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6/2021 Govt doesn't care: drought causing water to taste like dirt. Just 'add lemon,' officials say

Updated: Jan 9

“California's historic drought is causing drinking water to taste like dirt. Just 'add lemon,' officials say"


Air Pollution and Climate Change Cost the Average American $2500 Per Year

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 9/6 _F2A8939aaa


“We are in a unique never before observed state of ocean and atmosphere, and even the most qualified and respected specialists in the world are often wildly wrong on what they predict or publish these days. Whether we may want to call this as one cyclone being refuelled by packages of air and moisture delivered by successive cyclones - or the incoming cyclones feeding on the remnants of the previous cyclones is probably a matter of opinion.

In order to make understanding of this atmospheric mess we will have to look at the upper tropospheric circulation at the Jet Stream level at about 12 km up (at 250 hPa). The first image we see a very well organised cyclonic circulation reaching all the way up to this altitude above the storm. If it's consistent we can call it as a part of the same storm system. It is important here to look at the upper atmospheric situation for it to be somehow comprehensible. It is looking quite unlike anything that has been seen before at altitudes first 18 km up (at 70hPa), and then at 30km up (at 10 hPa).

The last three images are at 30km (10 hPa) with the localised cells seem to be outflows at high altitude, and the global circulation seems to have morphed into some kind of extra-large brewer-dobson beast, with the southern winter vortex revved up to its outrageous size, taking all the Northern Hemisphere's convection and dropping it on the Antarctica. Thus, the east-to-west flow in the Northern Tropics is being caused by the air being left behind by the world spinning as it heads south, and the southern winter west-to-east circulation by the southwards moving air carrying momentum from the Equator where it spins at 1,600 km/h.


“Arctic ice is receding 'more quickly than ever'”

“Markus Rex, the leader of the ‘Mosaic’ expedition said that the Arctic ice is receding at a rate far faster than ever with several tipping points in the climate system”


“Methane: A Dangerous Problem, An Easy Solution

“You can’t turn your head when somebody else is being hurt by decisions that you make.””

“The industry dumps or loses almost 8 million tons of methane into the air each year—equal to the amount of natural gas to heat 6.5 million U.S. homes—through leaks and intentional releases, despite solutions that could eliminate up to half of this pollution “


“Degradation of cold ice-rich permafrost: Permafrost Collaboration Team August 2020 Meeting”


“Methane, Sea Ice & Climate Update with Margo (June 20, 2021)”

“Margo reviews methane data from CAMS & NOAA for Saturday, 6/19/21. She also shows the current state of the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice and looks at Climate Reanalyzer and recent earthquakes. Margo also shares two recent articles from the Barents Observer”


“Overseas climate change could devastate U.K.”


“Probably the greatest agricultural catastrophe of the beginning of the 21st century.”

“Costly frost in France attributed to climate change”


“The Record Temperatures Enveloping The West Are Not Your Average Heat Wave”


“Polarstern team warns Arctic may be past tipping point

A research team that set sail for the Arctic has warned that the tipping point for irreversible global warming may have already been triggered.”

"The scientist who led the international MOSAiC expedition to the North Pole on Tuesday warned that the point could have already been reached at which irreversible global warming is triggered.

During its expedition, the German research vessel "Polarstern" drifted through the Arctic on an ice floe for a year to also be able to research the winter at the North Pole, and the effects of climate change.

What did the research team find?

"The disappearance of summer sea ice in the Arctic is one of the first landmines in this minefield, one of the tipping points that we set off first when we push warming too far," said team leader Markus Rex, adding: "One can essentially ask if we haven't already stepped on this mine and already set off the beginning of the explosion."

Rex led what was the world's biggest mission so far to the North Pole, an expedition that involved some 300 scientists from 20 countries. Its Polarstern vessel returned to Germany in October bringing evidence of an Arctic Ocean that could see ice-free summers within decades.

Presenting the information eight months on, Rex noted that the ice had retreated "faster in the spring of 2020 than since the beginning of records" and that "the spread of the sea ice in the summer was only half as large as decades ago."


“Heat from Below: How the Ocean is Wearing Down the Arctic Sea Ice”


“Evidence for an Increasing Role of Ocean Heat in Arctic Winter Sea Ice Growth” - by Robert Ricker et al.“


“Interannual variability in Transpolar Drift summer sea ice thickness and potential impact of Atlantification” - by H. Jakob Belter et al.


Hope you like your humans “well-done”:

“114 degrees forecast in Portland as 'life-threatening' heat looms”


“Record breaking temperatures - 31.9C for air, 39C for land surface - recorded in the extreme north of Yakutia, Russia's coldest region. A wave of extremely dry and hot weather started in May, and will go on till at least end of June, continuing to cause wildfires”

“Record breaking temperatures recorded in Arctic Russia

Sunday saw a slew of record-breaking temperatures in Arctic Russia, as a persistent heatwave continues to sweep Siberia, especially in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).”


Yet another Global Warming feedback has been activated:

“This heat wave and the exceptional drought in the Southwest are part of a damaging feedback loop enhanced by climate change, experts say. The hotter it gets, the drier it gets; the drier it gets, the hotter it gets.”

“An eighth of the US population is sweltering under a record-breaking heat dome. Climate change is making it worse”

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