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12/2022 Ban all but LED light bulbs - they "use 90% less energy, and last up to 25 times longer"

Updated: Jan 17

We need common sense rules NOW to save ourselves and the planet

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio canadensis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016-06-01 389aaap

The conservative ban on enacting common sense rules to save the planet is appalling to the point of criminal:

“It takes 713 pounds of coal to generate enough electricity to power a 100-watt incandescent light bulb for a year. LED light bulbs use 90% less energy, and last up to 25 times longer. Learn more:

“Glaciers are melting faster than at any point in history”


“‘An invisible killer’: how fishing gear became the deadliest marine plastic”

“Plastic in the depths: as ‘ghost gear’ chokes the ocean, campaigners call for mandatory measures including buy-back schemes and recycling”

“"Efforts to tackle ghost gear have so far been piecemeal and mainly voluntary, which does not fit the enormous scale and transnational nature of the waste . . Most solutions are only really going to be effective if everybody is doing it.” - Christina Dixon, Environmental Investigation Agency.

Learn more about abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG), known unofficially as “ghost gear”, from The Guardian:...”


“Marguerite Elia writes:

Ignorance of history, geography, culture allows for indoctrination about U.S. exceptionalism & is how U.S. got away w/war atrocities they inflicted on many peoples around the globe for so long. it is DELIBERATE policy.”


“4 billion years of Earth Evolution out the window because homo sapiens in the last 200 years love instant gratifications”


“Earth:: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions”


“Westerners look down on the rest of the world for reasons that either directly or indirectly relate to the poverty in those nations, which is silly because that poverty comes from western theft and exploitation. It’s like mugging someone then scorning them for their empty wallet.”


“The secret of freedom and peace lies in telling the truth”

“Once you know some things, you can't unknow them. It's a burden that can never be given away.”


“weird how turning the net into basically a handful of apps run by a few white guys in the same zip code transformed humanity’s greatest invention into a genocide machine capable of resurrecting & funding a hate movement penniless & practically dormant by the late 90s”

“Fascism. They brought back fascism.”


“The system cannot be fixed by the system.” Tom Morello


“Nationalize the Railroads”

“As we learned in the recent rail union contract negotiations, ruthless profit-seeking has made conditions for railworkers unbearable. It’s also made railroads less efficient. America badly needs a national rail service owned and operated for the public good.”


“I’ve been reported to the Twitter police because I said Palestinians have the right to live with dignity in their own land.”

“Zionists own America including its MSM-social media.”


Cartoon of cancelling Student Debt while DemGops lavished billionaire tax breaks, corporate subsidies, and ppp loan forgiveness


“If we ended industrial animal agriculture, there'd suddenly be more than enough food for everyone, we'd essentially end animal cruelty, no one would die, and we'd take a huge bite out of the climate and ecological emergency. We could do this basically overnight.| Peter Kalmus”


“The powers that be not only try to control events, but they try to control our memory and understanding of these events, which is part of controlling the event themselves.” Michael Parenti


“The decline of religious affiliation in the United States has harmed the Left more than the Right. It has also produced millions of spiritual-but-not-religious Americans who are lonely and hungry for a nourishing community. We should organize them.”

“As Religious Institutions Decline, the Left Loses Out. We Can Change That.”


“Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. The come out of struggles from below.”

Noam Chomsky


An opinion of a man whose company is deeply tied to the oil industry’s success. JP Morgan even has custody of America’s Strategic Oil Reserve not to mention being extensively involved in leasing large hard assets used by the oil and gas industry. Dimon’s JP Morgan is in fact so aligned with Big Oil that I was told in Grad School that JP Morgan is actually an oil company that does banking on the side. His influence over Washington must be purged:

“If the lesson was learned from Ukraine, we need cheap, reliable, safe, secure energy, of which 80% comes from oil and gas. And that number’s going to bwe very high for 10 to 20 years.” Jamie Dimon, CEO JP Morgan


“It’s wild that landlords can deny people a place to live based on a credit score, but paying rent on time doesn’t count towards people’s credit score.”

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