And plastics are also a byproduct of fossil fuels operations
Photo: Species of Underwing Moth (Catocala - a generally Holarctic genus of moths in the family Erebidae)
Catocala species
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-07-31 _F2A4634aaa3p
“Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and pesticides are fossil fuels in another form”
“Please join us to hear from Steven Feit, an attorney from the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL). The discussion will expand on the findings of a recent report done by CEIL entitled Fossils, Fertilizers, and False Solutions. We will learn how fertilizers drive the exceedance of several planetary boundaries, their deep links to fossil fuels, and how the two industries are pursuing an aligned agenda to slow the needed climate transition.
There is no charge for this online event but please register in advance:
There will be time allocated for questions from the audience.”
“Please join us for a presentation by Steven Feit, attorney with CIEL's Climate & Enegy Program, who will speak on how fertilizers and pesticides are interdependent inputs to a destructive food production model that is contributing to catastrophic biodiversity collapse, toxic pollution, and the violation of human rights.
But there is an often-overlooked dimension of the threat posed by these agrochemicals: their fossil fuel origins. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and pesticides are fossil fuels in another form, making them an under recognized but significant driver of the climate crisis. Moreover, the very processes inherent in fertilizer production puts it at the center of fossil fuel industry plans to greenwash their products through carbon capture, hydrogen, and ammonia.
Drawing on findings from the recent report Fossils, Fertilizers, and False Solutions, Steven will discuss how fertilizers drive the exceedance of several planetary boundaries, their deep links to fossil fuels, and how the two industries are pursuing an aligned agenda to slow the needed climate transition.
Feb 9, 2023 05:30 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)”