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12/2022 Democrat Biden continues to push for more and more OIL AND GAS

Updated: Jan 17

Quote: "Indigenous peoples, together with scientists and academics and activists and NGO organizations like Amazon Watch, we are calling for much beyond 30×30 or even 50×30. We are calling for 80 by 2025." Don't let them liquidate our world for their luxuries.

"Major U.N. Biodiversity Deal Recognizes Indigenous Rights But Lacks Critical Enforcement Measures"

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

5/12/2011 IMG_3329aaaap [2011 Good AAAA]

Folks, America has gotta massive amount of work ahead of itself getting all its politicians, executives and judges off to the Hague for prosecution and sentencing by the ICC:

“Human Activity in China and India Dominates the Greening of Earth, NASA Study Shows”


“NASA says earth is Greener today than 20 years ago thanks to China, India”


WARNING: Washington is dramatically ramping up propaganda on Biosphere’s livability.

Including Hillary’s Stephanopoulos on Good

Morning America sensationalizing future benefits of Fusion Energy Reseach and now public radio hyping the launch of a satellite expected to discover new sources of fresh way to solve the globe’s water shortages.

They know we’re going down and are desperate to get us to the very edge of the cliff without any costly unpleasantness. If you don’t believe me look at the current map of methane in the Arctic.


Every day they can pacify us on the planet's condition is every day we will be more easily managed when the time comes because we'll be too preoccupied with just staying alive.


“Universal Healthcare is Pro-Labor

Pursue an education

Change jobs

Start a business

Go on strike

Without losing healthcare”

And I would add that they all grow the economy, including going on strike since it has the potential to increase aggregate demand. And Universal healthcare would save the economy billions per year. Just another example of dis economic malarky by our 2 political parties that suppress the economy in favor of benefiting the few


“Poverty kills far more people than all the wars in history,

More people than all the murderers in history, more than all the suicides in history.

Not only does structural violence kill more people than all the behavioral violence put together, structural violence is also the main cause of behavioral violence.”

This makes our 2 political parties and 3 branches of government murderers.

James Gilligan


Democrat Biden continues to push for more and more OIL AND GAS - Washington DemGops are wanton enemies of Humanity

Quote: "..The amendment, which would help fast-track fossil fuel and mining projects, failed to garner the 60 votes needed despite President Biden coming out in support of the measure."”

“Senate Rejects Permitting Reform Amendment Despite Biden Support for Manchin’s “Dirty Side Deal””



“Biden, Like Trump Before Him, Derails Effort to End U.S. Support for Saudi War in Yemen”

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