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3/2023 “High Seas Treaty exempts deep-sea mining from stricter environmental rules”

Updated: Jan 5

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-10-20 412aaa

This is precisely what the rich want: - What first looked like a pandemic blip has turned into a crisis. Nationwide, undergraduate college enrollment dropped 8% from 2019 to 2022.


“What’s happening at Fukushima plant 12 years after meltdown?”

“ - OKUMA, Japan (AP) — Twelve years after the triple reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japan is preparing to release a massive amount of treated radioactive wastewater into…”


Australia’s massive wildfires shredded the ozone layer — now scientists know why”

“ - Smoke from the catastrophic 2019–20 fires unleashed ozone-eating chlorine molecules into the stratosphere.”


“The GOP Blew It By Calling Everything ‘Woke’”

“ - A majority of Americans view “woke” with positive associations. But specific “woke” policies are far less popular.”


“Anthropocentrism’s Role In Ecological Collapse”

“ - Anthropocentrism is an often-overlooked contributing factor in ecological collapse. Folks will point to the profit-driven economic system as the sole cause, but anthropocentrism I would argue, is wha…”


Biden needs to be tracked for additions and deletions of green house gas. His self proclaimed climate activist is surely bullshit when you net out all his oily actions: And yes, include exports and refining for other countries done here in the US (maybe a with and without type of number pair)

“U.S. Shale Boom Shows Signs of Peaking as Big Oil Wells Disappear”


“Some Election Officials Refused to Certify Results. Few Were Held Accountable.” - Election law experts explain how the rise in election officials who refuse to certify results reveals a weakness in the American electoral system.


Their reason? GREED, not religion, Greed. And no, Democrats won’t protect us:

“Inside the “Private and Confidential” Conservative Group That Promises to “Crush Liberal Dominance””

“ - Leonard Leo, a key architect of the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority, is now the chairman of Teneo, a group that aims to influence all aspects of American politics and culture.”


And American sycophant of the Rich Paul Ryan has been practically living in Taiwan for some time now. Think Bannon in Poland and you’ll start understanding what Ryan has been up to in Taiwan. Pelosi has been to Taiwan as well. So what’s your point with claiming China is interfering? That China lacks imagination by doing the same thing as the US?:

“Micronesia leader accuses China of bribery, threats in Taiwan bid”

“ - David Panuelo says Beijing conducting ‘political warfare’ against his island nation as part of campaign to take Taiwan.”


“US-China Downward Spiral Raises Fresh Fears of Eventual Conflict

“ - China and the US have locked themselves into a new cycle of recriminations, provoking fresh worries that the world’s two biggest economies are heading down a path that could one day lead to the once …”


“The Liberal Media Always Fails Against Fascism

“ - Why legacy media institutions, like the New York Times and the Washington Post, fail historically at confronting fascism.”


America’s 2 political parties and 3 branches of government:

“How Fascism Is Being Reborn From the Ashes of Conservatism”

“ - Luke. Luke! I am your… it was, in one of those great, absurd, funny ironies of history, New Gingrich who said it was finally going too far. Reacting to the new bill in Florida to…”


30% set aside to conserve the Ocean is a great sound bite. But without cracking down on deep sea mining, offshore fossil fuel expansion, and bottom trawling over the other 70%? Yeah, ok,… good luck with that. You might want to take measures to keep the water over the 70% separate from the 30%:

“High Seas Treaty exempts deep-sea mining from stricter environmental rules

“ - Despite the setback campaigners hope countries will be emboldened to protect marine ecosystems as they negotiate seabed mining rules”


“How Washington raised $300 million for climate action from polluters”

“ - At the state's first "cap-and-invest" auction, permits sold out and the price of carbon nearly doubled what it sold for in California.”


A budget for the best interest of the rich and their Corporations. Better luck next time little people (but you may get some very exciting cuts to drag down your quality of life in America even further!)

“The real message of Biden’s budget” - The president is picking a fight with Republicans on their own turf — fiscal responsibility and defense spending.


“The Biden administration has called for protecting mature US forests to slow climate change, but it's still allowing them to be logged”

“ - Protecting old and mature trees is the simplest and least expensive way to pull carbon out of the atmosphere – but proposed logging projects threaten mature stands across the US.”

Understand that nature will NEVER NEVER NEVER reproduce old growth forests on planet Earth. Once cut, the dimensions, proportions, and character of most all adult tree species willl NEVER been seen on earth again.

And because one man, biden, wants money for his career in politics this is precisely what is going to happen to our trees.

How many assaults against their future can today’s youth tolerate?


Wildfire Smoke Linked to Ozone Layer Damage - Wildfire smoke particles can remain in the stratosphere for a year and cause chemical reactions that deplete the ozone, M.I.T. chemists say.”


“Gas stoves pose health risks. Are gas furnaces and other appliances safe to use? » Yale Climate Connections”

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