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3/2023 Dems Willow project renders all other climate & mass extinction efforts WORTHLESS

Updated: Jan 9

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma) Iowa County, Wisconsin, USA

2018-09-26 _F2A8949aaa

We can’t add ANY new GHG emissions to the atmosphere.

Biden’s and his 2 parties disregard for killing organized society makes him unfit for office. We are not acceptable losses to continue and enhance the already rich’s wealth:


Again, when it comes to today’s climate you can NOT offset any amount of additional Green house gas emissions –much less the gargantuan emissions from the Willow project - with moves, that should be done anyway, but meant to pacify environmentalists with mere crumbs.

*Today* the Willow project will not only worsen the end of organized societies body count, but also reveal the truly cynical & wildly insincere merely sound-bite nature of the 30% set-asides meant to stave off extinctions for land and ocean species.

It is a ghoulish decimation of the fake hopium Washington spends so much of its time trying to cultivate.

Democrats’ Willow oil project is overkill of an already functionally dead planet occupied by a human species that is already functionally extinct.

Here are some stats on the project:

“three drilling pads, which combined will produce 92% of the oil ConocoPhillips initially sought to develop, a staggering climate impact amounting to more than 260 million metric tons of greenhouse gases (GHG). The GHG emissions from Willow will equal that of 56 million cars driven for one year, or nearly 70 coal fired power plants operating for one year. This project is also intended to be a stepping-stone for future development. ConocoPhillips has described Willow to its investors as the “next great Alaska hub,” saying it had identified up to 3 billion barrels of nearby prospects that could be accessed if the Willow infrastructure were in place. ConocoPhillips holds about 1 million of the 2.5 million acres already under lease in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.”

And here are the crumbs to pacify the little people who think Democrats doing the bare minimum at this point will make a difference:

“As part of the decision to approve Willow, the Biden administration also finished the job of protecting federal Arctic waters from new oil and gas leasing and announced a process to increase protections of important biological areas in the Western Arctic. These are positive steps, and we applaud them. However, they cannot compensate for the harm and disruption to the climate and to the Western Arctic and its residents that Willow would inflict for years to come.

Willow — set to become the largest new oil project on U.S. public lands — will also permanently alter the globally significant and ecologically rich Western Arctic by disrupting animal migration patterns, eroding precious habitat, harming subsistence practices, and posing unacceptable health risks for Alaska Native communities.”

“Biden will approve Alaska oil project, alongside arctic protections”

…that won’t make a difference in the long run. Look at the wording describing willow as the “next great Alaska hub” – Democrats are just pushing another payday of donations from Conoco Phillips to some point in the future when these protections will be cast aside like they never existed – especially given Conoco’s investment in the area:

Sociopathic lack of empathy – to the point of genocide - is included in “competent”:

“25th Amendment: How do we decide whether the president is competent?”

“How to Recognize Signs of Sociopathy

An expert explains whether you can tell if you have sociopathy”

“Biden Administration Approves Huge Alaska Oil Project

The administration also announced new limits on Arctic drilling in an apparent effort to temper criticism over the $8 billion Willow oil project, which has faced sharp opposition.”

Biden on the 2020 campaign trail: "No more drilling on federal lands, period. Period, period, period."

He just approved the largest drilling project being considered on federal lands.”

Democrats approval of the Willow project renders all other moves to help the climate and curb the mass extinction completely WORTHLESS

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