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4/2023 Big Oil pursuing massive build-out of new pipelines in U.S., India, China, & Russia

Updated: Jan 14

Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020-09-19 _F2A9660aaa2p

Sam Carana

“CO₂ at 423.01 ppm at Mauna Loa

Carbon dioxide rose to 423.01 ppm (parts per million) on April 7, 2023, at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, a record high in the NOAA record for in situ measurements.

The image shows hourly (red circles) and daily (yellow circles) averaged CO2 values from Mauna Loa, Hawaii for the last 31 days.

Due to the eruption of the Mauna Loa Volcano, measurements are from the Maunakea Observatories, some 21 miles north of the Mauna Loa Observatory.

From the post 'IPCC keeps downplaying the danger even as reality strikes', at:”


America must nationalist its own oil and gas industry:

Gaiser Gary

“Global Energy Monitor reports that the oil industry is developing 24,166 km of new oil pipelines. 10,351 km are already under construction.

The U.S. has 2,829 km of new pipelines under construction, India, 2,824 km, and China, 2,533 km, Sub-Saharan Africa, 1,950 km, and joint ventures with Russia total 1,600 km.

Together, these additional capacities would generate 4.61 billion tons of CO2 annually. That adds to the annual rate of 37 billion tons”

“Crude Awakening: Oil industry pursuing massive build-out of new pipelines, led by projects in U.S., India, China, Russia”

Sam Carana

“The carbon dioxide concentration was 422.54 ppm for the week starting at April 2, 2023, a new weekly high, as illustrated by attached image. In March 2023, the monthly carbon dioxide concentration at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, was 421 ppm, a record monthly high


“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live.” Albert Einstein

“1947 Einstein warned "no more bee, no more us"

Einstein, von Frisch and the honeybee: a historical letter comes to light”


“The case for banning Monsanto’s Roundup

Linked to:

Birth defects, Cancer, Neurotoxicity, Kidney Disease, Chelation of vital minerals, Endocrine Disruption, Infertility, Killing of good gut bacteria, depression, insomnia, Eating disorder, Autism

Monsanto’s Gift that keeps on giving.”


“This 14 year old short film about the elite sounds eerily familiar! Watch the entire thing. This is the real Threat.”


McDonald’s is disgusting Food:

“Disgusting fast food facts that’ll leave in shock.

The McDonald’s McRib is a restructured meat product made from pig innards, tripe, heart, and scalded stomach.

The egg in your egg breakfast sandwich is made of real eggs and premium egg blend which contains glycerin, a solvent used to make soap, moisturizers and shaving cream.

McDonald's strawberry milkshakes are 100% strawberry, it contains up to 50 chemicals, which is more than a conventional fertilizer

Burger patties are made with a mix of muscle tissues from an unknown number of different cows, McDonald’s even confirmed that they blend the meat of over 100 cattle to make their batches of minced meat.


“Peter Carter


Feb 2023 was a record Antarctic sea ice low, may be start of Antarctic sea ice decline.

If so Thwaites glacier could collapse faster, speeding up destabilization of whole vast ice sheet.

“Antarctic sea ice extent sets a new record low”

“Antarctic sea ice extent appears to have broken the record low set last year. With a couple more weeks likely left in the melt season, the extent is expected to drop further before reaching its annual minimum. Much of the Antarctic coast is ice free, exposing the ice shelves that fringe the ice sheet to wave action and warmer conditions.”


“Stop Dirty Fossil Fuel Projects”


Democrats are NOT the Left (and why this is important)”

“Sometimes our imaginations and our vision are blurred and occluded.

Sadly a duopoly gives a false sense of "There is no alternative" and thus the third party conversations begin. The idea of third parties is not new, but it is fundamentally not understanding that electoralism is a placebo and this is how we confuse Democrats for the left.”


“Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S. Presidents”


New to me:

“Scientists may have discovered a new layer within the Earth

Scientists previously believed the Earth has four layers. New research says there may actually be five”

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