The rich feel the peasants don't need a good education because they will provide for all that is needed. And nobody is going to give you the education you need to stop their tyranny over you
“Illiteracy by the Numbers
The Literacy Project addresses illiteracy at its earliest stage by teaching at-risk second-graders how to read. The statistics on literacy underscore the critical need to address illiteracy in the United States:
~Currently, 5 million Americans are functionally illiterate and cannot read above a fifth-grade level.
~50% of adults cannot read a book written at an eighth-grade level
~57% of students failed the California Standards Test in English
~1/3 of fourth-graders reach the proficient level
~25% of students in California school systems are able to perform basic reading skills
~85% of juvenile offenders have problems reading
~3 out of 5 people in American prisons can’t read
~3 out of 4 people in on welfare can’t read.
(Sources: National Institute for Literacy, National Center for Adult literacy, The Literacy Com0pany, U.S. Census Bureau)
Catocala species
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-07-20 _F2A3363aaap
Florida is banning library books:
“IMF : China’s Yuan Will Be Replacing USD As Global Currency – 70 Countries Central Banks Already Hold Yuan As A Reserve Currency & Saudi Arabia And China Will Be Using Yuan In A New Oil Deal”
“Here is your reminder that the whole idea of a personal carbon footprint was a targeted BP media campaign in 2005 and it worked so well that is seems like we’ve all forgotten this…
“I think you’ll understand the legal system a lot better when you see that Amazon can just call up the NYPD and have Chris Smalls arrested for organizing, but when Amazon violates dozens of labor laws the system does little to nothing about it.”
“Consumer Debt explodes higher under pressure from 40 year high inflation.”
“Total consumer credit increased by $41.98 billion in February, a massive acceleration from the rise of $8.0 billion in January, the Fed said.
This was one of the largest monthly increases in consumer credit in records going back to 1943.”
“The green dots on this Google Earth map represent radio stations all over the world. Click on any one of the dots and you will immediately hear that station.
Click on the link below to get the globe map.”
Economic alienation breeds fascism among the oppressed:
“All The Lonely People, That’s Where Fascism Comes From
How the loneliness of capitalism trends towards fascism”
“4 propaganda tricks Trump learned from Hitler”
Pretty much sums up Americans who still vote Democrat or Republican:
“Just as Individuals can be plagued by insanity so can groups of people.” Andrew Gilkson’
“Censorship battles’ new frontier: Your public library”
“Northern Glaciers are Retreating from the Water”
“‘It’s happening now’: how rising sea levels are causing a US migration crisis”
“The coming mass migration of flood-prone areas will have huge social and economic costs – but the government doesn’t have an adequate plan”
“They seem to come with the seasons (what’s left of them) now: urgent dispatches on the unraveling of the earth’s climate system. Each one drier than the last. Each warning met with shrugs and political indifference. It’s not hard to understand why. After decades of prophecies, the climate Apocalypse has slowly and inexorably arrived. We are living it. Being burned and flooded and parched by it. The old nihilism has become the new realism–for anyone paying attention.”
“Roaming Charges: News From Never-Neverland”
“The Great Barrier Reef on Life Support”
“This incredibly potent planet-warming gas just set another record for the second year in a row”
“Sleeping giant: The large climate risk of Europe's thawing peatlands”
2019 7/20 _F2A3363aaa