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11/2022 Medicare Advantage Is "Heist" by Private Firms to Defraud the Public


Updated: Jan 10, 2024

Catocala species

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin

2019-08-01 _F2A6153aaa3

“By the time you finish reading this paragraph, another acre of the Amazon Rainforest will have been lost (nearly four acres are lost every minute).

Will you add your name to the Amazonia 80x2025 declaration and join in solidarity with the Indigenous peoples who call the Amazon their home?”

“Support the Amazonia For Life 80x2025 Initiative”


Washington & Insiders to feast on our ruin: With the Western Mega drought expected to intensify and spread in 2023, the Mississippi River is all but certain to be functionally 100% dry this time next year


Their wealth is more important to your government than your life


How’s that text book banning coming? Charter Voucher Schools getting ya down?:

“An estimated 16.4 million “roughly 10%” Americans believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows.”


“Don't chop up pollinators. You may be destroying eggs, caterpillars, and chrysalis along with the leaves. We suggest that leaves in garden beds and lawn edges be left whole. Where space allows, consider creating a leaf pile and allowing it to break down naturally,

Read more here:”


“How to be pro-life!

“Protect our Earth: Half of earth’s species have disappeared in the last 40 years and climate change is causing thousands of human deaths each year and costing us Billions of dollars each year.

Protect our Children: Ban assault rifles so our kids don’t get murdered in schools at a higher rate than our soldiers.

Protect our Women: Provide Healthcare and family planning services, maternity leave, and quality early childhood support serves for our women! (and men:)

Protect our Health: Offer healthcare for all so people don’t have to die from being poor anymore.

Protect our Water: Keep your water safe and clean so it doesn’t kill our children and sicken our population

Protect our Food: Ban chemicals such as Roundup that poison the earth and waters and cause cancer in humans and animals.”

Pro-Life is NOT:

Governing Womens Wombs: This causes harm to women. Women need to govern their own wombs. This is a misquided and harmful attempt to protect life. If you are Pro-Life, please refer to one of more of the options above. Thank you!


“Health Insurance Whistleblower: Medicare Advantage Is "Heist" by Private Firms to Defraud the Public”

“Many of the nation's largest health insurance companies have made billions of dollars in profits by overbilling the U.S. government's Medicare Advantage program. A New York Times investigation has revealed that under the Advantage program, health insurance companies are incentivized to make patients appear more ill than they actually are. Some estimates find it has cost the government between $12 billion and $25 billion in 2020 alone. We speak with former healthcare insurance executive Wendell Potter, now president ​​of the Center for Health and Democracy, who says Medicare Advantage will be recognized in years to come as the "biggest transfer of wealth" from taxpayers to corporate shareholders, and blames the lack of regulation over the program on the "revolving door between private industry and government." “


“Wake Up Call: Refinery Disaster in Philadelphia”

“A CSB safety video about the June 21, 2019, fire, explosions, and toxic hydrofluoric acid (HF) release at the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A severely corroded pipe elbow ruptured, releasing process fluid into the refinery’s HF alkylation unit, which then ignited. The incident caused the release of over 5,000 pounds of highly toxic HF, launched a 38,000-pound vessel fragment off-site, and resulted in an estimated property damage loss of 750 million dollars.”


“Global Dimming Paradox: Are we facing an abrupt temperature spike?”

“Global Warming is taking a rare back seat in the news right now, as we deal with the more immediate existential crisis afflicting our civilisation and way of life. But as entire countries are getting shut down around the world, with the rapid reduction of emissions that this causes, is the global dimming paradox about to be tested? Will we see an abrupt spike in temperatures that tips our earth systems into an irreversible cascade of warming feedbacks?”


“This photo from the early 20th century shows lumberjacks carving massive redwood on the Northern California coastal area. Considering they only used saws and axes, it's amazing how they managed to take down those giant trees. Also, it's even more impressive how they managed to transport them using only horses and oxen, as well as processing them later. However, it was the time of greater timber activity and nothing could stop progress in expanding America.”


“Iraq's Dying Garden of Eden”

“In Iraq, climate change has transformed the once mythical mesopotamian marshes into deserts. It's not only temperatures that exceed 125°F and record low rainfall, but dams built by Turkey, Iran, and Syria on the Tigris and Euphrates river have stopped the flow of water before it can pass the border. Thousands have already been displaced in a drought that threatens the entire country.”


Food? Meh, here on Earth it’s just not happening anymore.

Food Insecurity is hitting America like a freight train. Enjoy what is now (nov. 17, 2022) in the supply chain. Examples of Foods to disappear include Meat, dairy, fish, grain, sugar, vegetables, etc. like the mass extinction food is becoming unavailable in classes and categories:. My advice is that you hoard and then buy a gun:

“25 Food Items That Will Disappear From Grocery Stores In The Months Ahead”


“20 Facts That Food Shortages Will Get A Lot Worse As Fears Of A Dark Winter Rising”

“The pain never stops. If you think that the empty shelves we're seeing are quite distressing and that food prices are extremely expensive right now, just wait until the winter begins. The food crisis that is unfolding before our eyes is getting worse by the day. Global food supplies were already tight in the past few years, but the food that wasn't produced in 2022 means that we're going to be hit by even harder challenges in the next few months. At this point, worldwide fertilizer prices have quadrupled, several countries started banning exports of essential commodities, tens of millions of chickens and turkeys have disappeared from the system, our domestic beef cattle herd has dramatically shrunk, and crazy weather patterns have resulted in the destruction of millions of acres of crops all over the planet.

While rich countries will continue to face shortages and higher food prices, in more vulnerable countries, people are going to get desperate. "Fields are not being planted," emphasized Theo de Jager, the president of the World Farmers' Organisation. "I"m not so sure it's possible to avoid a food crisis. Farmers need peace," de Jager said.

We haven’t even seen the worst of food shortages and price increases yet, but America’s food banks are already reaching a breaking point. All over the country, food banks are struggling to keep up with the increased demand they’re experiencing. Feeding America, one of the nation’s largest charities, with over 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries, reported 85 percent of their food banks saw increased demand for food assistance. Their President and Chief Operating Officer Katie Fitzgerald says the organization is already dipping into emergency reserves, switching to cheaper products, limiting how often people can visit or how much food they can get, and "stretching their inventory to be able to meet more people's needs.

"Our experience is that this rise in food and fuel costs are creating just as precarious a situation for people who are trying to feed their families as was the case during the pandemic. Inflation is devastating to the budgets of families, seniors, and people just barely getting by, driving more and more of them to food banks and food pantries,” Fitzgerald says. “The problem we’re seeing is that food banks are not immune to these inflationary pressures. So, while they’re dealing with longer lines at distributions, they face soaring costs and other challenges to their operations,” she added. A Feeding America survey found that inflation and supply chain issues are greatly affecting food banks, with 70% of their members reporting donations of food have decreased while operating costs have risen 95%.

This is a confluence of many disasters hitting our food supply chains all at once, and the most worrying part is that experts say we haven't seen the worst of it yet. This winter is going to be exceedingly difficult for all of us. In this video, we compiled signs that show us just how bad things are about to get.”



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