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2/2023 Petitions, voting, protests, mailings, etc have all failed the Environment

Updated: Jan 5

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-09-19 _F2A0281aaa2

Petitions didn’t make a difference and frankly neither did the NRDC. So I don’t know what they’re doing but they are not to be trusted:

“Tell President Biden & Congress: Do More To Fight the Climate Crisis”

“An alarming scientific report shows that climate change is only getting more severe, and more quickly than previously thought.

The wildfires, megadroughts, flash floods, and extreme temperatures we’ve seen this past year have made it clearer than ever: we are not prepared for the worsening impacts of the climate crisis.

We need President Biden and Congress to do more to help us withstand the effects of climate change and accelerate a just transition to a 100% clean energy economy.

Add your name: Call on President Biden and Congress to prioritize our climate future in 2023 by slashing climate pollution, speeding up the transition to clean energy, and safeguarding our most vulnerable communities.


“The one time I was asked if I was afraid I would go to hell for being an atheist, I said, “yes, to the same extent that you are afraid of being eaten by a dragon.” She said, “but dragons don’t exist.” I don’t think she understood the sarcasm.”


Hedge Funds are responsible for the extremely toxic rail bomb that went off in Ohio:

Carolyn Petit:

“I remember when Chernobyl aired on HBO and at least one critic I read on it was like “it illuminates the uniquely Soviet failures in leadership/honesty/communication in favor of maintain a front that suggests everything’s fine” lol Lmao”


“We just burned off 5 container cars of vinyl chloride in your village. It’s fine. Go home.”


Please understand DEMOCRATS are responsible for the horrific privatization of the United State Postal Service:

Jeanne Louise Proteau:

“but Biden hasn't even fought to try to get the board to vote Dejoy out Dejoy is putting plan forward to cut 50,000 postal workers within 10 yrs. Obama tried to implement neo-liberal/conservative board members as did Biden This is all about privatizing USPS their corporate donors have funded for yrs for this to happen. It needs to stop””


Shameless top-hot white-collar killers. They are animals. They’re not even human:

“The new Top Gun movie looks a bit shit.”


The Hill:

“9-year-old boy pays off entire school lunch debt for his class after saving his allowance.”

Melissa byrne:

“No. Just no. Give this boy back his money and make school lunch free. This is a heartwarming story. Little kids should not be cleaning up the messes made by selfish adults.”

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