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9/2021 Production of meat worldwide causes twice the pollution of production of plant-based foods

Updated: Jan 5

“We will always mourn on 9/11.

But its true legacy is the cruelty with which we responded…

And which has now poisoned us.”


Seriously, what exactly is politicians plans for the people when it comes to the politicians Environmental Holocaust? Die?! Is it going to be everyone for themselves as our politicians slam the door to their bunkers in our faces?

Hitlers political-military rulers did what many regimes have been done to their people repeatedly throughout history and Washington et al will certainly do it to the American People. When the poop really hits the fan and they can’t even run their grift any longer, they’ll just up and disappear dropping the people like a hot potato to slowly suffocate and die in the shit storm they, the politicians themselves created for their temporary benefit.

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017 6/18 034aaa

Christian Baker:

“I am tired of living within the most insane society possible. Any "it could be worse" scenario will most likely imply societal collapse right away. Rendering the proposed scenario invalid in the context of this statement.

We are facing extinction, nobody really addresses root causes, the majority is beyond repair and this is probably the only way to actually fail as a civilization.

Our society degenerated so much, after centuries of axiomatic, systemic and cultural malprogramming via artificial scarcity, that it is now unfit for survival.

The unfolding chaos will speed up our collective demise and we will simply switch from a "lalala, normality" to a "lalala, psychosis" modus operandi. Without a critical mass ever understanding the mechanism that destroyed humanity and its environment. For absolutely no reason.

Civilizations have collapsed in the past and the most dangerous assumption probably is the one that I carried around with me for a long, long time as well, while communicating root causes and alternatives for decades: That we are going to be smarter this time.

But we are not.”

“Act now to slow climate change and protect the planet, urges UN chief”


“Almost everything Tom Wolfe wrote about the glitterati left in the late 60s has been recapitulated in subsequent decades, with the faux radicalism diminishing into hip liberalism and the artistic pretense inflating into camp couture for the one-percent. It’s beyond parody.”

“Roaming Charges: Taxing Representations”


“"Production of meat worldwide causes twice the pollution of production of plant-based foods a major new study has found."”

Meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production, study finds”


“This is not an isolated incident. Thousands of civilians have been killed by U.S. drone strikes. Yet there is no accountability and no justice for the victims. We must no longer let ourselves be fooled into believing that drone warfare is a remote battle with no consequences.”

“Pentagon acknowledges Aug. 29 drone strike in Afghanistan was a tragic mistake that killed 10 civilians.”


The Holocene is well and truly over:

“World-famous rock formation crumbles into the sea”


“Fecundity of a Wild Regal Fritillary, Speyeria idalia (Drury), (Nymphalidae) from an Eastern Nebraska Prairie and Observations of Dispersal in Western Nebraska”



“A grisly video shows some of the 226 dead birds an NYC Audubon volunteer picked up on Tuesday morning. But that's just a glimpse of the massive death toll of building strikes during migration season. Learn what can be done to help prevent such tragedies from occurring.”

“A Video Captures the Dreadful Toll Window Strikes Take on Migrating Birds”


“Plant and herb poaching is not a new phenomenon but it still sucks and has a severe impact on the Southern Appalachian environment. Read all about it from Ben Pounds at”

“Tragedy of the commons: Plant poaching persists in Smokies and other public lands”


American government will never police itself adequately:

"American media needs to put the blame for that squarely where it belongs: fifty Republicans in the US Senate who chose their own self-interest over our county when Trump's impeached fate was in their hands."

“The Real Criminals General Milley Exposed? Every Republican in the US Senate

If the GOP had the courage of the Senate Republicans in 1974, Milley never would have been in a position to worry that an American president might start a nuclear war just to hang on to power.”


Voting Right restrictions would never pass the “effects test” of racism. A pattern of behavior by white supremacists:

“Alabama said, “you to have a government-issued photo id,” and the said, “but your public housing id doesn’t count.” Alabama has lots of public housing. 71% of those in public housing are African American. For many, that’s the only ID they have.

The Alabama shut down the DMV in the black belt counties. So no, people have to go 50 miles to get a driver’s license. But if you don’t drive, how are you gonna go 50 miles? And you don’t have public transportation.

What they do is they create an obstacle. And then they create an obstacle to the obstacle. And they make it so difficult for people, who are already working their hardest to make it, to now be able to just access their basic right to vote.”


American govt and judiciary are a abject disgrace

“Hey, politicians who don't think that we need to build infrastructure with climate in mind: take a look at Hurricane Ida's aftermath in the tri-state area.”

“We’re Falling Short on Even the Simplest Fix for Storm Flooding”


“Well, here's an interesting perspective on collapse Maybe it won't be as bad as we think at first. It's from a book review of Tainter's "Collapse of Complex Societies" at u n z dot com but Facebook won't allow anything from that domain to be cited "to keep the community safe." “

"Benefits of collapse? This is not, however, to say that after collapse the world shifts into a post-apocalyptic Mad Max-style Hobbesian war of all against all where the center doesn’t hold, grass grows in a streets and bands of malnourished survivors scavenge amidst the rusted ruins of former grandeur. Contemporary elites incapable of primary food production (as well as historians) see the loss of peace, great literature and technology in a tragic light; yet collapse is at base an economizing process carried through by rational individuals for whom this outcome is objectively preferable. There is evidence that in many parts of the Roman Empire average nutrition actually improved, since the peasants were no longer burdened into forced savings to maintain the imperial superstructure of magnates, bureaucrats and soldiers."


“Food & Water watch

This is so sleazy and unethical. People deserve to know what level of risk they're taking on, but more importantly, EVERYONE deserves to be safe in their homes.”

“The Federal Government Sells Flood-Prone Homes To Often Unsuspecting Buyers, NPR Finds”

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