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1/2023 The Mass Extinction has profound consequences to human health

Updated: Jan 17

Eastern Black or Prairie swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-06-01 _F2A4122aaa2p

“The Great Simplification | Film on Energy, Environment, and Our Future | FULL MOVIE”


“If enemies are self-destructing do not interfere.” SunTzu


“One of the most dangerous ideas that ahs come about in the last 3 years is that all points of view are equally valid, and that average citizens (you) are just as equipped to judge which have merit as anyone else.

“Hear all sides, and judge for yourself!” No. I do not condone the death of Expertise, and neither should you.

I am an expert in very, very few things. But in those areas, my expertise is hard earned through study, work, experience and aptitude. None of it comes from attending Google University. But unless you are an expert in exactly the same areas, your opinion is not just as valid as mine. It’s not.


“Then there's this: "... "... Rather than blame individual scientists, he said the fault lies in a system that encourages volume over quality: “There are journals, which I’d consider predatory journals, that make researchers pay money to publish their papers there, with only symbolic peer review, and then the journals play games by making the authors cite articles from the same journal.”

"Funk’s predatory-journal story reminded me of the dark side of Moneyball: When any industry focuses too much on one metric, it can render the metric meaningless and warp the broader purpose of the industry. Just as we are living in a platinum age of television—more quantity but perhaps not more quality—we seem to be in a platinum age of science, in which the best you can say about the industry is that there certainly seems to be more of everything, including crap." “

“The Consolidation-Disruption Index Is Alarming

Science has a crummy-paper problem.”


Climate collapse? Never fear Wall Street is here!!

Remember what happened back in 2008 with Collateralized Mortgage Bond Obliterations? Aka mortgage backed securities?

“After the UN climate meeting in Egypt, carbon market participants are focused on a pricing benchmark similar to those present in other key commodities.”

“Post-COP27, Carbon Markets Turn Focus to Pricing”


Reference the “Hygiene Hypothesis” and our Mass Extinction:

Over the past half a century, half the world’s microbes have disappeared, while diseases such as asthma, allergies, obesity + diabetes are increasing. Are these connected?

THE INVISIBLE EXTINCTION digs deeper. Now streaming on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and Vimeo On Demand!

“Most people think germs (aka microbes) are bad for us. But what if they’re mostly good ,and wiping out the ones inside us is creating a health crisis that threatens humanity’s future?

Could overuse of antibiotics have triggered the rise in obesity, asthma, autism, severe food allergies, and diabetes?”

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