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3/2023 Infectious diseases are often linked to deforestation

Updated: Jan 10

Catocala species

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-08-08 _F2A6723aaa3

Old Trees, relics of the Holocene Epoch, are coming down in Tasmania:

Bob Brown Foundation:


Forest defenders today raised red flags to highlight rampant logging devastation in Tasmania’s Southern Central Highlands.

Sus Timber Tasmania has called the logging off in our site of protest today, in Tasmania’s Southern Central Highlands.

The ancient trees that are still standing, the flock of yellow black cockatoos and many other species are at peace today. This logging can be halted forever.

We are in coupe BD002C, northeast of Wayatinah and on the edges of the Franklin - Gordon Wild Rivers National Park.

Before dawn, fourteen activists put themselves between the forest destroying machines and these critically important carbon-dense forests.

There is a forest massacre happening in this remote part of Tasmania and these forests need protection. Across this remote area of central highlands, over 5 km of new roads have demolished forests since July 2022, opening new areas of pristine forests for logging.

Seventy-eight per cent of this particular logging area, BD002C, is being sent to the chip mills for cheap export to China as pulp.

The logging areas are a red flag for climate change, the loss of endangered species and the trashing of forests with trees that are hundreds of years old. There are Forestry Tasmania red flags all over the state, from the clearing of Swift Parrot breeding grounds and giant eucalypt forest destruction in the Southern Central Highlands.

Native forest logging must end.”


Ukraine = The Western elites orgy of wealth concentration:

Fishing using drones as bait: Give it a rest! The US poops multi-million dollar drones daily. What the western rich want is to provoke Russia into a sound bite or two that they can get the media to whip up into a full blown threat. Is anybody else sick of this poop, or is it just me?!


Caitlin Johnstone:

“Western media have erased from history all the western provocations which led to the war in Ukraine, they only report pro-western narratives, they hide Ukrainian casualties and ignore the Nord Stream pipeline bombing, then they tell you to worry about *foreign* propaganda”


“The People who shoot Chinese “Spy” Weather Balloons out of the sky are the same people telling us that their ACTUAL MQ9 spy/combat drone, operating with its transponder off, in a war zone, should be left alone to about it’s business.”

Reader Comment:

“Weng Seng Yong

What the reason US MQ9 doing in black sea in the 1st place if not provocating wars with Russia hahaha!”


So much for the fist bump. Looks like Saudi’s decide that “money talks and bologna walks”:

“Iran-Saudi Deal Cements China as a Regional Power”


Find your value in life from the journey not the destination. That way when some drunk runs you over with their SUV because they ran a stop sign while speaking on the cellphone, at least you may find some gratitude for your existence while you bleed out on the pavement:

“Beware of Destination Addiction—a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, or with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are. ~Robert Holden

(Book: Authentic Success”


“Did you know that infectious diseases are often linked to deforestation? In the last 50 years, 75 per cent of all infectious diseases came from wildlife.

To help prevent future outbreaks, we must take care of our forests. Working together is key: collaboration between conservationists, Indigenous Peoples, and governments is important to protect these vibrant ecosystems. Learn more:

“Forests can protect us from future pandemics if we give them a chance”

At FSC, we bring environmental, economic, and social interests together for forests. Join our mission and become a forest steward yourself:

“Simple actions can protect forests for all, forever” [unfortunately our forests are dying and there is nothing we can do about until the climate is brought under very profound control]

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