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6/2021 Inside the Koch-Backed Effort to Block the Largest Election Reform Bill in Half a Century

Updated: Jan 10

“Arctic Sea Ice Fails to Refreeze by Late October, Setting a New Record

At this rate, the Arctic will experience its first ice-free summer as early as 2035”

Catocala species

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 8/23 _F2A7477aaa

“We have never seen the Laptev Sea in the Arctic melt this fast so early in the summer.

Uncharted territory with intense heatwaves firing up all round the Northern Hemisphere.

It could be a long summer, again. We have more open water, which can work to enhance ice loss now for the rest of summer.

The month so far has been exceptionally hot for Scandinavia and northern Siberia (second last image).

Another intense heatwave is likely to pummel the Laptev area in the next seven days (last image).”


“Warmer climate threatens the seaweed forest”


“Seagrass: Another Vital Carbon-Sequestering Ecosystem Threatened by Climate Change

Underwater meadows have rapidly disappeared around the world, but new research suggests they may be the easiest coastal habitat to restore.”


A trick that Charles Koch uses to kill People (without any consequences):

“A new study found 13 Texas refineries exceeding the EPA’s ‘Action Level’ for benzene emissions, a known carcinogen. For communities of color in the area, the emissions could be impacting the health of residents.”

“13 Refineries Emit Dangerous Benzene Emissions That Exceed the EPA’s ‘Action Level,’ a Study Finds

In Houston and Corpus Christi, the impacted communities are predominantly Black and Latino. Scientists say the dangers of benzene, a carcinogen, are not well understood.”


“The global climate is the connected system of the sun, earth and oceans, wind, rain and snow, forests, deserts and savannas, and everything people do, too.

The most compelling climate change evidence scientists have of climate change is long-term data relating atmospheric CO2 levels and global temperature, sea level, the expanse of ice, the fossil record, and the distribution of species.

Visual Impacts of Climate Change Evident from Melting Glaciers, Rising Sea Levels, Worsening Droughts, Flooding, Increasing Tornados, Supercell Storms, and so many things...



“Colony Collapse Disorder: Beekeepers hate that term,” says Jeff Anderson, owner of California-Minnesota Honey Farms. It’s not a disorder or disease that’s causing the abnormal bee mortality, he reckons. “It’s the systemic insecticides that we’re using on just about every crop that we grow now.”


Lies that kill:

“Brazil’s Amazon deforestation surges 67% in May as Bolsonaro pledges fall flat”

"For the first five months of the year, the data show deforestation was up 25% compared with a year earlier, with 2,548 square km destroyed - an area more than three times the size of New York City."

Brazil Amazon deforestation up 67% compared to May2020.”


Disaster Capitalism:

“Dubai-Based Firm Proposes LNG Plant Off Alaska's North Slope”


Trudeau needs to be charged with ecocide it at the very least crimes against humanity:

“The Mystery Behind a Photo of a Logged Old-Growth Tree

You might think that British Columbia’s oldest forests are protected from commercial interests. You’re wrong.”


"It was shocking to find out that bags, bottles, food containers and cutlery...account for almost half of the human-made objects on a global scale," said Dr. Carmen Morales.

“44% of Ocean Plastics Are Linked to Takeout Food”


Democrats :

“More than 1 million people in Puerto Rico lost power after a fire at an electrical substation caused a massive blackout just days after a private company formally took over management of the island’s electric grid.”

“Over 1 Million Lose Power in Puerto Rico After Privatization of Electric Utility”


“Why Democracies in G7 & NATO Should Reject US Leadership”

“"Why do their neoliberal leaders keep showing up to lend credibility to the posturing of U.S. leaders at summits like the G7 and NATO?"”


“The US military spends trillions on death abroad that could be spent on improving life back home.”

“The United States’ Imperial Foreign Policy Is the Deadly Enemy of Progress at Home”


“Our Response to Climate Change Is Missing Something Big, Scientists Say”

"Yes, planting new trees can help. But intact wild areas are much better. The world needs to treat warming and biodiversity loss as two parts of the same problem, a new report warns."


Inside the Koch-Backed Effort to Block the Largest Election Reform Bill in Half a Century

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