Catocala species
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-08-08 _F2A6802aaa2p
America is already talking about wars to take other countries water, when they haven’t even mandated low water use toilets!
“Already the clouds are melting rapidly. Kenji Noguchi, who climbed Everest, testifies in 2021 that he was on the brink of death from a sudden avalanche covered in warming. Badman's New Year Yoshio Nishioka /HUTAN Group
We need to do more than sound the alarm in this emergency. All nations must act together to protect people and communities alike. Along with investing in climate change-strong buildings, infrastructure, and water pipelines, we need to invest in policies that protect valuable water resources and their ecosystems for the future. By building systemic capacity, integrating risk reduction measures, by ensuring that everyone around the world is protected by an early warning system that protects lives from dangerous climate and weather events by 2027
Strengthening research, data, and monitoring functions on current and forecasted snowstorms and storm changes to help formulate plans, strategies, and priorities for better management of climate change, and, above all, avoid the worst impacts of climate change by avoiding global warming to a 1.5°C rise.
Reducing emissions, strengthening adaptation measures, and ensuring climate justice is urgently needed. Also, developing countries must have the resources to adapt to climate disasters and build resilience.
Antarctica loses an average of 1,500 trillion tonnes of salt each year. Greenland's crown is fading even faster, losing 2,700 billion tonnes annually. Observedly, all the holes lost in just one year is equivalent to a 5 meter high wall of steel covering the whole of my home country, Portugal.
Also think about the vast mountain falls on almost every continent. In Asia, for example, ten major rivers source in the Himalayas, supplying fresh water to the 13 billion people who live there. President Lahmon has long warned about the damage to communities and people caused by gun misconduct. We've already seen how the melting of snow in the Himalayas worsened the floods in Pakistan.
If rivers and lakes continue to regress over the next few decades, major rivers in the Himalayas such as Indas, Ganges, Brahmaputra rivers will be affected and their flow will diminish. On top of that, sea surface and seawater infiltration will destroy much of these giant deltas.
In fact, a new edit of data released by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warns that the world's average sea level has risen more rapidly in the past 3,000 years since 1900 than any other century.
Let's stop global warming. Let's help every country build a more resilient future. Act now to further mobilize the political, private, and public will to protect the oceans and all they give us in the Year of 2025 for Space Conservation.”
“Glaciers Largest Freshwater Reservoir on Planet, But Threatened by Global Warming, Secretary-General Warns Event, Stressing Consequences Could Be Catastrophic”
Washington bashes China and we see violence involving Asians. Politicians launch campaign against trans and we see violence involving Trans. And everybody has guns. YOU CAN’T SAY & DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO MANIPULATE VOTERS AND\OR GET CAMPAIGN DONATIONS - THE DEMGOPS HAVE CREATED A NATION THAT IS A HELL HOLE!
“Rosa Parks takes her seat on the bus, 1956. Her book “The Life of Rosa Parks” was banned today in FL”
“US Foreign Policy: A flowchart”
Caitlin Johnstone:
“I has now been three weeks since Australia “left” media launched a freakish propaganda campaign to promote war with China in which they trial-ballooned the idea of bringing back conscription. The massive public backlash appears to have scared them off, because rather than doubling down they’ve stepped back and gone silent on the matter. I think we can call that a win, for now.”
Buttigieg strikes again!:
“This is just amazing! Our national rail system is in an utter state of neglect and disrepair. And nobody seems to be checking during extreme climate events.”
“55-car train carrying no passengers derails in California”
The Epoch of our species own Suicide:
The situation is dire in many respects, including poor conditions of sea ice, levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, extreme weather causing droughts, flooding and storms, land suffering from deforestation, desertification, groundwater depletion and increased salinity, and oceans suffering from ocean heat, oxygen depletion, acidification, stratification, etc. These are the conditions that we're already in now.
On top of that, the outlook over the next few years is grim. Circumstances are making the situation even more dire, such as the emerging El Niño, a high peak in sunspots, the Tonga eruption that added a huge amount of water vapor to the atmosphere. Climate models often average out such circumstances, but over the next few years the peaks just seem to be piling up, while the world keeps expanding fossil fuel use and associated infrastructure that increases the Urban Heat Island Effect.
As a result, feedbacks look set to kick in with ever greater ferocity, while developments such as crossing of tipping points could take place with the potential to drive humans (and many other species) into extinction within years. The temperature on land on the Northern Hemisphere may rise so strongly that much traffic, transport and industrial activity could suddenly grind to a halt, resulting in a reduction in cooling aerosols that are now masking the full wrath of global heating. Temperatures could additionally rise due to an increase in warming aerosols and gases as a result of more biomass and waste burning and forest fires.
As a final straw breaking the camel's back, the world keeps appointing omnicidal maniacs who act in conflict with best-available scientific analysis including warnings that humans will likely go fully extinct with a 3°C rise.
From the post 'We are now in the Suicene', at:”