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What would be the situation with Ukraine if the WORLD had term limits on their “politicians”?

Updated: Jan 5

“In war politicians give ammunition, the rich give food and the poor give their children... When the war ends, politicians take the remaining ammunition and hand it over to each other, the rich increase food prices while the poor search for the graves of their children. "


What would be the situation with Ukraine if the WORLD had term limits on their “politicians”?


Kochland dystopia of Wisconsin:

His name is Fred Prehn. “Former GOP Gov. Scott Walker appointed Prehn, a Wausau dentist, to the DNR board in 2015. His six-year term ended on May 1, 2021.”

American politicians view the environment as a source of public wealth that can readily be transferred to private hands (where it will be liquidated for any and all residual value - all at the expense of the “little people”) in exchange for political favors,...and the judges our politicians got appointed know it:

“Key Justice Skeptical of Removing Holdover DNR Board Member

The swing justice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court appears skeptical about whether a Republican-appointed Department of Natural Resources board member should be forced to step down.”

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018-10-16 _F2A0021aaa

“Right to work

“Right” to work for lower wages

“Right” to work in unsafe conditions

“Right” to work with no benefits

Right to work for less


Eward Doubell:

If these were dogs, you'd be shouting - "what an absolute bag of human garbage is capable of doing something like this?" - But because they're just cows, these are noble & hard working people. Right?

You need protein - not meat. You need calcium - not milk. You need omegas - not fish. You need nutrients - not animals.

(As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love ~ Pythagoras)

Everything your body needs can be found in a plant-based diet. Be the change you want to see in the world.


“Heroic Bald Eagle Saves Fish From Drowning”

“This is how mainstream media spins a nation’s aggressive intervention in foreign countries to promote its national interests. It’s what they are lavishly paid to do. For this reason, the general populations of these dominant countries are rarely told the unfiltered truth. And this is why a growing number of people have come to distrust corporate-owned and operated media sources.”



Warren Gunnels:

“Last year, oil & gas companies made over $174 billion in profits and this year they are on track to make even more. No. Working families should not be asked to make the sacrifice of paying $5 or $7 for a gallon of gas. Big oil should make less money & pay a windfall profits tax.”


Nationalize the Oil and Gas Industry – the people already subsidize its very existence in a variety of ways that total to 100%:

Bernie Sanders:

“Shocking. Gas prices are at the highest levels ever at the same time the big oil companies are raking in huge profits. Yes, the time is now for a windfall profits tax.”


“Charted: $5 Trillion in Fossil Fuel Subsidies”


“Big Oil on course for near-record $38bn in share buybacks

Seven majors set for supercharged stock purchasing on top of estimated $50bn of dividends”


Bernie Sanders:

“Oil company revenues since last year:

Exxon: Up 57%

Chevron: Up 84%

Shell: Up 49%

BP: Up 45%

"We cannot allow oil companies to continue to take advantage of the war in Ukraine & inflation to make huge profits by jacking up gas prices."


And soon the Federal Reserve is going to raise the price of money:

Bear in mind that 89% of the stockmarket is owned by the top 10% and all big oil companies are publicly traded – record prices at the pump = wealth transfer to the rich from the 99%:

“The larges oil and gas companies made nearly $200 billion in profits last year.

There are ZERO reasons for regular folks to be paying a premium at the pumps while Big Oil feels no hit.

Don’t be fooled into thinking higher gas prices = Ukrainian solidarity.

This is corporate greed and price gouging.”


Warren Lynch:

“Oil and gas companies got SIX TRILLION in subsidies last year.

[not including the costs to the environment that government allows them to not recognize and again bearing in mind that 89% of the stockmarket is owned by the top 10% and all big oil companies are publicly traded so record prices at the pump = effectively a wealth transfer to the rich from the 99%:]

More than TRIPLE what Build Back Better would cost.

And what are they spending it on?

Keeping prices low during a crisis?

Helping American in any way?

Nope. The opposite of that. They are jacking up prices to record levels, spending most of their money on stock buybacks, and making tens of billions in profits.

Cancel their subsidies and spend that money on our schools, roads and bridges please.

Thank you.


“The Real Reason Big Oil Won't Save the U.S. from High Gas Prices”

“Oil companies are extremely profitable right now and Wall Street firms generally prefer that the companies return those profits to investors”


The Rich are Rich because of Government – period:

“Today in capitalism, instead of more drilling, we need a Green New Deal that includes #publictransportation. Will it take a #GeneralStrike? #gasprices #fossilfuels

Ed Markey:

“Here’s a fact you wont hear on Fox News today. Exxon, Chevron, and Conoco made $46 billion in profits 2021. Now they’re using 40% of those profits for stock buybacks.

Big Oil is raking it in, raising prices, and taking advantage of the war in Ukraine to push for more drilling.”

America is a petroleum police state with an army, an environment, and our children’s lives & future at their disposal, long as the rich get richer your vote will never change anything


“Why record-high gas prices won't be solved by drilling more oil in the US”

It is more accurate to say “Drill. Baby kill”. Energy independence just results in excessive domestic environmental damage that burden 99% of Americans with real cash costs they have to cope with:

“As US oil and gasoline prices skyrocket, politicians in both parties have called for a seemingly easy solution: Drill our way out of the problem to ease prices at the pump and supply additional energy to Europe.”


Henry M. Rosenberg:

“Did I miss the announcement that U.S. oil companies are patriotically ramping up production to ease the price of oil? No? I didn’t think so. Maybe we should take their $440 Billion subsidies paid by the government and use them to give low income people a credit for gas purchases.”


Manchin and Sinema:

Dr. Abdul El-Sayed:

“Remember, gas prices are going up because Big Oil is throttling oil production at a time of global crisis…to profit from it.

Oh, and because for decades they’ve dropped billions of lobbying to kill any real investment in renewable energy so that we’ll always rely on them.”


Washington’s failure with going green has only made their price gouging at the pump from their war-of-choice-for-wealth harder on working America’s. Democrats share the same disdain for modest wealth American citizens as Republicans:

“People should be less mad about gas prices and more mad that they can’t live in their cities without relying on cars.”


From here on out it is all about false hope.

We do NOT have the ability or time to counter what is happening with the climate and global biosphere in general.

“Carbon capture doesn't work. Period.

Demand Biden stop spending taxpayer dollars subsidizing this false solution.”

“Shells Massive Carbon Capture Plant is Emitting More than It’s Capturing”

“Stop funding carbon capture with public dollars”


Historically, America and other countries have made great societal sacrifices during times of war:

“Dave Levitan:

“What if, instead of gas prices going up for everybody, oil companies simply made less money”


“The time has come, God knows, for us to examine ourselves; but we can only do this if we are willing to free ourselves of the myth of America and try to find out what is really happening here.” James Baldwin

What is happening here is Bologna! and you can be damn sure they are NOT going to let our voting get in the way.

Wars generate wealth. The massive government spending involved ends up in profits. Those profits pump up the stock market and consequently are captured disproportionately by the rich. We, on the other hand, DIE. War is a subterfuge. It allows THEM a way to launder public money to the rich.


It’s happening:

“It would appear the melt season is beginning a bit early as the last two days saw a total of 100,000km2 of extent decline (40,000&60,000). Understandably some are averse to extent data preferring volume, so the first image is from the HYCOM satellite displaying ice thickness. It is clearly visible from the lack of thickness in the Atlantic that warm ocean water has been stalling Refreeze moreso than on the Pacific side.

With regards to Arctic sea ice extent 2022 is currently the 6th lowest on record for this date in March (According to the Japanese Satellite JAXA) with only 2014/2015/2016/2017 and 2018 with a lower extent. Even with a continued La Niña the amount of heating going into oceans is unprecedented. If the level of extent continues to rapidly decline early in the season, it further increases the chances of a record low extent in the Arctic and even potentially a BOE event this year (less than 1,000,000km2 of extent)”


It’s happening:

[Earth] She’s cooking”

Reader comment: “Alex Ste

After a cool February, March started very hot in #Myanmar with temperatures near record levels for this time of the year. Today 11 March , the temperature exceeded 42C (42.2C) at Minbu, with nearly a dozen stations above 40C. The heat will continue at these levels next week.



“March 2022 La Niña update: three-bean salad”

“La Niña is now favored to continue into the Northern Hemisphere summer 2022, with nearly equal chances of ENSO-neutral or La Niña thereafter. But it's too soon to tell whether this winter's double-dip La Niña will become next winter's three-bean salad.”


America wants Putin to be a war criminal but won’t recognize the International Criminal Court having jurisdiction over America?


We can go the way of the dinosaurs in a variety of ways – let’s take the high road:

“Wolves Returned to California. So Did ‘Crazy’ Rumors.

For the past 10 years, wolves have been steadily returning to the state after being wiped out a century ago. But not everyone is rolling out the welcome mat.”


Alan MacLeod:

“People talk a lot about “state media.” But when you live in a corporate captured state, corporate media is the state media by default.”


“Wild fish stocks squandered to feed farmed salmon, study finds

Wealthy nations accused of depriving poorer ones of nutrient-rich food and wasting mackerel, sardine and anchovy stocks”


“In less than three years, “DSD Renewables has nearly tripled its workforce as it adds solar electricity to the power grid and to its customers’ facilities.” Thanks to The Daily Gazette of Schenectady for this feature:”

“Schenectady-based DSD on sharp growth path as green energy expands”


“How the U.S. Hid an Airstrike That Killed Dozens of Civilians in Syria

The military never conducted an independent investigation into a 2019 bombing on the last bastion of the Islamic State, despite concerns about a secretive commando force.”


“unfortunately many of those responsible for the Iraq humanitarian crisis are still in power. Including at the highest levels of government”


The cost of America’s “Prosperity”:

“As of 2020, 9.2 million Iraqis are internally displaced or refugees abroad.

There have been between 184,382 and 207,156 Iraqi civilians killed by direct violence since U.S. Invasions”


Quote: “During the siege of Fallujah, which I covered as an unembedded journalist, Marines killed so many civilians that the municipal soccer stadium had to be turned into a graveyard.”

“Did defense secretary nominee James Mattis commit war crimes in Iraq?”


“Ukraine on Fire”

BREAKING: We've officially added the Oliver Stone-produced documentary "Ukraine On Fire". Since Youtube keeps taking it down, we've decided to preserve this film. Unlike the Netflix-produced CIA-backed propaganda film "Winter On Fire", directed by Israel-American state department-lackey Evgeny Afineesky, "Ukraine On Fire" is directed by a Ukrainian anti-war activist that saw the rise of fascism and violence in Donbas first-hand.

This film is available for free at the request of Oliver Stone and the film's director Igor Lopatonok. Fact-checkers can't dispute it, yet Youtube won't allow it to stay up more than 24-hours. Chronicling the last century in Ukraine, it documents the rise of nationalism leading to the violent CIA-backed coup by fascists known as the "Maidan Rebellion".

Featuring interviews with Ukrainians, Russians, including Putin himself, we are NOT saying this film is the whole truth... But it's a lot closer to what you are seeing on Netflix.


“American politicians with ties to Russia or Ukraine need to be investigated for any possible contribution to the Ukrainian War:

Russia: “Ukraine is not invasion. Is “special military operation.”

GOP: “January 6 is not insurrection. Is “legitimate political discourse.”


“Time is running out for Florida Manatees.”

“Over 1,000 Florida manatees died last year—more than any other year in Florida’s history. Scientists fear this year will be even more catastrophic for these gentle creatures. Increased levels of water pollution and other problems—are taking a toll on manatees across Florida.”


“I don’t think people realise how the establishment became established. It simply stole the land and property off the poor, surrounded themselves with weak minded sycophants for protection, gave themselves titles and have been wielding power ever since.” Tony Benn


All this is going to change now that Republican voter suppression is in place and Democrats refuse to deal with it for the benefit of the people:

“Government is instituted for the common good: for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men.” John Adams


“Major US insurers like AIG are providing coverage for the Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline, a project that violates Indigenous rights and spells disaster for the climate.”

“AIG must stop insuring and divest from fossil fuels”


“Average Tax Rates by Pre-Tax U.S. Income Group, 1968 vs 2018”


Those "tax cuts" were never for us.

Data comes from Table TB1 of “Supplementary tables underlying statistics presented in the book” on the technical appendix. Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman’s book The Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay is a fantastic read for understanding the history of taxation in the U.S. (primarily) and how to reform the system domestically and internationally:


“Why is the cost of minimum wage labor the only thing never affected by inflation?”


It’s happening: CO2e

“All Primary Greenhouse Gases Break Records


Hat tip; Zack Labe - Climate Scientist (Atmospheric) | Postdoc at @CSUAtmosSci, PhD, @uciess,@CornellEAS alum

Zack Labe@ZLabe

A big problem - latest monthly update for greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (*new record*), methane (*new record*), and nitrous oxide (*new record*”

Reader Comment: Shura Hana

“We all likely need to be talking a lot more about "CO2e" and not just CO2. But there is hardly any discussion about CO2e in the environmental communities let alone the news media.

Observation by CO2.Earth from NOAA Data: >500ppm (and that was in 2020)!

Yet, "no media releases or coverage of the 500 ppm CO2e milestone announcement has been found on any website in the world, including the UNFCCC website which has an ultimate objective to stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere."

As reported May 14, 2020, by NOAA-ESRL with an update to its AGGI webpage, the combined influence of all greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere reached the equivalent of 500 ppm CO2 in 2019. With carbon dioxide and other GHGs continuing to accumulate in the atmosphere, despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, humanity's climate crisis has now surpassed the symbolic milestone of 500 ppm CO2e.

This is how we pass 1.5C in short order, like by the mid-2020's.

Please pass this post on and share the graphic. People should understand what this means. It means we are in a climate emergency. Just do the math. Math doesn't lie.”


War is class warfare$$


“Capitalism cannot reform itself. It is doomed to self-destruction. No universal selfishness can bring social good to all.” W.E.B. Du Bois

“Market Socialism”


“Andrew Bacevich: Ukraine is Paying the Price for the U.S. “Recklessly” Pushing NATO Expansion”


“The 50 Richest Americans Are Worth as Much as the Poorest 165 million

Remind me again, why are we still waiting for it to trickle down?”


Mark Trewick:

“And so, as I've now had many months of practice with this by using it to discern conditions around the edges of Antarctica, I know quite well what I'm looking at. From what I can see, this will be an unprecedentedly fast melt season and will provide us humans with a view like no other before of the whole Arctic region.

It's a bit different now than at any time in human history for the 12th of March.

This could be over long before September half.”


Leonid Yurganov:

“From my computer. Methane anomaly in moderate latitudes of the northern hemisphere for 0-4 km of elevation measured by two IASI/MetOp devices. The cause of the observed acceleration remains unknown.”


Dan’s a little slow, but he’s getting it:

“Companies that stash money overseas to avoid taxes shouldn’t be able to operate in America.

You shouldn’t be able to profit off our infrastructure if you pay $0 toward funding it.

Give them a choice: shut down or pay taxes like everyone else.”


“MTG CAUGHT Buying Defense Stocks While Decrying War Profits”


“Grow These Native Plants So Your Backyard Birds Can Feast

Native plants beat even the best bird feeder. Here’s what to put in your garden to transform it into a year-round wonderland.”

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