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7/2022 4


Updated: Jan 10, 2024

Something about Nancy Pelosi officiating at Oil oligarch Getty’ daughter’s wedding tells me Democrats aren’t broken up about Scotus gutting the Clean Air Act into the slimy$ hands of Congress

With Dark Money together with Scotus’s ruling on gerrymandering and putting Congress in charge of greenhouse gas emissions, lifetime career politicians stand to get VERY RICH on bribes paid to them to incinerate the planet

Washington made oil a necessity and now individual politicians in Congress have been given a chance at a cut of the action$

Effects Test: Don’t be pacified by SCOTUS allowing Congress to control Green House emissions. SCOTUS already decided in favor of voter disenfranchisement with more to come. Republican states will remain the worst planet killers

And as DemGOP’s Republican wing continues to steal state governments it will get worse until the hyper lethal move of rewriting the US Constitution

Catocala species

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 9/2 _F2A4473aaa

Brain Droppings:

1Have no illusions. The christofascists will withhold assistance to you during this age of environmental havoc. They will also dismantle safety nets and very likely steal what you have paid into social security

2There will soon come a time when temps have risen beyond +4C. The vast majority of flora and fauna will be dead. The Mass Extinction has taken hold. An apocryphal number of people will be dead. The earth’s surface & oceans will be functionally dead.

3Assuming linearity, saying that Human Extinction occurs at +3C to +4C is akin to saying that an estimated one-half of the Earth’s 7.753 billion people or 3.877 people will be dead by +1.5C to +2C


“Drew Milliot writes

Someone please riddle me this: Our government is run by and for the two major parties, but the courts ruled with the DNC that the parties are private orgs with no accountability to voters or any kind of outside oversight.”


A doubling of CO2 caused by wildfires led to an extinction event because the temperature rose an average estimated at somewhere between 7.1°C and 9.6°C. So who's ready for that, coz we doubled it already, yes, OK.”

“Wildfires may have sparked Earth's largest mass extinction event, new research reveals”

“The Permian mass extinction, which took place about 248 million years ago, may have been caused in part by widespread wildfires

'The potential for wildfires as a direct extinction driver during hyperthermal events, rather than a symptom of climatic changes deserves further examination,' researchers say

Scientists examined fossil and plant charcoal records of the Sydney and Bowen basins in eastern Australia and Antarctica in order to gain new insights”


“Imagining the End of Capitalism With Kim Stanley Robinson”

“Kim Stanley Robinson is the author of more than twenty books, including New York 2140, Red Moon, and the Mars trilogy. He talked to Jacobin about his latest work, his vision of socialism, and why we must fight to imagine the end of capitalism rather than the end of the world.”



“The Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade opened the floodgates for states to ban abortions.

Our legal experts joined us for this emergency episode of At Liberty breaking down the decision — and what it means for the future of abortion access.”


James Parris:

"A think tank is an institution where academics are paid by the worst people in the world to come up with explanations for why it would be good and smart to do something evil and stupid, which are then pitched at key points of influence in the media and the government. "Think tank" is a good and accurate label for these institutions, because they are dedicated to controlling what people think, and because they are artificial enclosures for slimy creatures."

~Caitlin Johnstone


Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas:

“This isn’t a time to tell women to rise up. We ain’t the ones sleep.

This is the time for men to get loud, shake tables and get into good trouble on behalf of their mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, and child-bearing loved ones.”


New Book: “Hothouse Earth, An Inhabitant’s Guide”

“I have to get this book when it's released.

(Hothouse Earth: An Inhabitant's Guide provides a post-COP26 perspective on the climate emergency, acknowledging that it is now practically impossible to keep this side of the 1.5°C dangerous climate change guardrail. The upshot is that we can no longer dodge the arrival of disastrous, all-pervasive, climate breakdown that will come as a hammer blow to global society and economy.

Bill McGuire, Professor of Geophysical and Climate Hazards, explains the science behind the climate crisis and for the first time presents a blunt but authentic picture of the sort of world our children will grow old in, and our grandchildren grow up in; a world that we catch only glimpses of in today's blistering heatwaves, calamitous wildfires and ruinous floods and droughts. Bleak though it is, the picture is one we must all face up to, if only to spur genuine action – even at this late stage – to stop a harrowing future becoming a truly cataclysmic one.)”



“We’re Fighting a Plan to Open 188 Square Miles of Wyoming for Fossil Fuel Drilling”

“BREAKING: We just filed a lawsuit to stop the Biden administration from offering up nearly 120,000 acres in Wyoming for oil and gas drilling. These leases directly undermine national goals to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and combat climate change.”


“Exposing the World’s Biggest Crime Syndicate: Chevron | The Daily Show”

“Human rights lawyer Steven Donziger beat Chevron in court and then its goon squad came after him. Roy Wood Jr. listens to Donziger’s story about how he ended up under house arrest for 643 days.”


The IPCC lies and now we are going to die:

“A current 5-day forecast versus the ipcc's ultra long range prediction for 2100.”


“The Arctic Ocean has very little remaining potential to send cool air further south.”


“James Hansen Senate Testimony June 23 1988”

“---"Thirty-four years ago, on June 23, [1988], NASA scientist James Hansen spoke to Congress. He testified that 'The greenhouse effect has been detected, and it is changing [the] climate, now.' That day was the hottest June 23 on record in the nation’s capital and the summer of 1988 was the hottest summer on record in the country. It’s 34 years later and"...NOTHING. HAS. BEEN. DONE. TO. AVERT. CATASTROPHE.---”

Reader Comments:

“Stephen Follett

And the tRumpSCOTUS just ruled the EPA can't enforce environmental regs. If we weren't toast before, we surely are now. I wonder what justice would look like for the greedy bastards hastening the next great extinction.”

“Alexander Jackson

The bad news is that emissions released in 1988 have not yet resulted in its full potential for warming. The really bad news is we've doubled our CO2 since then - in the past 35 years we've released as much CO2 as the preceding 250 years combined.”


Pelosi on combatting the collapse on the Bioshpere that set in during her career in politics:

“The Green Dream or whatever they call it”


“Keeping the Global South Poor: 21st Century Colonialism”


“The Environment, our public health infrastructure, is sadly viewed as a means to cheapen production costs.

Capitalists do this, generally, by sticking the biosphere for costs (eg pollution) they don’t want to pay for (typically by making a relatively small donation to politicians), including cheap or free material\asset inputs”



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