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5/2021 5

Updated: Jan 9


i feel sorry for the parrot fishes! Yes this fish can be eaten, but for us divers this is a big No No!!! There are important reasons why we should not eat them and we should educate the fishermen to stop catching these beautiful fish! Please do spare them ... the ocean needs them to regenerate. Read below to be educated. They're lots of fish you can catch in the sea. They can sell and cook the other fish, but leave the parrot fish!

Here is why: (c&p from the web)

Parrotfish eat algae and dead coral*. They spend up to 90% of their day nibbling. In other words, they clean the reef. This is important because most of the reefs across the tropics are being smothered by algae because there are not enough parrotfish and other herbivores out there grazing.

After all that eating, get this: They poop fine white sand – lots of it! Each parrotfish produces up to 320 kilograms (700 pounds) of sand each year.

Their numbers are so depleted, and algae levels are so high, that they cannot be fished sustainably right now anywhere in the Caribbean. These flamboyant, algae-eating, sand-pooping fish need to be left in the water. And when they are left to chomp away, they do a brilliant job. A massive new report concludes that reefs where parrotfish were abundant in the 1980s are the reefs that are healthy now.

There is a reason for their existence so please let's not eat them ... To our Govt. Please educate our fishermen... Say no to catching parrot fish! Let's not buy parrot fish so they won't catch them anymore.

Please share..”

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 9/6 _F2A9014aaa

Breaking the law while acting in service of the rich will be defended in America:

“Republicans Block Investigation of Capitol Attack by Trump Mob: 'The Coward's Way Out,' Critics Say”


“Selling Death: the US is Dominant Once Again…in Arms Sales”


Interesting piece for weekend reading.

“The last fifty years of neoliberal hegemony has reshaped statecraft away from the governance of the market and towards governance by markets. The neoliberal era has been characterised by policies designed to strengthen the market at the expense of the state, whether through privatisation of previously publicly-owned resources, the assault on formerly strong labour movements, cuts to public services, or the introduction of market logics into the state bureaucracy.

But one of the main problems with the neoliberal narrative is that there is no such thing as ‘the market’ as separate from ‘the state’. Markets can only function when states provide the infrastructure within which market interactions take place. And capitalism can only function when states step in to clean up after crises.”

“Covid-19 Is Not the End of Neoliberalism”


“Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country, to take away your free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery called “capitalism”, but all of us in the third world know what that means, it means corporations run the countries, run the world and people suffer” Muammar Gaddafi


“Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi overthrew the repressive Libyan monarchy of King Idris in 1969, nationalized the oil and banking industry and with the profits oversaw Africa’s first communication satellite in 2007, free healthcare and education for the Libyan people, he was working towards the unification of Africa to create a single African trading block and a single African currency based on gold and dinar, along with a united African military force. All this contributed to why the West wanted Gadaffi out.”


· Electricity was free for all its citizens.

· Interest Free loans,

· If unable to find employment…the average salary of the profession is paid until employment is found

· If a Libyan wants to farm, the receive farm land, a house, equipment, seed and livestock to kick start their farms – all for free.

· Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Man-Made River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.

· A home was considered a human right in Libya.

· Newlyweds received US $50,000 to buy their first apartment…which was enough to cover the full cost in most cases.

· A percentage of Libyan oil sales went into the bank account of each Libyan citizen.

· A mother who gave birth to a child received $5,000

· When a Libyan bought a car, the government paid 50% of the cost.

· The price of gas in Libya was $0.14 per liter

· For $0.15 a Libyan could purchase 40 loaves of bread.

· Education and medical treatments were all free in Libya. Libya boasted one of the finest health care systems in the Arab and African World

· If a Libyan couldn’t find the education or medical facilities they needed in Libya, the government funded them to go abroad for it – not only was it free…but they also got up to US $2,300/month accommodation and car allowance.

· 25% of Libyans had a university degree. Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans were literate. After Gaddafi the figure rose to 87%

· Libya had not external debt when the US invaded and its reserves amounted to $150 billion

“We all need to know how the CORRUPTION works, then we will see what US sociopaths are doing when they LIE US INTO WARS, etc.

Greedy US sociopaths have a massive corruption scam they have done since WW2, "privatization", which sends constant streams of government money to enrich privatizers, investors and Wall Street firms (as well as related companies). It is not at all like regular private business, although that is what they tell us as part of their con job.

They understand that federal money is NOT "our taxes", it can simply be issued IN ANY AMOUNT for anything that is physically possible! They sure as heck do NOT want us to know this - we would not only DEMAND the good things we should have had decades ago, we would see their corruption far more easily!

They privatized war companies, prisons, much of the Post Office and the VA and Medicare, detention centers, healthcare insurance and more. Privatizers get to bill the government ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and insanely high profits. Wall Street firms invest, knowing that profits are guaranteed via government money. Related companies that supply or bill through privatized companies can also grift via massive overbilling, like drug companies, military and prison supply companies, etc.

So the "money levers" of a country are controlled by the people in power, which is why the greedy sociopaths have been taking over other countries since WW2 - they get their hands on the "money levers" of all those countries via the corrupt puppets they install, announce "privatization" of everything, and get constant streams of money to their bank accounts! (In the 70s the worst greedy bastards hijacked the US government more thoroughly and then quickly corrupted the UK, Australia, Canada and NZ to do their "privatization", union busting, media takeover, etc.)

We need to EXPOSE their corruption scam so we end the wars they lie us into, end mass incarceration, end brutal rule by greedy sociopaths, and create the humane system we should have had decades ago.

They never call their scam by the correct name because they know there is public backlash against privatization, so they say "private" health insurance, for example, or "for profit" prisons, etc. Another cloaking term is "public-private partnership. The privatization of public schools is being done calling it "school choice" or "charter schools".

Below are some articles by economics experts who inform the public about how federal money ACTUALLY works vs the lies we have been told. We all need to learn so we can fight the greedy liars effectively. And this first link is to a video with Ben Norton's research which puts names to the sociopaths originally responsible for this corruption and the endless wars to take control of other countries - Dulles, the Bushes, etc. Integrating that info with the truth about how government money works exposes everything!

The first article linked below is one of the briefest ones I have seen with the basics, the second is explaining how EASILY we can have real healthcare for all (and other good things), and the third is a fun way of showing the planning that is required for whatever it is we want, since the money is NOT the problem. Prof Kelton was poking fun at the people who pretended that wanting good things in this country was like asking for "free ponies", LOL.

“Yes there is such a thing as free lunch

“If you could provide free, comprehensive healthcare to everyone …”

“Op-Ed: Congress can give every American a pony (if it breeds enough ponies)”

“How the CIA cultivates a fake left: From the cultural cold war to intersectional imperialism”

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