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4/2023 Corporations: Chemicals in everyday products are linked to significantly reduced fertility

Updated: Jan 12

Coral Hairstreak (Satyrium titus)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-07-16 _F2A2067aaa

Sam Carana \ Near Term Human Extinction


A catastrophe of unimaginable proportions is unfolding. Life is disappearing from Earth and runaway heating could destroy all life. At 5°C heating, most life on Earth will have disappeared. When looking only at near-term human extinction, 3°C will likely suffice.

Meanwhile, current laws punish people for the most trivial things, while leaving the largest crime one can imagine unpunished: planetary omnicide!

Considering this, a Climate Emergency should be declared, supporting action including:

• Institutionalization of climate deniers until rehabilitated, under national acts such as the U.S. RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act and Sherman Antitrust Act.

• Holding politicians accountable for committing crimes against humanity and bringing them before the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands, to avoid that they indemnify themselves for their inadequate action on the unfolding climate catastrophe.

• Local implementation of action on climate change, with Local People's Courts ensuring that implementation is based on the best-available scientific analysis, to avoid control by politicians who get bought by looters and polluters.

From the post 'Sea surface temperature at record high', at:”


“Planetwide Ecocide - The Crime Against Life on Earth”

Choosing to not take the action required to minimize the death and destruction brought by the Rich’s profit taking on the environment assumes my life is an acceptable loss to ensure the luxuries & conveniences of the few. I’m worth more than that


“Exposure to Chemicals found in everyday products is linked to significantly reduced fertility”

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