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12/2022 COVID, Lack of Healthcare, destruction of the commons, etc “Violence of Social Inequality"

Updated: Jan 17

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

9/9/2011 IMG_3956aaaap [2011 Good AAAA]

Nonviolent revolution is all we have left, and America’s Democrats and Republicans will see to it that many of us killed, imprisoned, or maimed for life. Unfortunately, in the absence of a unified response by the rest of the planet’s countries, this is our best chance at a fair, just, and organized decent into life on a dying planet that will minimize the suffering and death from Global Warming, the Mass Extinction, and generally biosphere collapse. The white collar Fourth Reich’s Genocide by environment is more deadly and destructive than the – indoor - gas chamber used by their predecessors in the Third Reich.

“I do not accept a corrupt and criminal geopolitical system degrading, polluting and contaminating the planet for greed and power.

I didn’t sign up for it.

I’ve had enough of it.

It should be stopped, replaced and punish with an honest and ethical geopolitical system sustaining the planet for the current and next generations.



On 31 July I posted on Facebook an update on the case before the ICC. I wrote to all ICC Judges calling for our day in court against three senior british politicians associated with mass loss of life and suffering associated with the policies that cause climate breakdown.

On 6 August a Mr Matias Hellman replied on behalf of the ICC Judges. He argued that it is for the ICC's prosecutor's office to progress the case, not the Judges.

On 7 August I pressed Mr Hellman to get the Prosecutor's Office to reply to my correspondence.

On 23 August I sent a further reminder.

On 23 August I received a reply - the ICC's Prosecutor's Office has confirmed it is still considering the evidence provided.

This is incredibly important - the ICC knows that we have a strong case to use existing legislation to prosecute those who are guilty of mass murder associated with the policies that cause climate breakdown (Article 30 2(b) of The Rome Statute). There is no lawful impediment to our case.

So we sit and wait for another month or so.

I won't copy everything here to Facebook, but I will copy here my email of 23 August. You will see that I have presented additional and very powerful evidence of harm: -

Email of 23 August

Dear Mr Dillon,

I have still not received the courtesy of a reply to my emails of 14 May and 7 August. Despite the intervention of Matias Hellman on 6 August I still haven't heard from you. I have answered all three of the questions you put to me, so there is no further lawful impediment to the ICC launching an investigation into the crimes outlined and then proceeding to prosecution. The only impediments are political.

Following the completion of the original dossier of evidence, a number of bodies, including the United Nations, have issued reports and data that point to criminality. Indeed, last week UNICEF issued this report that showed: -

1 Billion children are at 'extremely high risk' of the impacts of climate change;

920 million children are highly exposed to water scarcity;

820 million children are highly exposed to heatwaves;

600 million children are highly exposed to vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever;

400 million children are highly exposed to cyclones;

330 million children are highly exposed to riverine flooding; and

240 million children are highly exposed to coastal flooding.

See: -“The Climate Crisis is a Child Rights Crisis”

An act of the most extreme cruelty is being inflicted upon the young all around the globe. The youth of this world will soon know that ICC staff and Judges were asked to protect them, and that the ICC either acted to stop the genocide, or the ICC looked the other way. Will the ICC judges and prosecutors now look the other way as millions of children are killed?

Please now let me know when you will provide a substantive response to the overwhelming evidence that has been submitted to you?

Yours sincerely.

J N Fuller

Climate Genocide Act Now”

Note: To recommend all members of America’s Democratic and Republican’s parties (past and present, including members elected or not from one of America’s 3 branches of government) for prosecution for any one or more of their innumerable violations contact

America’s Fourth Reich (including private business executives and members of the judiciary) has been careful not to expose itself to liability stemming from international legal standards of human behavior however the any progress made in the direction of justice will assist.

“Trump goes nuclear against ICC”

Quote: “The Trump administration in Washington has placed economic sanctions on the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and another senior official at the Hague.”


BOTH US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife should be expelled from proximity to any working of justice or government. Justice Thomas’ involvement has also been exposed:


We live in a world where a deranged Supreme Court justice and his wife corrupt the judicial process, where a Russian thug and war criminal threatens nuclear war, where corrupt politicians and their allies destroy the environment inflicting unimaginable human suffering on innocent and vulnerable members of our society.

Will this be the legacy we leave behind when we all go extinct in the next few decades ?

Why do we behave in such a depraved manner, have so little respect for each other and intentionally destroy our once pristine environment ?

Why are we the only species on this planet leaving our descendants an uninhabitable planet ?

Think about that for a moment...”

“Supreme Court Justice’s Wife tied to Overturn 2020 Election.mp4


“Economist Thomas Piketty: Coronavirus Pandemic Has Exposed the “Violence of Social Inequality””

And that violence has at its genesis the workings of our own government.


“Pandemic Profiteers: How U.S. Billionaires Like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Saw Wealth Grow by $1.3 Trillion”


This is today’s Democratic Party:

“How Bad is the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act?”

Quote: “Somehow, Congress couldn’t find the time last week to renew extended unemployment benefits or the federal moratorium on evictions. Congress had something more pressing to think about than 30 million unemployed Americans: the Pentagon budget.”

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