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6/2022 “Who has contributed most to global CO2 emissions?” [AMERICA!]

Updated: Jan 10

"CLIMATEWIRE | Greenhouse gases trapped 49 percent more heat in 2021 than in 1990, as emissions continued to rise rapidly, according to NOAA.

NOAA released its “Annual Greenhouse Gas Index” last week. The index is based on thousands of air samples collected globally over each of the last 63 years; this observational method means it “contains little uncertainty,” according to the agency.

“Our data show that global emissions continue to move in the wrong direction at a rapid pace,” said NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad.

NOAA found that carbon dioxide, the most plentiful and long-lived gas, expanded at the most rapid rate over the last 10 years. But the most potent global warmer also broke records: methane increased more than it has since at least the early 1980s, when NOAA began its current measuring record. The methane emitted in 2021 was 15 percent greater than in the 1984-2006 period, and 162 percent greater than preindustrial levels, NOAA found."

“Record Methane Spike Boosts Heat Trapped by Greenhouse Gases

NOAA’s Annual Greenhouse Gas Index finds that greenhouse gases trapped nearly 50 percent more heat last year than they did in 1990”

Catocala species

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020 7/31 _F2A4680aaa

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Did you notice that after giving known tax cheat Zelensky over $40 billion dollars for the West’s proxy war with Russia using Ukraine, you suddenly barely hear about the “War in Ukraine” and Zelensky shows up giving an address at Stanford University!?



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Quote: “…it simply perpetuates the burning of fossil fuels” and should be paid for by Big Oil, Wall St and others who benefited from burning fossil fuels


The Rich do NOT care about things the “precariat” value:

“Mass extinction in oceans can be avoided by curbing fossil fuels

If not slowed, climate change over the next few centuries could lead to marine losses unlike anything Earth has seen in 252 million years, says a new study.”


Make it retro active. The science has been clear for decades don’t give them credit for using their clout to delay adoption of laws

“How Long Until the Planet’s Destruction Is an International Crime? #auspol #qldpol #EcologicalCrisis #ClimateCrisis demand #ClimateAction #SDG13 #TellTheTruth #IPCCReport #Ecocide an Unprecedented Crime!”


Demand restitution from American lawyers past and present as well as their donors and other financial benefactors


“Historic Responsibility for Climate Breakdown” Spoiler alter: America is the worst by an enormous margin:


“Preventing Human Extinction by converting military systems to ecology”


“Peaceful Political Revolution in America

Episode 1. Thomas Paine and Political Revolution in America with Gary Berton.”


“Who has contributed most to global CO2 emissions?” [AMERICA]

[the west has been fobbing off the cost of its wealth making on to the rest of the world and many of those countries are least able to afford it]


Q: What is wrong with America?

A: It’s an international criminal enterprise that evades prosecution thru money

“The EU taking a big step to reduce greenhouse gas emissions!”


Goodbye gasoline cars? EU lawmakers vote to ban new sales from 2035”


“Ice world: Antarctica’s riskiest glacier is under assault from below and losing its grip”

“"This giant area called West Antarctica could soon begin a multicentury decline that would add up to 10 feet to sea level. In the process, the rate of sea level rise would increase severalfold, posing large challenges for people with a stake in coastal cities." Polar scientist Ted Scambos of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration explains the changes occurring in West Antarctica and why we should be concerned about Thwaites Glacier. Read his piece at The Conversation:”


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“This week on Radio Ecoshock:

The Mad Giant of Our Times

Calling from the hot zone, veteran Asia correspondent Bill Spindle: why energy choices by India could determine the future for you and the world.

From Potsdam, atmospheric chemist Kathleen Mar warns our system underestimates the growing danger of methane, that other major warming gas.

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