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6/2021 Biden = Republican Trojan Horse: “Why Biden didn't do more to avert voting rights defeat”


Updated: Jan 10, 2024


Rapid thinning of the sea ice in the Beaufort Sea indicates that there is virtually no latent heat buffer left to consume further heat flowing from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean into the Arctic Ocean.

As the Latent Heat Tipping Point gets crossed, there will still be a thin layer of ice at the surface, at least as long as air tempartures are low enough to keep it frozen. This thin layer of ice will still consume some heat below the surface, but at the same time it acts as a seal, preventing heat from the Arctic Ocean to enter the atmosphere. Once the tipping point is crossed, the bulk of the heat from the influx of warm water will go into heating up the water of the Arctic Ocean, including the deeper parts of the water, and each year this will occur earlier in the year.

Loss of subsurface sea ice is only one of multiple tipping points hitting the Arctic. Once this Latent Heat Tipping Point is crossed and as the temperature of the oceans keeps rising, more heat will reach sediments that are located at the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean and that contain vast amounts of methane.

The danger is that further heat will destabilize hydrates in these sediments, resulting in huge eruptions of methane both from the destabilizing hydrates and from methane that is present in the form of free gas underneath the hydrates.”

From the page 'Latent heat', at:

Catocala species

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 9/6 _F2A9190aaa

“The atmosphere is trapping nearly double the amount of heat that it did 15 years ago, according to new research from NASA and NOAA.”

“The amount of heat the Earth traps has doubled in just 15 years, study shows”


Given the circumstances, Biden’s actions are of a stone cold sociopath:

The defacto President in America, Charles Koch, has a vested interest in Oil Sands, and supports DeJoy’s privatization of the USPS as well as is behind the wave of voter suppression laws sweeping State Govts. He is an over the top anti-Environment sociopath who pulls the strings of both political parties:

“Biden Administration Backs Oil Sands Pipeline Project

The administration urged a court to throw out a challenge brought by tribal and environmental groups, backing a pipeline that would carry Canadian oil across Minnesota and Wisconsin.”


“The democratic rights of Black folks were once again sacrifice for the "bigger" agenda by the neoliberal leadership of democrat party & Joe Biden. They give a new holiday that nobody asked for & then play games on voting rights.”

“Why Biden didn't do more to avert voting rights defeat”


“increasingly unrealistic assumptions”

“Existing plans to limit global warming rely too much on “increasingly unrealistic assumptions” that societies will be able to remove huge amounts of carbon from the atmosphere while simultaneously maintaining incessant economic growth over the next 50 years, according to a May 2021 study in Nature Communications. These strategies appear to be speeding the planet deeper into the climate crisis, the authors said.

Economic degrowth—strategies to shrink the economies of rich, developed countries while maintaining the wellbeing of the people and environments they are based on—might be less risky, and a better way to meet the goals of the Paris climate agreement. Efforts to slow climate change that are built on structural social changes, like rethinking the way we work, produce food, heat our homes and move around could be more successful than those that rely on uncertain carbon removal technologies, they said.”

“1.5 °C degrowth scenarios suggest the need for new mitigation pathways”


More errors & omissions leading to an underestimation of Global Warming:

“Science Update: Aerosol Masking Effect Previously Underestimated on Overheated Earth” - by Guy McPherson


“Significant underestimation of radiative forcing by aerosol–cloud interactions derived from satellite-based methods” - by Hailing Jia et al.


“Drilling for Oil in the Everglades Is Exactly as Stupid as It Sounds”

“Big Cypress National Preserve nurtures alligators, orchids, and the critically endangered Florida panther, and its waters replenish the Everglades. It's no place for oil drilling.”

“This lush freshwater oasis is the Big Cypress National Preserve in the Florida Everglades. It was the first national preserve to be created in the United States.”


"It’s incredibly, record-breakingly, worryingly hot in multiple states right now. A heat wave sweeping over the U.S. this week is felling temperature records left and right. Grid operators are begging with customers to conserve energy to avoid blackouts and wildfires are spreading. The whole ordeal foretells our sweaty, scary future.

It’s actually kind of difficult to grasp how serious and how widespread this heat wave is. For a little context: Doctors in Arizona and Nevada warned this week that people could get burned on hot asphalt, sand, and sidewalks as temperatures soared. "

“All-Time Temperature Records Are Putting U.S. Power Grids at Risk

Records were smashed left and right this week in as a monster heat wave sweeps much of the U.S.”


“BREAKING: Today we notified New Mexico officials of our intent to file suit to compel the clean up of more than 3,350 idle oil and gas wells threatening the state’s clean air and water, health, and public lands.

“For too long, oil and gas companies have saddled New Mexicans with the cost of abandoned wells and the risks of contamination,” said Daniel Timmons, Staff Attorney for WildEarth Guardians. “It’s time for the oil and gas industry to be held accountable for cleaning up its mess and we aim to drive that accountability.””

“WildEarth Guardians to file suit over thousands of illegal oil and gas wells in New Mexico

Hundreds of companies violating rules requiring clean up of non-producing wells”


“New data-driven global climate model provides projections for urban environments”

“A new climate model that makes projections specific to urban areas predicts that by the end of this century, average warming across global cities will increase by 1.9 degrees Celsius to 4.4 C, depending on the rate of emissions”.


“Large model structural uncertainty in global projections of urban heat waves” - by Zhonghua Zheng et al.


“The Arctic in the 21st century will be more prone to ozone loss than previously thought, new research found. Depletion of the protective layer exposes Earth to harmful ultraviolet rays, which can affect human health and ecosystems.”

“New Climate Research From a Year-Long Arctic Expedition Raises an Ozone Alarm in the High North

Warming of the surface of the Arctic is matched by a colder polar vortex high in the atmosphere, which is speeding the breakdown of the Earth’s shield against ultraviolet rays.”


“‘The next pandemic’: drought is a hidden global crisis, UN says

Countries urged to take urgent action on managing water and land and tackling the climate emergency”


“UN blasts world leaders for failing to seal £72bn-a-year deal on climate

Financial aid ‘critical’ to help developing countries limit fossil fuels – and make Cop26 a success, says UN”



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