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4/2023 Zambia, Ghana, France, Saudi's, Viet Nam, etc...US is international pariah thxs to Dems\Reps

Updated: Jan 17

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio canadensis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-06-06 _F2A5251aaa

“Clearview AI scraped 30 billion images from Facebook and other social media sites and gave them to cops: it puts everyone into a 'perpetual police line-up'”


They want a permanent working class as to do their wealth building and wealth retention. And they made the thinking behind what that means in overseeing the mass a reality:

“More than half of Americans think college degrees are waste of money: Poll”


“Global Oil Prices Surge After OPEC Announces Production Cut”


“It keeps getting worse: Florida property insurance rates set to jump up to 60%”


“Silver leaf disease is a curse for a variety of botanicals, from pears to roses to rhododendron. Aside from the risk of losing the occasional rose bush, the fungal disease has never been considered a problem for humans. Until now.”

“Plant Fungus Infects Human in First Reported Case of Its Kind”


Buttigieg strikes again!


Yet another train derailment sees 25 freight cars tumble into a Montana river just weeks after massive crashes in South Dakota and Ohio

A 25-car train derailment happened Sunday in Sanders County, Montana

There is no threat to the public at this time, first responders say

The incident comes after other massive derailments in Ohio and Minnesota

IMAGE: At least 25 cars on a train traveling through Montana derailed Sunday morning, spilling out contents into the area and a local body of water.”


“Like this comment:

‘I will never understand why they even had “ties” to begin with’

The so called peace treaty in Camp David created by Jimmy Carter, between Egypt and Apartheid State of Israel was the start of abandoning the Palestinian cause by the Arab nations. In the next several years majority of Arab countries were pushed in to ‘peace’ with Israel, by the US, which meant nothing more than abandoning the Palestinian people and letting Apartheid State of Israel taking more and more of Palestine.

As we all are aware now, there is almost nothing left of Palestine since the settlement building has covered all the occupied territories. Thanks to Jimmy Carter .

Ironically Carter now believes that the State of Israel is an Apartheid State, which he himself had a significant role in creating it!!”

“Jordan’s Parliament votes to expel “Israeli” ambassador, and there are reports that UAE plans to reduce diplomatic relations with the zio colony over recent remarks by its minister about Palestinians.

Time to just cut all ties!!!”


“Not one single person who paid to rape children on Epstein’s Island has been arrested.”


America Back Off!

America has no moral authority when it comes to lecturing Africa about democracy. That’s the stinging assessment of Zambia’s opposition leader, Fred Mnembe.

He delivered it during the visit of US Vice President Kamal Harris. And pointed to her country’s ruthless pursuit of coups and enslavement in the past.”

“The President of Ghana setting things straight. Kamala wasn’t ready for this.

The US Empire may consider China & Russia to be “enemies” – but the rest of the world does not. Most of the world wants trade, cooperation, and peace.”


“There’s a common thread linking many of the high-profile chemical spills that have made headlines across the country lately: the oil and gas industry. The industry is growing and that means more incidents like East Palestine.”

“The thread that ties the recent chemical spills together

The growing oil and gas industry means more incidents like East Palestine.”


“Fewer than 20% of the people on this planet have ever been on a plane, because over 80% can’t afford to fly, and they’ll bear the brunt of climate disasters caused in part by all the flying.”


Val Eisman:

"Based on the latest models, releasing 1,000 gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere will completely melt the southern region of the ice sheet. Go up to 2,500 gigatons, and almost the entire ice sheet would be wiped away permanently."

“The Greenland Ice Sheet Is Getting Close to a Melting Point of No Return”

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