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12/2022 US Corn: Each additional degree day spent above 30°C reduces crop yield between 0.5% - 2.0%

Updated: Jan 5

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2015-09-17 479aaaaa

The schmuck is protecting the profits of obscenely concentrated wealth

President Biden is pushing Congress to block a pending nationwide rail strike and push through a contract deal that includes no sick days and is opposed by four of the 12 rail unions.:

“President Biden is pushing Congress to block a pending nationwide rail strike and push through a contract deal that includes no sick days and is opposed by four of the 12 rail unions.”

““Enough Is Enough”: Rail Workers Decry Biden’s Push to Impose Strike-Breaking Labor Deal”


The white collar 4th Reich’s are making great strides with their plans for weaponizing the planet against the nonrich:

Peter Carter:


29 Oct. 2022 “Alarming” Evidence of U.S. sweet corn yield losses

from rising temperatures. Our results show growing-season temperatures exceeding 30°C were detrimental to crop yield. Each additional degree day spent above 30°C during anthesis reduced crop yields by 0.5% and 2% in irrigated and rainfed fields, respectively. This study shows evidence for sweet corn yield losses across broad spatial domains in the wake of climate change.

This is alarming as the future trends project 20–30 more days over 30°C than current in much of the U.S. by mid-century.”


“BREAKING: Following the intervention of four Tribes last week, we have filed legal papers on behalf of conservation groups to defend Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, and the Antiquities Act.

Utah's attack on President Biden's monuments restoration is legally flawed & a threat to Indigenous culture.”

“We're in Court Defending Priceless National Monuments”


“When the rich rob the poor it’s called business.

When the poor fight back it’s called violence.”

Mark Twain


Danny DeVito:

“No Joe, you’re supposed to help the railroad workers….you got it backwards. A handful of sick days c’mon. Workers of the world unite!”


“The Guardian Could Help Assange By Retracting All The Lies It Published About Him”


Born Lomborg:

“Today, three-quarters of Germany's electricity comes from fossil fuels (and biomass delivers most of its renewables)

That's because there is almost no wind

And remember, electricity (where Germany has most of its renewables) is only 19% of all energy”

“How to trillion dollars and still getting very little from wind and solar. Paying for part time when did solar and full-time electricity just adds a lot of class. And it doesn’t reduce emissions very much at all.”


Democrats (like Republicans) are disgusting:

"As a major rail strike looms, rail executives have been reluctant to meet workers’ demands for better pay, benefits, and time off. At the same time, the CEOs of five of the largest railroad conglomerates have been paid more than $200 million in the last three years, and company shareholders have been boosted by nearly $200 billion in stock buybacks and dividends over the last dozen years." #RailroadStrike #railstrike #NationalStrike #GeneralStrike #strike #union #sickday #healthyliving #union

“Railroad CEOs Were Paid Over $200 Million As Workers Suffered”


Bryon Lindstrom:

“You don’t “make” $15/hr. You “make” 100s or 1000s of $$ worth of product each hour and sell it for $15 each hour. You didn’t make anything for yourself. You sold an hour of your live and your body for $15. Don’t let them convince you otherwise. Your labor value is getting stolen.”


The costs to our general economy of their climate lead biosphere collapse are largely irrelevant as they are only concerned about the rich

“"Climate change and climate change related disasters are battering our economy...damage cropland leads to increase prices, insurance rates are ticking up as these storms are becoming all too common" - E2's own Micaela Preskill on KCTV5 News Kansas City with Grace Chapin TV and Bill Hurrelbrink.”

“How weather disasters are impacting your wallet”


James Parris:

“When given a choice, They all side with billionaires, Never the workers”

“Only in a capitalist society, would we want to place people into debt to be more educated”


“Biden BLOCKS Railroad Workers Strike (clip)


Comrade Misty is Putin’s Buddy:

“Rail companies are making record profits and their employees have to fight for the most basic of crumbs. And our “pro-labor” president is stepping in to force a shit deal on them and take away their right to strike in defense of the bosses. Fuck this country.”


“By the wealthy for the wealthy

Majority of lawmakers in 116th Congress are millionaires

More than half of those in Congress are millionaires, data from lawmakers’ most recent personal financial disclosures shows.”


“Drought, floods and the melting of glaciers affected almost every part of the world in 2021, according to a new WMO report.”

“Satellites Show Climate Change Thinning Rivers, Erasing Glaciers

Drought, floods and the melting of glaciers affected almost every part of the world in 2021, according to a new WMO report.”


“Rising sea levels could swamp the US coastline by 2050, NASA predicts”

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