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1/2023 Climate Death and Mass Extinction are the elites' tools of Genocide

Updated: Jan 17

Today's global Biosphere collapse as a result of the Wealthy's profit taking represents a genocide that would make hitler blush.

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2019-08-08 _F2A6606aaa

“Project Censored, Part 1: Billionaire Press Domination

Fossil fuel subsidies, wage theft, EPA risk reports, congressional conflicts of interest, and dark, dark money top this year's list.”


“What’s 2023 Going to Be Like? A Big Crunch

The Longer We Pretend the Industrial Age Isn’t Over, the More Painful It’s Going to Get”


Depraved and Criminal. And people still think the climate provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act are legitimate!?!:

2022 Will Be Remembered as the Year the U.S. Became the World’s Largest Exporter of Liquified Natural Gas

The fossil fuel industry achieved the milestone despite the Biden administration’s ambitious climate goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions—and with the president’s full support.”


Mankind goes extinct at around +3C to +4C and Cornell University is projecting “about 10C” of warming indicating human extinction being realized between 2025 and 2030.

Sadly, it is not clear whether new GHG emission activities announced after the study have been accounted accurately or at all – the situation could be much worse.

We are witnessing the fascist extermination of the nonrich. It is genocide. Genocide by social murder if you want to call it that. But it is a genocide that the Pentagon = years ago – will claim 2 billion.

It is a genocide that will make Hitler blush.

It is by every hard fact - not what is reported by the mainstream media – something that has been levied against the planet by the United States of America.

“Global warming in the pipeline”


“The enormity of consequences of warming in the pipeline demands a new approach addressing legacy and future emissions. The essential requirement to "save" young people and future generations is return to Holocene-level global temperature. Three urgently required actions are:

1) a global increasing price on GHG emissions,

2) purposeful intervention to rapidly phase down present massive geoengineering of Earth's climate, and

3) renewed East-West cooperation in a way that accommodates developing world needs.”


Joe Neubarth:

“HEAP 2634 PPB 293 mb”

Map of “Mixing Ratio of Methane” by latitude and longitude

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