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1/2023 Zelensky's people caught helping themselves to 10's of millions in American aid

Updated: Jan 14

Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2021-09-28 _F2A1617aaa

America’s near future:

“Pakistan’s dark age: The joke’s on us, and it’s no longer funny

With everything collapsing in the country, dark humour is the Pakistani’s only respite. But even that’s wearing thin.”


Conservative Govt’s know precisely how many people are at stake each time they choose to ignore the Mass Extinction and or climate collapse - it’s Genocide, their constituents even openly talk about eugenics:

“Net zero by 2050 in England and Wales equals ‘extra 2m years of life’

Study points to ‘substantial reductions in mortality’ and significant health benefits if policies implemented”


Washington’s $850 odd billion defense bill is suicide:

“The U.S. military-industrial complex pollutes more per person than any other country”

“Calculating the per capita emissions of the military-industrial complex”


White Christian Nationalist (eg SCOTUS) want their country back and will sacrifice Democracy to get it (Jan6).

White Christian Nationalism views America' as their exclusive possession and want it back under no uncertain terms, even if it means destroying democracy in the process. They aren’t looking for piety in a leader but rather, like with Trump, a blunt forceful bully to cram this thinking down on the rest of America. Hence, the Federalist Society (leonard leo) has staffed the Supreme Court.

1 “The Flag and the Cross: White Christian Nationalism and the Threat to American Democracy”

2 “The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism”

3 “Preparing for War: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism--and What Comes Next”


All so the rich could get richer

$100 Billion for Ukraine and counting but little "accounting" ...

“In this video, we discuss the recent firing of high-ranking Ukrainian officials amidst allegations of major corruption. Five governors from regions including Kiev and Kherson, along with the deputy defense minister, Zelensky's deputy chief of staff and the deputy infrastructure minister have been fired.

The corruption allegations include funneling over $40 million in government contracts to associates and friends, and embezzling large amounts of cash intended for aid and other resources. We also speak on the China and Taiwan situation. Our expert guest, geopolitical strategist and host of the Global Gambit podcast, Pyotr Kurzin, gives his thoughts on the developing story and the impact it may have on Western funding for Ukraine.”

“Corruption Scandal Rocks Ukraine: Multiple Governors and High-Ranking Officials Fired”

“Zelensky has $1.2 Billion USD in Dresdner Bank & $34 million villa in Miami”

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