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8/2021 10 Alarming Facts About Overfishing

Updated: Jan 12

“What is Bycatch? Understanding and Preventing Fishing Bycatch”


“10 Alarming Facts About Overfishing”

Coral Hairstreak (Satyrium titus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2016 6/27 269aaa

“As much as US $20 billion is spent globally by governments every year to offset the cost of expenses such as fuel, fishing gear and building new vessels. Oftentimes these pay-outs…are supporting too many boats fishing too hard on already stressed stocks.”

“World leaders can keep more fish in the ocean by ending this one practice

How harmful subsidies put marine wildlife at risk”


“Even after Israeli cellphone hacking company Cellebrite said it withdrew from China and Hong Kong, an Intercept investigation found police on the mainland continued to buy the company’s Universal Forensic Extraction Device products.”


The Israeli company purportedly left China last year. The subsequent sales of its products there could cloud its impending IPO.”


Hungary’s Orban is going full Hitler:


Steve Borton

“It is much much more than just beauty and spirituality that are at stake here. Every single life form on this planet is the result of innumerable trial and error experiments which have been running for 3 billion years. This has created a situation where every single life form, from the lowliest of bacteria to the most complex of mammals is inextricably linked to a whole panoply of other life forms. No life form can now survive on its own. All of us absolutely depend upon a whole web of other life forms. Without a suitable number of other species within our web we die. Although we know this for a fact, we also know that we have yet to come to a full understanding of the complexities of these webs. So while we are wiping out species at the rate of thousands a year we still don't know which ones we are absolutely dependent on. Even worse, we might have already wiped some of these key species out without knowing it and it is still taking time to work its way through the complex web of codependence. Homo sapiens? hah. I think that neurotic ape is a more appropriate name for our species.”

“We seem to understand the value of oil, timber, minerals, and housing. But not the value of unspoiled beauty, wildlife, solidate and spiritual renewal.”


The Rich want to achieve profit without consequence or expense by using the police, military, legislative, judicial & other govt force(s) all paid for off the backs of the 99% - Citizens United facilitates this


I think Washington has found that the catharsis from taking people’s shame away by validating their ugly impulses that society has taught them not to exhibit is a very powerful thing.

Especially, racism and bigotry. For example, Washington gets votes by indulging constituents’ racism. We saw it with Trump regarding Hispanics and Blacks and we see it in Biden’s conduct toward Chinese. It is also prevalent in Dems and Reps conservative animosity toward the poor and working poor.

It’s a sick manipulation of voters done to earn their allegiance. But like so many things what works for the politicians in Washington, is pure poison to the world occupied by the 99%


“Officials in the Waukesha School District of Wisconsin believed children were becoming “spoiled” by getting the free meals.”

“Worried Students Are “Getting Spoiled,” WI District Cancels Free Meals Program”


“Birth of the Cruel: How Truckee Pioneered Modern Anti-China Hate”

“The Achilles’ heel of American capitalism in the 19th century was the shortage of sufficient manpower at hand to transform eager capital and vast raw materials into profitable infrastructure, products, and commodities, let alone rescue snowbound emigrants.

In the 1860s, the labor shortage was a matter of desperation to the capitalists known as the Big Four, who were striving to drive the Central Pacific line through the unforgiving terrain of the Sierras, so it could reach the basin land of Nevada and Utah and slap down track (and claim land grants) in competition with the Union Pacific railroad racing over the Midwest flatlands.

As usual, California was short of labor, at least white labor.

So the Central Pacific made the decision to Go Chinese!, recruiting local Chinese and also immigrants from Guangdong province via labor contractors.”


Jan 6th Coup rehearsal:

“The fact that the Capitol was overrun and sacked and there was no effort whatsoever to evacuate the president from DC to a secure, remote location tells you all you need to know about who launched and directed the attack.”


“This Hauntingly Beautiful Image Shows Greenland’s Massive Melt

A new satellite image captured over the southwestern part of Greenland shows the damage last week's heat wave did to the ice sheet.”


“At the end of the 20th century, the United States bestrode the world like a colossus. We had no military or economic peers, and our ideological victory over the antagonists of liberal democracy seemed total. September 11 changed all this.”

“How America’s response to 9/11 contributed to our national decline”


“Underrated as a fundamental aspect of American foreign policy, and disaster creation, is the eternal presence and influence of the American Fool. To make the acquaintance of the American Fool, there is no better place to begin than with the Central Intelligence Agency. This is the brain trust that advised President John F. Kennedy that the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba would be a roaring success, and then distinguished itself in the same decade by convincing President Lyndon Johnson that a Saigon-stationed agent, Joe Hovey, was “crying wolf” when he warned of the Tet Offensive. Oops.

In the 1980s, the CIA continually advised government officials that the Soviet Union was stronger than ever, and provided no strategic warnings of its collapse – not even in the weeks leading up to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Similarly, there was almost no high level CIA anticipation of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.”

“The American Fool: How Provincialism, Arrogance, and Greed Make American Foreign Policy an Exercise in Idiocy”


Peanuts (or Putin’s pocket change):

“Russia’s Electric Car Strategy to Cost $8 Billion Through 2030”


“Global temperatures have increased by over 1.2 C”

Christian baker

“Trying to employ as many people as possible is the opposite of an economy and 2-4 magnitudes less resource, energy and heat efficient than a genuine economy.

Homework assignment: Try to locate the time on this chart when negative-sum currencies and the resulting #bullshitjobs based anti-economy really started to fuck up our biosphere. Yeah ... this is a tough one ...”

Insects are hurtling toward extinction and all Washington cares about is trapping us into a rewrite of the US Constitution

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