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2/2023 Navy Puts Climate Change at Top of Threat List. Biden approves Willow Point oil mega project

Updated: Jan 17

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio canadensis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2022-07-24 _F2A4537aaa

Navy Puts Climate Change at Top of Threat List - Larry Wilkerson”

Since 2019, Washington has been busy making sure the military is climate resilient but has done nothing for American citizens. Our schools, hospitals, roads, communication infrastructure, fresh water (Colorado River and lakes Mead and Powell), etc all of it, everything not military is being allowed to fend for itself. This is going to send cascades of death and suffering through the civilian population (non billionaire) as infrastructure critical to functioning and survival fail. That profits made available from this chaos is staggering:


Most are shareholders in Big Oil:

“Asking our political representatives to help us take back our planet is like asking the fox to help us take back the hens that he stole !”

Oil and Gas Money to Congress

Subsidies to Big Oil are outright flat out theft – Our politicians are merely laundering taxpayer resources through corporations that will pay it to them as dividends, buy backs and growth in stock value.

“Members of Congress Own Up to $93 Million in Fossil Fuel Stocks

As dire climate change projections mount, one in four members of Congress is invested in oil, gas, or coal interests.”


“Warnings to Action: Mobilising Humanity”


“Do you REALLY want to FIGHT climate change ?

The book «The New Climate War» shows us how we can take the bold steps we must all take together to win the battle to save this planet. - Greta Thunberg”


“Climate wars - What people will be killed for in the 21st century !”


“Interesting Anti-Establishment Spin from Glenn Greenwald...”

“Marjorie Taylor Greene on the Faltering Trust in Our Institutions”


“One acre of Hemp produces more oxygen than 25 acres of forest.”


“For generations, public media has expanded our minds, informed our daily lives, and educated our children. Protect this invaluable public service.”

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