Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)
Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-08-20 _F2A9125aaa3
Humans will not adapt they will die
“Greenland’s Glaciers Might Be Melting 100 Times As Fast As Previously Thought” https://news.utexas.edu/2022/12/15/greenlands-glaciers-might-be-melting-100-times-as-fast-as-previously-thought/?fbclid=IwAR06uZVFChNxg06mnw87u0exEl6GpJsbgtbLmRtChBgc-vm4YvQwMZEV9nw
“An Improved and Observationally-Constrained Melt Rate Parameterization for Vertical Ice Fronts of Marine Terminating Glaciers” - by Kirstin Schulz et al. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2022GL100654?fbclid=IwAR3NaPfMojoDHZ4W_g5fn6mivXx8mkCK9-Jwe3n5rUD5BfYnBKMgniWmq8U
Caitlin Johnstone:
“The US empire uses “freedom and democracy” as a pretext to conquer and kill in exactly the same way European colonialists used the pretext of spreading Christianity and civilization to save the godless savages. And it does so for the exact same reasons.”
“Robert Reich:
“Corporate profits only accounted for roughly 11% of price growth from 1979 to 2019.
Today, record corporate profits account for 53.9% of price increases.
Folks, corporate greed is driving inflation, not workers asking for better wages.”
“10 Ways to Manipulate a Narcissist | (Keeping the Peace with a Narcissist)”
“Lessons From the U.S. Civil War Show Why Ukraine Can't Win”
Ben Karimi:
”Zelensky was picked up in Poland by Spy fighter planes, and was told to keep his combat uniform on coming to the US. Just like in a Hollywood movie.”
“All he (Biden) does is lie”
“Renewable energy like wind and solar produce power at a fraction of the cost of traditional energy sources. By embracing these clean energy technologies, Wisconsinites can save on their energy bills, locking in low costs for decades.”
“Wind and solar emerge as cheapest options for powering Wisconsin”