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12/2022 Don't be bamboozled - the US was behind western oligarch's coup in Peru

Updated: Jan 17

After Bolsonaro, if Democrat's Private Equity doesn't have jungle to destroy$$$ they'll go into full blown cardiac arrest

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio canadensis)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2016-05-11 New-Out99999_017_018_99998aaa

“Once again, U.S. got away with a coup, overthrowing the democratically elected Govt of Peru and replacing it with a right wing of oligarchs.

US foreign policy, when it comes to none white democratically elected governments that stand up to US imperialist, can be summarized in one phrase: Interventionist Policy of sabotage, military interventions, coups, regime changes, and supporting right wing fascists-Capitalists.”

“Pedro Castillo, the president of Peru, who won the election in 2021 by a margin of 44,300 votes, has been detained as a result of a right-wing congress-led coup. The American embassy in Peru moved swiftly to back the right-wing Congress, which holds a majority now.

To "reestablish the rule of law and democracy" in Peru, he attempted to dismiss congress as congress prepared for an impeachment trial against him. Right-wing billionaires that control the congress frequently depose presidents who don't advance their interests.

Castillo had little power left, with the right wing controlling the government. Before he ever took office, Fujimori challenged the election results, which led to numerous impeachment efforts and legal challenges.

Peru is constantly seeing legislative crises. In the last five years, Peru has had six presidents. Its democratic state institutions were destroyed by the fascist Fujimori regime supported by the US.”

“A coup by oligarchs in Peru”


“It is getting a lot worse. Look at the USA now. There was very little red last week.

Methane is lighter than air so this is methane coming out of the ground and out of the methane wells.”


Pete Buttigieg is a dud:

“Next month I am traveling from NYC to Chicago, the 3rd busiest air route in the country, which takes 19.5 hours via Amtrak on a daily train. This is the same distance as Beijing to Shanghai, which takes only 4.3 hours and leaves every 20 minutes. This country can do better.”


“Armando SousaThe Greta Effect

December 7 at 4:58 PM ·

The #climatecrisis and its impact on snow and ice has caused the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to delay naming the host city for the 2030 Winter Games.

A statement from the organization explained that its executive board needed more time to choose a host city after a report led to ‘a wider discussion on climate change, sustainable winter sport, and future opportunities and challenges.’

The statement continued, ‘Upon the request of the commission, the executive board decided to give the commission more time to study all these factors and opportunities to make the best possible decisions about future hosting.’


“Beril, William and Guy's latest collaboration on the "Aerosol Masking Effect" has been turned down for publication not because it's wrong, but because it identifies, what Dr James E Hansen calls, "Our Faustian Bargain". There is a parallel with Jem Bendell's paper "Deep Adaption". This culture runs away from 'existential threats', that's neither a sane response, nor a scientific one.

I'll post my blog post on Global Dimming Keeping the Planet Habitable below for further reference.”

“When the Bullseye is the Wrong Target”


“Industrial livestock operations can produce millions of gallons of manure per year. Only one third of them have a federal permit.”

“These Poop Lagoons Can Poison Waterways, but Regulation Is Patchy

Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) produce dangerous amounts of animal waste, but only one third of them have a federal permit.”


“This. This is why every American, every union, every working person should be fighting for #UniversalHealthcare.”

Benjamin Pope:

“This is why US companies want healthcare to be tied to employment: you can use it for strikebreaking

The New School:

As announced on Monday, we have made the difficult decision to stop paying wages and premiums for healthcare benefits for employees who are striking. Up to this point, we have continued to compensate our facult….


“Money can’t buy happiness” means “the mindless accumulation of excess wealth ultimately leads to diminishing returns on happiness.” It does not mean “poor people should learn to be content without basic necessities or financial security.”


“Shura Hana>Scientists Warning

December serving up baked Alaska and warming most of Arctic...

Much of the Arctic is in a burst of freak December warming.

"In Utqiagvik, Alaska’s northernmost community formerly known as Barrow, it hit 40 degrees (4.4 degrees Celsius) Monday morning. That’s not only a record by six degrees (3.3 degrees Celsius) but it’s the warmest that region has seen on record from late October to late April, according to Rick Thoman, a climate specialist at the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

It rained over the weekend in Nome, Alaska, which is unusual but not unheard of for December and the town also had record-breaking warmth Sunday. Savoonga Creek was flooding and didn’t have snow cover, nor did the town of Teller northwest of Nome, where snow this time of year is used for drinking water, Thoman said."

I hate to say it, but the #Arctic has #cancer and it's us.

“December serving up baked Alaska and warming most of Arctic”


“For over 10,000 years, the Badger-Two Medicine area in Montana has provided strength, subsistence, & cultural identity for the Blackfeet Nation.

But fossil fuel companies want to drill the area for profit. They've been trying to do so for decades, and now they're at it again. The Blackfeet Nation, represented by Earthjustice, is fighting back in court.”

“Too Sacred To Drill”


“A small Wisconsin town is again at the center of a battle over how communities can regulate large, industrial farming operations in their backyards.”

“A tiny Wisconsin town tried to stop pollution from factory farms. Then it got sued.

"This is standard operating procedure for the Big Ag boys."”


“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.” Ansel Adams

“Yes it is. We must always hold our leaders accountable, regardless of our level of support. They work for us!”

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