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3/2023 Many Americans dying words:“…but I thought it wasn’t supposed to be that bad?!…” GENOCIDE

Updated: Jan 2

Common wood-nymph (Cercyonis pegala)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-07-22 310aaa

And their current prime minister is from Goldman Sachs:

“How London became the dirty money capital of the world | FT Film”


“Why the Banking System is Breaking Up”

“Most media reports reflect a prayer that the bank runs will be localized, as if there is no context or environmental cause. There is general embarrassment to explain how the breakup of banks that is now gaining momentum is the result of the way that the Obama Administration bailed out the banks in 2009.”



Dying trees: Montana, USA


Forests are one of the great safeguards against climate change, pulling carbon dioxide from the air. However many of the world’s native forests are being cut down and are increasingly vulnerable to drought, disease, insects and wildfire with changing weather patterns. The great dense forests of the US state of Montana are among those suffering.”


With climate change making summers hotter and drier in the Northern Rockies, forests such as the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest in Montana (pictured) are threatened with increasing wildfire activity, deadly pathogens and insect infestations, including the mountain pine beetle outbreak. This image, taken in 2019, shows dead lodgepole pines that have been killed by the mountain pine beetle. The tiny but deadly insect has flourished due to warmer temperatures while the drought has left trees weak and unable to fight an invasion. A deadly combination that has seen the beetle ravage many western US forests.”


“By the way, Bill Clinton deregulated banking to a much greater extent than Trump.

Clinton repealed Glass – Steagall in 1999, which had separated commercial and investment banking since the Great Depressions. [Note to reader: the repeal of Glass Steagall allowed Goldman Sachs to borrow money from the Fed in order to build the Chinese auto industry]

Your party and president allowed banks to speculate wildly with people’s….”

Robert Reich: “By the way, Trump deregulated banks like Silicon Valley Bank, which failed Friday.”

Reader Comment:

“David Losse

Clinton also sign into law The Telecommunications Act which takes us from many television companies down to just 6. 6 companies control in part with our government, the narrative of what goes on.”


Naomi Klein, Canadian author and social activist:

“Our economic system and our planetary system are now at war.

Or, more accurately, our economy is at war with many forms of life on Earth, including human life. What the climate needs to avoid collapse is contraction in humanity’s use of resources; what our economic model demands to avoid collapse is unfettered expansion.

Only one of these sets of rules can be changed, and it’s not the laws of nature.”


Many Americans dying words in the face of Washington’s genocide by environment are going to include “…but I thought it wasn’t supposed to be that bad…” and that will coincide with our political leaders suddenly vanishing into bunkers where they can’t be reached:

“The general population doesn’t know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.”


“TAKAYNA vigil continues.

Join our takayna tree village as the forests remain threatened by mining company MMG’s proposed toxic tailings waste dump.

Bob Brown Foundation has reoccupied the rainforest at Mckimmie Creek in Tasmania’s takayna / Tarkine since December 2022 ahead of an expected decision by Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek on whether to approve drilling and roading works for the tailings dam.

MMG still wants to destroy this critical Masked Owl breeding territory for a heavy metals waste dump. Instead, we call on Minister Plibersek to protect takayna for its World Heritage values.

Until that happens, we will hold our defence of this ancient place.

A win-win solution is MMG stores its waste on the mine's side of the river: Rainforests and masked owls saved. MMG has a viable alternative to store their waste that doesn't destroy rainforests and habitat for rare and endangered species. A paste fill plant on the mine site is feasible and must be the company's alternative.

Take action; Learn about coming to camp and find out all you need to know here

Photographs by Tim Cooper and Karen Keefe”


“Woke means awakened to the needs of others.

To be well informed, thoughtful, compassionate, humble, and kind.

Eager to make the world a better place for all people.

Awaken your soul, be woke”


Here's what being "woke" means

So...CLEARLY, if you are NOT woke, then you are very likely to be an”



According to @CopernicusECMWF , February 2023 was the 5⃣th warmest February globally

Temperature anomalies reached peaks of +8ºC in the #Arctic circle

Surface Air Temperature Anomaly for February 2023 retrieved from #CopernicusClimate Change Service data”


“The collapses of Silvergate and Silicon Valley Bank are like icebergs calving off from the Antarctic glacier.

The financial analogy to the global warming causing this collapse is the rising temperature of interest rates, which spiked last Thursday and Friday to close at 4.60 percent for the U.S. Treasury’s two-year bonds.”


“How California’s recent flooding could set the stage for a dangerous wildfire season”

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