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3/2023 The US MUST follow Europe's lead and BAN PESTICIDES

Updated: Jan 5

Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017-10-20 526aaa

““The Proposed TikTok Ban Goes Too Far. The Current TikTok Ban Doesn’t Go Far Enough” By Thomas Knapp.”


“Is TikTok the only app that gathers personal information and might be used by a government, any government, to spy on its users? Note even close.

If you don’t think the US government has been spying on you, using data generated by your phone, you haven’t been paying attention for at least the last decade.”

“News To Make You Furious- Frontline: United States of Secrets”


They have arrived again and it is all being played out again today:


They had the Bible and we had the land.

And they said to us: Close your eyes and pray."

And when we opened our eyes they had the land and we had the Bible.

1. - THEY SAID THOU SHALL NOT KILL... But they murdered over 8 million of our brothers.

2. - THEY SAID YOU SHALL NOT STEAL... But they stole our riches, gold and silver.


But they raped married women, teenagers and girls.


But they cheated with the cross in their hand.

Author: Eduardo Galeano.”

“Edith Mullen

Used the bible to kill , steal and deceive anyone who has anything of great value that they can get ultra rich on. Then after they do that, they will lie and erase it from the history books. Tell the news media to lie about the truth.”


Government committing Genocide by Environment:

“The Bureau of Land Management's recommendation to approve the Willow project, a massive oil drilling operation in Alaska, would lock in decades of climate pollution. Tell President Joe Biden and Secretary Deb Haaland it's not too late: Stop the Willow project!”


Majorie Taylor Greene, McCarthy, voter suppression, DeJoy, Buttigieg. etc - they are pursuing the exploitation & destruction of our Democracy like they pursue war. Always constantly ratcheting it up their offense not stopping not even in the face of their victims attempts to defend themselves.


Yes or No

Question #1: Do you think China would start a war if they weren’t provoked?

Question #2: Do you think Washington knows what provokes which countries?


Without fail, bully’s are thinned skinned. They “can dish it out, but can’t take it”:

“Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state”


“We’ll go down in history as the first society that wouldn’t save itself because it wasn’t cost-effective.”

Kurt Vonnegut, American writer and novelist


“The Original Sin of the "Anti-Disinformation" Movement

Buried in the history of the Global Engagement Center is a kernel of misunderstanding that may have spawned a generation of false panics”



“Police removed Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg and 9 other people from a protest against Norwegian wind farms on Wednesday, a spokesperson for the Oslo police district confirmed to CNN.

Thunberg and dozens of demonstrators blocked access to several Norwegian government buildings in Oslo to protest against two wind farms that were built on land used by the indigenous Sámi people to graze reindeer. Thunberg was among a group removed from the entrance of the ministry of finance in Oslo on Wednesday morning, the spokesperson confirmed to CNN.

Here are the college majors that earned the most in 2022 Education Department moves to make leaders of failing private colleges personally liable for unpaid government debts

“Indigenous rights, human rights, must go hand-in-hand with climate protection and climate action,” Thunberg told Reuters on Monday. “That can’t happen at the expense of some people. Then it is not climate justice.”

The Sámi people are the only recognized Indigenous group in the European Union, and they say that their reindeer herding tradition is threatened by the construction of the wind farms, CNN reported. The Supreme Court in Norway ruled in 2021 that the two wind farms’ permits were invalid for violating the rights of the Sámi people, but the turbines are still in operation.”


Bees are disappearing:

“Stop the Scorched Earth Approach”

“Over 24000 hives have been exterminated over 10000 square kilometres of NSW and varroa is still being found. The DPI are blaming a beekeeper who illegally moved hives into Taree but it’s looking increasingly likely despite all the killing varroa has not been contained. If this is the case all poisoning of wild bees should cease immediately. Eventhough beekeepers can receive a penalty of a million dollar fine some beekeepers risking fines because they don’t trust the government.

DPI surveillance has also decreased as the budget that engaged volunteering teams to assist the DPI have expired. But still they are currently undertaking a massive Fipronil poisoning program over 10000 km.

Please listen to Dolphi an expert beekeeper who has had experience with Varroa mite explain why mass poisoning is not the answer. Dolphi explains that varroa to bees is like head lice for humans very hard to detect but very easy to manage.

The problem with attempting to control varroa mite in NSW, by exterminating hives and poisoning them with Fipronil. While it may seem like a simple solution on the surface, it is important to consider the long-term consequences of such actions.

While it is understandable that officials may want to take swift action to prevent the spread of varroa mite, exterminating hives and poisoning them with Fipronil is not the answer. There are several reasons why this approach is problematic.

Firstly, it is a highly indiscriminate method of pest control. Fipronil is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is toxic to a wide range of insects, not just varroa mite. It also has the potential to harm other pollinators, such as butterflies and bees, as well as non-target species. This means that it could have serious ecological consequences, potentially disrupting entire ecosystems.

Secondly, the use of Fipronil is not a sustainable solution. Insects have a remarkable ability to develop resistance to insecticides, and the continued use of Fipronil could lead to the development of resistant varroa mite populations. This could make the problem worse in the long run, as the mites become harder to control.

Thirdly, exterminating hives is an extreme measure that is having a devastating impact on beekeepers and the wider community. Bees are essential pollinators for many crops, and the loss of bee populations could have serious economic and environmental consequences. Any area treated with Fipronil will be contaminated for at least three years.

So, if exterminating hives and using Fipronil is not the answer, what is? There are several alternative approaches that may be more effective in controlling varroa mite without harming other species or causing long-term ecological damage.

Another approach is to develop and implement targeted treatments for varroa mite. There are already a range of chemical and non-chemical treatments available, and research is ongoing to develop new and more effective options. By using targeted treatments, it may be possible to control varroa mite without harming other species or disrupting ecosystems.

In conclusion, while the threat of varroa mite to bee populations in NSW, Australia is a serious concern, exterminating hives and poisoning them with Fipronil is not a viable solution. Such an approach is highly indiscriminate, unsustainable, and could have devastating consequences for beekeepers and the wider community. Instead, a more targeted and sustainable approach to controlling varroa mite should be pursued, such as increased monitoring and surveillance, and the development of targeted treatments . By taking a more nuanced and considered approach to pest control, it may be possible to protect indigenous bees, pristine food

Save the Bees Australia:

“Australia's increased use of agro-poisons on all crops is the reason you'll get mites and other pests. Mites are a symptom of how out of balance the natural systems are. If balance is their goal, and not just attempts to attack the symptoms, it will continue to get worse. 'Australia has been slow to recognise the magnitude of the required shift away from pesticides and the challenge it poses for food production." Scrutinize your 'food' leaders, experts and your bee gurus who've made this mess. Like in the USA from top to bottom, your food and Ag system is influenced and controlled by big pesticide funding. They don't want you to see their influencers and are using the mite to deflect attention.

There are real alternatives to widespread pesticide use. Australia [and the US] must embrace the change

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