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10/2021 The CIA is a propaganda tool

Updated: Jan 9

Caitlin Johnstone

“The empires greatest weapon is not its military, but its propaganda machine.

Ian bremmer:

% of Americans who favor the use of US troops if China invaded Taiwan – going up up up

1982 19%

1986 19%

1998 27%

2002 31%

2004 33%

2006 32%

2008 32%

2010 25%

2012 28%


2015 28%

2018 35%

2020 41%

July 2021 52%

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2015 10-12 image 512

“The Best Places to Live in the U.S. if You’re Concerned About Climate Change”


Feb 2021 “9 million U.S. small businesses fear they won't survive pandemic”

Rhonda Evans:

“After 40 years of the take over of government by the rich and wealthy corporations, the middle class now holds a smaller share of U.S. wealth than the top 1%. After 40 years of wage stagnation and busting unions, the middle class are making $33,000 less annually then they did in 1970. After 40 years legislators have transferred over $50 trillion of our wealth to the 1%. After 40 years of depriving the people of a sustainable living, half of Americans are living in poverty. TIME FOR PAYBACKS!”

“Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A system that allows billionaires to exist alongside extreme poverty is immoral “

“Top 1% earners hold more wealth than the US middle Class.”

“$2.5 Trillion Theft': Study Shows Richest 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From Bottom 90% in Recent Decades through wage stagnation.”

9 million U.S. small businesses fear they won't survive pandemic The outlook is even worse for minority-owned businesses: 8 in 10 said their company is in poor financial condition, according to the Fed survey, even after receiving limited help from Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and other small business relief efforts during the pandemic.



“If you don’t convict a President for inciting a deadly Insurrection to overthrow the US Government, our Constitution is meaningless” Rob Reiner


“need employees to work below a certain rate to be profitable, but workers won’t do the job at that pay? Bend over and grab those bootstraps baby, you got a non-functioning business model!”


“Billionaires don’t want to pay taxes because not paying for things is how they became billionaires.”


Facebook Political Theater:

“Haugen isn’t really a ‘Facebook whistleblower’ – and it’s dangerous to imagine she is......there seems to be little Haugen is telling us that we do not already know – either based on our own personal experiences of using social media (does anyone really not understand yet that Facebook manipulates our feeds through algorithms?) or from documentaries like The Social Dilemma, where various refugees from Silicon Valley offer dire warnings of where social media is leading society.”

“So the Facebook whistleblower all the mass media are loudly amplifying today is pushing for regulations that Facebook just happens to fully support, likely because the trillion-dollars corporation knows it will impose costs that make the emergence of future competitors impossible?”


Wisconsin is once again pandering to voters at the expense of the commons – Sandhill Crane Hunting.

“Voice your opinion! Yesterday, a draft bill was released proposing a Sandhill Crane hunting season in the state. Any consideration of a potential crane hunt should be undertaken using the best available science and diverse opinions while sharing a vision for sustaining healthy crane populations on healthy landscapes. Read more about our concerns about the proposed hunt below.

Wisconsin residents – We encourage you to get involved in the discussion about Sandhill Crane hunting by contacting your State Representative and sharing your views on a possible hunt. Find your State Legislatures here >



“Indigenous activists come to D.C. with a message for Biden: Declare a national climate emergency”


“The America lawn is one of the greatest mass brainwashings of all time. How we all voluntarily signed up to spend untold hours growing cutting a nonnative monoculture of green which we lace with poisons to kill plants and insects never ceases to amaze.” Bill Heavy


“Exclusive: The Intercept has obtained Facebook's secret list of banned dangerous individuals and organizations, which can't be freely discussed on the company's platforms, and which we are publishing in full.”


Experts say the public deserves to see the list, a clear embodiment of U.S. foreign policy priorities that could disproportionately censor marginalized groups.”


The CIA is a propaganda tool:

“How Is The CIA Still A Thing?

Citing "conversations with more than 30 former U.S. officials," a new report by Yahoo News has confirmed earlier allegations that the Central Intelligence Agency not only spied on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his associates, but also drew up plans for kidnapping, renditioning, and assassinating him.

I mean, is it not out-of-this-world bizarre that we just found out the CIA recently drew up plans to assassinate a journalist for journalistic activity, and yet we're not all unanimously demanding that the CIA be completely dismantled and flushed down the toilet forever?

Caitlin Johnstone, Sept. 27, 2021, Caitlin's Newsletter”


“Key US Witness Against Assange Arrested in Iceland”

“Thordarson admitted in an earlier interview with Stundin in June that he lied to the FBI about Assange directly ordering hacking operations — a key element of the U.S. computer charge against the WikiLeaks founder. Thordarson was granted immunity by the FBI against prosecution in exchange for becoming an FBI informant in a sting against WikiLeaks in 2010.”


“This country could do it and supply energy to 136,000 homes per year.”

“If We Put Solar Panels on Top of Airports, We Could Power Entire Cities”

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