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10/2021 Permafrost thaw could release bacteria and viruses

Updated: Jan 5


Thousands of pages of internal documents offer the clearest picture yet of how Facebook endangers American democracy—and show that the company’s own employees know it.”


"We need to develop symbiotic relationships between city and nature where light is captured and nutrients and materials are continually created and recycled. We must rewild our city parks and gardens, making urban areas human population centers but also hubs of biodiversity."

“Building the Ecomegacities of the Future

We need to abandon Petropolis to prevent climate breakdown.”

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-10-20 426aaa

“Class Politics in America Is Far From Dead”


Jan 6:

“Terrorists Don’t Deserve Bipartisanship”


“Bent on extracting profits from doctors, staff, and patients, private equity executives don’t mind if you're Democrat or Republican, young or old, rich or poor. They simply want your health issues to translate into money.”

“Welcome to the Emergency Room. A Wall Street Honcho Will Decide Your Treatment.

Doctors and medical experts say private equity firms and profiteering corporations are putting American lives at risk and compromising the practice of medicine.”


Republican operatives:

“Don't Mistake School Board Protests for a Grassroots Campaign”

“Conservatives are disrupting school board meetings by shouting, using Nazi salutes, and even physically assaulting anyone they disagree with. But these attacks are anything but spontaneous.”


SCOTUS and the Judiciary must be purged of Trump’s judges:

“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries.” James Madison


"People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage.”

— John Kenneth Galbraith


“Greenland to Glasgow: Arctic SOS to Climate COP26 as scientists demand urgent action to slow ice loss and avert sea-level and weather catastrophe.”


“Permafrost thaw could release bacteria and viruses”


“This is interesting. It seems to still ring true today.”

“The nature of crowds”

“The deeply disturbing truth of our environmental issues that have a reached a critical mass in this decade are still conveniently ignored because the neo-liberal economic system refuses to admit the catastrophic nature of our predicament. And the majority of the people rather have a false hope that we can still reverse the tide of annihilation than to question the false narrative.

And so it goes. Things we have known about ourselves as humans have never made the slightest difference because our species is irrational. It functions on illusions.

The real tragedy is that we are sacrificing our own grandchildren on the altar of continuous econmic growth.”


“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside form evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.” Gustave Le Bon



Again buttigieg fails the American people:

“Paris Plans to Be Completely Cyclable by 2026”

“Paris, France is investing $290 million to make the city entirely bikeable.”


“For those who are staunch Capitalists because they have been made to believe that Socialism has never worked and never will, here is a very interesting short documentary.”

“230 People LIVING COMMUNALLY: TOUR of Ithaca EcoVillage — Ep. 051”


Pre-existing condition:

“Heart Damage Plagues Covid Survivors a Year After Infection, Study Shows”


Patrick McNulty:

“Arctic Sea Ice thickness in September 1979 to 2021. Area of sea ice masking out the <1.5 meters thick ice GIF. Notice very little is left. I asked Zack Labe what masking out < 2.0 meter thick ice would look like so he sent me this. Run both links to see the huge difference. Thanks Zack for spending the time..”


“Lithium isotope evidence for enhanced weathering and erosion during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum”


Very Christian:

“In the 21st century, instead of paying adults a living wage, the Ruling Class will still EXPLOIT child labor to perpetuate THEIR way of life.”

“Wisconsin moves to let 14-year-olds work till 11 pm

The proposed bill, SB-22, would allow the group to work between the hours of 6 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. on workdays before a school day and between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. when there is no school the next day.”

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