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12/2022 Ending animal agriculture would result in enough food for everyone & vastly help the climate

Updated: Jan 17

Despite what Charles Koch thinks, America desperately needs rules - period

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-08-11 1399aaa

“If we ended industrial animal agriculture, there'd suddenly be more than enough food for everyone, we'd essentially end animal cruelty, no one would die, and we'd take a huge bite out of the climate and ecological emergency. We could do this basically overnight.| Peter Kalmus”


“TSMC founder Morris Chang says globalization 'almost dead'

Chip veteran's comments come as Apple, AMD cheer shift of production to U.S.”


“Texas Judge Strikes Down Law Preventing Abusers From Buying Guns

His decision was based on a Supreme Court decision”


“Democratic senators warn UN secretary general of eroding public trust in Cop

Letter urges sponsors provide ‘corporate climate political influencing statements’ after 630 lobbyists attend Cop27”


Thanks GE (read Greg Palast):

Using our dying oceans as toilets for industrial waste.

“Fukushima gets ready to discharge treated water into the sea”


America is involved:

“Peru’s President impeached and arrested after he attempts to dissolve Congress”



UMass Amherst researchers are first to precisely calculate the pre-agricultural rate of erosion across the Midwestern U.S., thanks to exploding stars”


“Alaska’s northernmost city posts warmest winter temperature on record

Despite total darkness, Utqiagvik hit 40 degrees Monday — its highest temperature ever observed between November and March”


“India to soon suffer heatwaves that break human survivability limit: World Bank report”


“U.N. biodiversity conference opens with a warning: "We are committing suicide by proxy"”


Another Republican led state committing Ecocide. Their State politicians should be arrested and transferred to the ICC should the set foot on foreign soil:

“Alabama coal plant still the largest greenhouse gas emitter in United States”


“Aluminum plants in the U.S. are releasing tons of a highly potent greenhouse gas, unlike their counterparts abroad

A Century Aluminum plant in Kentucky and a recently closed Alcoa plant in Washington emit far more PFCs per ton of aluminum than Icelandic plants run by the same companies, according to an Inside Climate News analysis.”


“Pink snow is a red flag for the West’s water

Researchers are trying to understand what drives snow algal blooms and how they could alter water supplies.”


People are dying long after they’ve survived COVID?:

Excess deaths in 2022 ‘incredibly high’ at 13 per cent

The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.”


Concentrating wealth using America's military might is apparently addictive despite it devastating the Climate with GHG emissions (which America doesn't count)

“The War Caucus Always Wins

The new $857 billion defense bill lines the pockets of contractors and pushes the U.S. toward a new Cold War.”


“The surprising player in the rail strike fight: Fossil fuel companies

The collaboration between coal, oil, and railroads goes back decades.”


“EU agrees to ban products linked to deforestation

The new rules will impose strict checks on imported goods, from coffee to chocolate to beef.”


“The management of wealth by a few generates new poor”

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