for action”

“The environmental activist curates a supergroup of climate experts in a valuable set of essays, which at times risk overwhelming the reader”


“Fairbanks Daily News-Miner letter to the editor covers what the newspaper failed to report. The newspaper swallows the claim that the sneaky dismissal of the climate committee was reasonable and normal. It wasn’t.”

“The new members have no expertise in climate science.

None of them ever participated in the committee’s process over the past year. If lojewski truly appreciated the committee’s work, he would have left his committee intact. Lojewski is not interested in climate change adaptation. In fact, his 2016 candidates survey had stated. “There should be no Alaska policy to combat global warming.” Lojewski is deliberately undermining the committee’s work. What kind of “presiding officer” would do that?

Lojewski’s statement thanking the committee was dripping with insincerity. If he had really wanted to show appreciation to the committee, he wouldn’t have replace it with unqualified members. Likewise, income chair Aaron Gibson’s claim that “everybody here…only has the best of intentions for borough residents” was equally phony.

If Loweski and Gibson want to generate goodwill among the majority of residents who are genuinely concerned about climate change, they could begin by reinstating the committee members who were dismissed. They could also publicly acknowledge what scientists have known for many years: that human-caused climate change is a reality that will require humans to adapt.”


“At the same time some areas of NSW are under water others are under extreme fire risk and to the south intense storms have downed trees and cut power. Even the *news* people appear alarmed. Looks like it is wake up time for Australia. In an attempt to assuage viewers they ended with a story on the six-foot snowfall in NY today. Six feet!! Things are getting real!”

“Weather 'extremes' to play out across Australia's east coast”


“A Changing Sea Floor

Six years after ‘the Blob’ rolled through the Santa Barbara Channel, researchers find lasting effects in the kelp forest communities”

The Blob marine heatwave transforms California kelp forest ecosystems” - by Kristen Michaud et al.


“Now on the way up until May2023..10-30 year delay for temperatures to catch up to locals ask what is happening and what is coming.. I look at them and in my silence-I am ALWAYS SHATTERED in my Heart.. the Knowing”

Daily CO2

Nov. 14, 2022 = 417.94 ppm

Nov. 14, 2021 = 414.67 ppm

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