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3/2023 Corporate Interests ‘Watered Down’ the Latest IPCC Climate Report, Investigations Find

Updated: Jan 9

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2018-09-26 _F2A8932aaa

Another underestimation of the danger we face by our treatment of the environment. By understating the threat they can continue their destruction of the global environment:

“Arctic climate modelling too conservative

Climate models used by the UN’s IPCC and others to project climate change are not accurately reflecting what the Arctic’s future will be. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg argue that the rate of warming will be much faster than projected. “

“The Deep Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait in CMIP6 Models” - by Céline Heuzé et al.

“Divergence in Climate Model Projections of Future Arctic Atlantification” - by Morven Muilwijk et al.


“If average global temperatures increased by 2°C, coral reefs would almost completely disappear.

But it is still possible to limit global warming to 1.5°C with rapid & deep emissions reductions.

We must #ActNow to take #ClimateAction & protect our future.


+1.5C means 70% to 90% of coral reefs will vanish

+2C means 99% of coral reefs will vanish


Marianne Williamson:

“The majority of Americans are shackled by economic conditions which systematically thwart their ability to actualize their God-given potential.

Those who shill for the political status quo attack and mischaracterize, a classic technique to distract from the fact that the system they protect is riddled with casual disregard for the suffering of people and the destruction of the planet.”



“-20 years ago, working as a server, I lived in a corner 1 bdrm apt downtown with amazing water views for $700/month

-A similar apt now $3,600/month, more than 5x as much.

-As a lawyer at age 47 I am unable to afford living in the apartment I did at age 27 while waiting tables.”


“In the heat of the Mojave Desert, unauthorized recreational use of the land is threatening the balance of the ecosystem. New technological advancements can make it possible to track where this activity is taking place and put up new layers of protection. Discover how.”

“From Radar to AI: The future of conservation

The work of conservationists has never been more crucial, so how can technology help save life on Earth?”


How do you water down Armageddon?!:

“Corporate Interests ‘Watered Down’ the Latest IPCC Climate Report, Investigations Find

References to fossil fuels and meat consumption were removed from the report summary, while language bolstering controversial carbon removal technologies were added.”

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