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5/2022 “Kenya loses over one million livestock to drought”

Updated: Jan 9

“Kenya loses over one million livestock to drought”

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018 6/29 _F2A1733aaa

“The Prisoner's Dilemma Climate Change and Collapse”


“It’s raining harder than ever. New research says climate change is to blame.

Warmer temperatures cause heavier rainfall across the U.S. — even in the driest cities.”


“UN report: People have wrecked 40% of all the land on Earth

A warning that the damage done to the land threatens many species, including our own.”


“Batteries are getting cheap. So why aren’t electric vehicles?

In 2015, the average price paid for an EV was around $36,000. Now, it's over $63,000.”


“Florida Judge Asked to Recognize the Legal Rights of Five Waterways Outside Orlando

The “rights of nature” movement, gaining adherents across the country and globally, asserts that rivers, trees, mountains and ecosystems have legal rights, just like people and corporations.”


Biden is a manifestation of all the failings of humans both in America and abroad:

“Hundreds of organizations press POTUS to 'end the fossil fuel era' and 'save life on Earth'”


“Why Complex Systems Collapse Faster

All civilizations collapse. The challenge is how to slow it down enough to prolong our happiness.”

“Ugo Bardi: "Ruin, or “collapse,” is a feature of our world. We experience it with our health, our job, our family, our investments. When ruin comes, it is unpredictable, rapid, destructive, and spectacular. And it seems to be impossible to stop until everything that can be destroyed is destroyed. The same is true of civilizations."”


“The World Throws Away 1.6 Billion Tons of Food Every Year

It’s time for a better plan.”

“Drought is hammering North and South America. War has interrupted Ukraine’s wheat harvest. Heat waves threaten India’s crop production. Politicians pull stunts that result in hundreds of millions of dollars in food going bad. Famine is already hitting parts of the world hard, and it’s probably going to get worse. We could change it.”


“6 million Southern Californians face unprecedented order to conserve water”

This was 100% foreseeable. Govt has acted criminally by not planning in advance and/or not pursuing public owned desalination. What they did do was give Wall St our fresh water and ramped up speech about “water wars”:

6 million Southern Californians face unprecedented order to conserve water- The Metropolitan Water District imposed first-ever restrictions. Some Southern Californians could be limited to watering lawns once a week.”


“Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo Vote to Keep Financing Fossil Fuels

The three banks have rejected shareholder resolutions to make their lending practices consistent with climate targets.”

“Dept. of 'Malefactors of Great Wealth:' Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo Vote to Keep Financing Fossil Fuels- The three banks have rejected shareholder resolutions to make their lending practices consistent with climate targets.”


ALL Americans can rally together in their opposition and disgust for the parasites called Democrats and Republicans:


“But most of all, this crisis is a direct result of the politicization of every aspect of our society for the benefit of a privileged few. The vilification of education, science, media, natural rights, rural lifestyles, urban lifestyles, charity, compassion, and virtually everything else for a brief political gain has gutted our society.”


American Political Campaign - say whatever you have to, to get elected and do whatever you want$ to


I would rather see the lowliest sea slug thrive and all the current billionaires and their politicians go extinct:

“Climate Crisis Threatens Largest Mass Extinction of Marine Mammals in 66 Million Years”


“Study Finds Climate Change Drives Animal Migration, Threatening New Viral Outbreaks”


Israeli mercenaries have been fighting alongside America’s Nazis in Ukraine:

“Israelis fighting shoulder to shoulder with Ukrainian neo-Nazis: Russian foreign ministry

Over recent days, Russian officials have lambasted Tel Aviv for its support of notorious anti-Semite militias in Ukraine”


“How Democracies Spy on Their Citizens

The inside story of the world’s most notorious commercial spyware and the big tech companies waging war against it.”

“Pegasus, a spyware technology designed by NSO Group Official, can extract the contents of a phone or activate its camera and microphone to provide real-time sur­veillance. Almost all governments in Europe are using it.

It is used to spy on dissidents, journalists and ordinary people. This type of surveillance is criminal. It's a fundamental human rights violation.

We need President Joe Biden, Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States to uphold the Fourth Amendment, defend our rights and secure justice by protecting our privacy from government agencies, businesses and individuals with criminal laws & civil liability.”

2018 6-29 _F2A1733aaa

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