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11/2022 Charles Koch Industries, Fake Scientists, and Rush Limbaugh Invented Climate Denial

Updated: Jan 17

Luckily it didn’t cut into America’s budget to concentrate wealth via War:

“Heat Waves Driven By Climate Change Have Cost The World $16 Trillion Since The 90s”

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio canadensis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019-06-03 _F2A4363aaa

“Sweden sees record heat for this late in the year”


“Why inflation will likely stay sky-high regardless of which party wins the midterms”


Yachts for everyone:

“The World’s Largest Oil Company Posts Record-High Free Cash Flow”

“Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil company, saw its net income surge by 39% in the third quarter compared to 2021.”


American Libertarians are equally a bunch of losers:

“Britain’s Libertarian Catastrophe and the “Science” of Economics

What’s revealing about economists’ reaction to PM Liz Truss’s spectacular failure in office”


And don’t expect any help from the American Govt:

“Studies indicate that new Omicron subvariants could cause devastating COVID-19 surge in US”


Our craven geriatric leadership caste:

“The United States of Denial

As the leader of the Western cultural failure”


“BP joins rivals with bumper $8.2 bln profit”


“The Right-Wing Media Is a Conspiracy Engine That Enables Political Violence

Conservatives’ despicable reactions to the attack on Paul Pelosi tell a horrific story about how dark the far-right’s media ecosystem has become.”


“On Guam there is no birdsong, you cannot imagine the trauma of a silent island”

“Climate change, invasive species and military expansion have formed an unholy trinity that threatens our small but ancient civilization”


1984 hits home in a big way:

Department of Homeland Security is curbing speech that although fact reflects undesirably on the American leadership cast:

Quote: “…factual information shared, typically out of context, with harmful intent) that allegedly threatens U.S. interests.” Vague and broad and open to capricious political whims.

By “disinformation” they mean “considers dangerous” to an American failed fascist State. It can be the truth and still be considered dangerous because it doesn’t reflect favorably on a Christo fascist America:

“Truth cops”


Dept of Homeland Security is partnering with Facebook to censor content that threatens national security. Under fascist rule that means content that may threaten profit - regardless of any profit’s disregard for flesh & blood citizens pr the economy (it’s, as always, all about the wealth of the few, not the country or future


Then why do we give them so much money? Answer: AIPAC:

“Israel's budget surpluses are becoming a habit”


So many people are going to die just because the rich wanted to be richer:

“Earth Is Now In A "Code Red" Situation Due To Climate Change, Warn Scientists

Scientists have warned that the earth's condition has deteriorated to the point where "humanity is unequivocally facing a climate emergency."”


“Climate Disruption Caused by a Decline in Marine Biodiversity and Pollution”


The United States of throwing it in reverse:

“Teacher Exodus Proves We Are Willfully Destroying US Public Education

Republicans are literally running a political platform on weakening teachers, schools and education because they need the poorly educated to make up their voting base.”


The American govt & rich special interests don’t care about what happens to the 99% so long as they get what they want:

“When the Supreme Court loses Americans’ loyalty, chaos – even violence – can follow”


“COP27: How debt-for-climate swaps can help solve low-income countries’ crushing debt and environmental challenges at the same time”


“Shell Paid No Windfall Tax in UK Despite Record Global Profits”


“Windfall Profits Tax 'Is Sorely Needed' But More Oil Is Not, Groups Warn Biden

"Drilling more won't lower prices for U.S. consumers. More oil from U.S. lands will just be exported," said one critic. "And more investment in oil drilling will deepen our dependence on fossil fuels when the worsening climate catastrophe demands we speed the transition."”


“A Wealth Tax Won't End Inequality But It Could Help Fund a Much Better Society

Just a small annual levy on America's grandest fortunes could finance a better future for all of America's kids and families.”


There is no way in hell Charles Koch is going to permit the US Environmental Protection Agency to materially help the environment:

“The EPA Is Creating a “Green Bank” — Here’s What That Means”


“US throws out charges against interest rate ‘rigger’”


“Jobs surge as Fed raises rates to cool the economy” try Federal Reserves’ raising of the basic cost of living by increasing interest rates results in predatory corporations offering low paying, low-to-no benefits jobs to trap the nonrich desperate to put food on the table to feed their kids


An unprecedented number of areas in the global north are experiencing extremely worrisome warmer weather for this time of year. In context with the deadly heat in the summer of 2022 this does NOT bode well for what is coming in 2023. HAVE A PLAN.


Fred Koch killed 6 million with Hitler and his son didn’t want to be out done so,…Washington gave COVID mgmt. to him:

“How The Koch Network Hijacked The War On COVID”

“As Omicron surges, a shadowy institute filled with fringe doctors appears to be part of big business’ two-year strategy to legitimize attacks on pandemic interventions.”


Fred Koch killed 6 million with Hitler and his son didn’t want to be out done so,…Washington let him foment destruction and death:

“How Koch Industries, Fake Scientists, and Rush Limbaugh Invented Climate Denial”


The rich will not inconvenience themselves to save the lives of what they consider inferior beings:

“The Lancet: Immediate Action on Climate Could Save the Lives of Millions”

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