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12/2022 "We Have to Take the Idea of Civilizational Collapse Seriously"

Updated: Jan 17

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

South Central Wisconsin, Dane County, USA

2016-08-07 637aaa3p

“The Beginning of the End of the World

Why We Have to Take the Idea of Civilizational Collapse Seriously, and What it Really Looks Like”


Okefenokee Swamp:

“I strongly recommend that the State of Georgia not move ahead with approval for this proposed mine in order to ensure that the swamp and refuge are appropriately protected.” Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

“Interior secretary: `Unacceptable' to mine near famed swamp”


“Never forget. #ColdHardTruth

#China (🇨🇳) builds and brings mutual #prosperity, harmony and growth.

#America (🇺🇸) bombs and brings #wars, conflicts and suffering.”

China initiated 0 conflict since its founding not even a proxy war.

USA launched 469 military interventions overseas since 1798, 251 among which are waged since the end of the cold war.


Pacifying the masses with pledges to keep a part alive while the whole is dying stuns me. It’s like saying so and so is dead but their left arm is alive and well:

“The UN biodiversity conference now underway is weighing a proposal to put 30 percent of land and sea under protection.

But experts warn that focusing too much on the size of protected areas risks missing what most needs saving.”

“The 30 Percent Goal: Is Bigger Always Better for Biodiversity?”


And with ownership of the stock market concentrated into the hands of the rich, and many of these profitable corporations being publicly traded this represents a transfer of wealth from the working class to the rich:

“Corporate profits hit a record high of $2.1 trillion last quarter.

Folks, corporate greed is driving inflation, not workers asking for better wages.”

Mac comment:

“it’s insane that the top 1% has more wealth than the bottom 90% and people have been convinced it was stimulus to the working class that drove inflation instead of corporate profits and executive pay.


Bang up job there Washington:

“The U.S. ranks 40th in life expectancy compared to other nations.”

“We can’t accept declining life expectancy in the U.S.

At the 2022 Bloomberg #AmericanHealthSummit, the Bloomberg American Health Initiative at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health released a report detailing ten steps that can save lives focused on reversing the trend:”


“URGENT UPDATE: Extreme flooding has displaced hundreds of thousands of people in South Sudan. Urgent aid is needed.

An estimated 835,000 people in South Sudan have been affected by severe flooding, forced to flee with nothing. Those living in flood-affected areas have lost their homes and live in makeshift camp sites, where they face food insecurity, loss of income, malnutrition, and a lack of clean drinking water.

Doctors Without Borders teams run a hospital in the Bentiu camp, which is South Sudan’s largest camp for internally displaced people. Our teams have set up sanitation and water treatment services inside the camp to reduce the risk of disease outbreaks, and are providing critical aid to those in the camp.

More help is needed. Make a donation today to support emergency care in South Sudan and wherever it’s needed most.”


Conflating religion and state. Yep. Zelensky is an American Nazi:

“Zelensky declares war on enemy within the Ukrainian Orthodox Church”

“Disgraceful use of state power... as America funds these Ukrainian Thugs.

From The Times of London:

The raid began at dawn and went on all day. Church services were interrupted as soldiers and security agents spread across the vast territory of the ancient monastery. They were courteous but insistent; they searched churches and chapels, offices, and the personal quarters of priests, monks and acolytes.

They checked passports and ID cards; they took away books, documents and cash. They did not make mass arrests, this time at least — but by the time they left it was obvious that the Pechersk Lavra monastery in Kyiv would never be the same.”


A photo of the effects of Western US Mega droughts:


“I don’t know the word in the English language – I can find one – that applies to people who are willing to sacrifice the literal existence of organized human life so they can put a few more dollars into highly overstuffed pockets. The word “evil” doesn’t being to approach it.” Noam Chomsky


Ben Karimi:

“Term Misinformation: If you say something that is different from the approved narrative of the MSM, is defined as misinformation, and the press makes it sound such a bad thing.”


“In the new episode of our weekly podcast Lever Time, David Sirota is joined by New York Times global economics correspondent Peter S. Goodman to explore why President Biden and the Democrats chose to side with railroad barons by forcing rail workers to accept a contract they had already rejected. They also dig into why the rail workers’ demand for additional paid sick days became such a sticking point in negotiations, and what a potential rail strike could mean for the U.S. economy.

The Lever”



“I don’t know who needs to hear this but there’s literally no reason why companies that doubled their profits during the pandemic can’t afford to give paid sick leave to the workers who make it all possible.”

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